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PDSA Practice Improvement Plan PDSA Practice Improvement Plan (Guidelines) The assignment will be divided into four phases. This is a research project. This means that students

PDSA Practice Improvement Plan PDSA Practice Improvement Plan (Guidelines)

The assignment will be divided into four phases.

  • This is a research project.
  • This means that students will need to do research and cite their sources on each of the PowerPoint slides PLUS list the sources used in the presentation in a "References" section located at the end of the presentation.

The PDSA project will give the student the experience to initiate and coordinate planned changes in a healthcare organization. This assignment aims to engage the student in analyzing an evidence-based practice scenario within their clinical experiences. 

Students will use the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's (2020) Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Directions and Examples as a guideline for this assignment - Please review the web links posted in your course's Canvas site

Part I: Plan

  1. Problem Identification
    • Problem Identification: Identify a clinical problem you observed at the clinical site.
    • Review policies, procedures, and guidelines of care to assess if there is a standard or policy to improve practice.
    • Talking with patients about their perceptions of the care. Is there a problem, a patient, or a population negatively affected by the present standard of practice?
    • Talk to your preceptor and/or staff at your clinical site to help you identify your problem.
    • Remember to cite  sources on each of the PowerPoint slides PLUS list the sources used in the presentation in a "References" section located at the end of the presentation.
      • Due to HIPAA, you cannot cite patients, friends, or family members.  However, you can cite preceptors or staff with their prior approval.
  2. Review of Literature
    • Review of literature: What level of knowledge is out there in professional journals to address identified problem? 
    • Use professional databases (CINAHL, MEDLINE, and/or PubMed) to research your "identified problem"
      • MDC students can access these professional organizations by logging into their course's Canvas course and then clicking on the following:
        • MDC Resources
          • Tutoring and Librarians: Access a Variety of Services
            • Databases and Streaming Services
              • Research Tools & Services
                • Academic Search Complete
                  • EBSCOhost
  • Choose Databases
    • Check and see if there are any evidence-based guidelines already published?
    • Most of the literature reviewed should utilize systematic reviews, meta-analyses, or clinical guidelines. 
    • Individual studies review expert opinion articles, and clinical articles can be used as supportive literature for clinical issues with limited research.
    • Each student needs to use a minimum of five (5) research articles on the identified problem using the following professional databases (i.e., CINAHL, MEDLINE, and/or PubMed).
  1. I plan to: You will write a concise statement of what you plan to do in your PDSA project
  2. I hope this produces: Here you will put a measurement or outcome that you hope to achieve with your project
  3. PICO(T) Question
    • Must use template posted in Canvas titled, "PICOT Question Template.pdf" to develop your PICOT question for this assignment
      • Must state which template you used (i.e., intervention, therapy, prognosis/prediction, diagnosis, etiology, meaning)
      • Once this “P” factor is determined, a clinical question should be developed using the PICO(T) process.

The Process

  1. Steps to Execute: Write the steps you're going to take in the PDSA cycle, the population you are working with, and the time limit
    • The population could be a patient, a problem, a population, a unit, a division, or an organization problem.
    • The time limit that you will use in this project —remember, it does not have to be long enough to get your results. 
      • The time limit must be within the time you spend at your clinical site
      • This means that is you start your clinical hours on September 3rd and end your clinical hours on October 6, your project is limited to the dates/times you were at your clinical site.

Part II: Do

  • After you have your plan, you will execute it or set it in motion.
    • During this implementation, you will be keen to watch what happens once you do this.
  • What did you observe? Here you will gather data (i.e., numbers) during your implementation.
    • This may include how the patients react, how the nurses react, and how it fits in with your organizational system. You will ask, "Did everything go as planned?" "Did I have to modify the plan?"
    • In this section, each student needs to present data (i.e., numbers)

Part III: Study

  • After implementation, you will study the results (i.e., data that you gathered).  Must answer the following questions:  
    • What did you learn? 
    • Did you meet your measurement goals? Here you will record how well it worked, if you met your goal.

