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PRJ6001 Applied Project Assessment-1 Assignment Help

PRJ6001 