Part IV: Act

  • What did you conclude from this cycle? 
    • You will write what you came away with for this implementation and whether it worked.
    • Moreover, if it did not work, what can you do differently in your next cycle to address that?
    • Is your clinical site ready to implement your PDSA project across your entire practice if it did work?


  1. In this section, you will list the materials that you handed out at your clinical site on the day your presented your project. The required material is the following:
    • Handouts - Must create an original handout that you give to your audience. 
      • A copy of the handout must be screenshot and shared on your PowerPoint presentation.
      • Please submit a copy of your handout as a file along with your PowerPoint presentation.

PowerPoint Presentation of PDSA Project

  • Students will use the PDSA Project - PowerPoint Presentation Template posted in Canvas to present their PDSA project to the preceptor and other team members at the clinical practicum site and for grading in Canvas under Assignments

The presentation should follow all the criteria posted in the PDSA Project - PowerPoint Presentation Template: (Please also review Grading Rubric below before starting assignment)

  •  a) Download PDSA Project - PowerPoint Presentation Template that is posted in Canvas
    • This is a guide.
    • It is part of the assignment for each student to create their own PowerPoint slides.
    • The PowerPoint template posted cannot be downloaded and revised.
  •  Design a handout to give out on the day of your presentation to your preceptor, unit leadership, and other team members at your practicum site.  
  • The handout must contain all the major headings and a brief summary of each:
    • Title of Project
    • Problem Identified
    • Plan: State PICOT question
    • Do: What did you observe? (Use data to answer this question)
    • Study: What did you learn? Did you meet your measurement goals?
    • Act: What did you conclude from this cycle?
    • Add photos, graphics, tables, etc to your handout to enhance presentation of information
  • A copy (i.e., screenshot) of the handout must be included in your PowerPoint presentation. 
  • Each student will prepare a minimum of 3 discussion questions to pose to their audience and to generate discussion about the project and      potential for implementation.
    • List your discussion questions as an "Appendix" in your PowerPoint presentation
  • Presentation delivery: professional demeanor, professional dress, and generated discussion. 
    • Take a picture of yourself and the staff on the day of the presentation and copy and paste it to your title PowerPoint slide)

Please upload/submit your PDSA PowerPoint presentation in Canvas using the above guidelines by the due date and time.


  • When submitting your assignment in Canvas, please note that your work will be reviewed by TurnItIn for similarities to other published work.  Any work that scores 20% or higher in TurnItIn will receive a grade of 0 points. If your score is 20% or higher, please review to see where your total similarity percentage is coming from.  Then, revise your work and resubmit until your score is less than 20%.

If you have any questions on the guidelines or grading rubric for this assignment, please ask before you start working on the assignment. 

After you turn in your assignment, it is too late to ask for clarifications or to resubmit because you missed required criteria and do not. like your grade.




PDSA Project Presentation

PDSA Project Presentation




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTitle of the Presentation

10 pts


Clear, concise engaging and connects to the purpose of work

5 pts


Clear but not engaging or not connecting to the purpose of work

2.5 pts


Unclear, does not connect to the purpose of work

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePLAN

10 pts


Comprehensively describes problem identified, what the plan is, the PICO(T) question, and summarizes results of the literature review.

5 pts


Adequately describes problem identified, what the plan is, the PICO(T) question, and summary of the results of the literature review.

2.5 pts


Provides a limited description of the problem identified, what the plan is, the PICO(T) question, and results of the literature review.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTHE PROCESS

10 pts


Succinctly identifies all actions taken to implement the plan (problem, population, and time limit). Time frame for PDSA project is within student's clinical practicum period.

5 pts


Identifies some actions taken to implement the plan (problem, population, and time limit) but not all. Time frame for PDSA project is within student's clinical practicum period.

2.5 pts


Fails to identify actions taken to implement the plan (problem, population, and time limit). Time frame for PDSA project falls outside student's clinical practicum period.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDO

10 pts


Clearly describes data (i.e., numbers) gathered during the implementation period and demonstrates data collected over the intervention period of the project.

5 pts


Describes some vague data (i.e., numbers) gathered during implementation period of the project.

2.5 pts


Does not describe any data gathered over the intervention period of the project.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLiterature Supporting Intervention

10 pts


Clearly describes and summarizes the current state of literature related to the intervention used in the PDSA project. (Used 5 or more research articles)

5 pts


Adequately describes and summarizes the current state of literature related to the intervention used in the PDSA project. (Used only 3 research articles).

2.5 pts


Poor description of current state of the literature related to the intervention used in the PDSA project. (Used less than 3 research articles).

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSTUDY

10 pts


Clearly presents findings of the intervention using data (i.e., numbers), describes what was learned, and states whether or not goal was met.

5 pts


Vaguely describes findings of the intervention using data (i.e. numbers), what was learned, and whether or not goal was met.

2.5 pts


Fails to present the findings of the intervention using data (i.e. numbers), and/or what was learned, and/or whether goals were met or not.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeACT

10 pts


Provides detail discussion of the data (i.e., numbers) of the PDSA cycle, if the plan worked, draws logical conclusion from the data, and discusses dissemination of findings.

5 pts


Vaguely describes the data (i.e., numbers) of the PDSA cycle, if the plan worked, conclusion from the data, and dissemination of findings.

2.5 pts


Fails to discuss the data (i.e., numbers) of the PDSA cycle, if the plan worked, conclusion from the data, or dissemination of findings.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format

10 pts


APA (7th ed.) style followed correctly. Used parenthetical or narrative citations in each PowerPoint slide. Title slide follows 100% APA format. Sources cited in the presentation are all listed 100% correctly in APA format in the References section.

5 pts


APA (7th ed.) style and formatting have some minor errors. Used parenthetical or narrative citations, in 50% of the PowerPoint slides, the title slide followed APA format at least 50%, At least 50% of the sources used in the presentation are cited using APA format correctly in the References section.

2.5 pts


Fails to follow APA (7th ed.) format 49% or less through the presentation including: parenthetical/narrative citations, title slide, and references section.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation

10 pts


The PowerPoint presentation is clear and engaging, and well-organized. None of the slides are packed with information (i.e., less than 10 lines of text used in each slide). Any audio or visual aids (e.g., slides, music, etc) contribute meaningfully to the presentation. None of the graphics used cover the text presented in the slides. The logic of the presentation is easy to follow. All verbal and/or written information is legible, understandable, and easy to see/hear. All the of the headings (i.e., 100%) at the top of each slide are consistent (i.e., same size and centered) as well as the fonts used.

5 pts


The PowerPoint presentation is clear and organized. The visuals are appealing, but the slides are too packed (i.e., more than 10 lines appear in several slides) with information that runs off the slide. The majority (i.e., 50% or more) of the headings at the top of each slide are consistent (i.e., same size and centered) as well as the fonts used.

2.5 pts


The PowerPoint presentation was unclear and difficult to follow. The flow of information was confusing. The presentation was overly wordy, robotic, and/or audio and visual aids failed to add anything to the understandability of the presentation. More than 50% of the slides were packed (i.e., more than 10 lines of text per slide) with text or graphics that ran off the borders of the slide making it difficult to read or understand information presented. Less than 50% of the headings at the top of each slide are consistent (i.e., same size and centered) as well as the fonts used.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHandout

10 pts

Full Marks

The handout is well-organized and covers each of the key points of the PDSA cycle listed in the guidelines above.

5 pts


The handout is organized but only covers at least 50% of the key points of the PDSA cycle listed in the guidelines above.

0 pts


The handout is poorly design and difficult to read, missing the majority of the key points of the PDSA cycle listed in the guidelines above.

10 pts

Total Points: 100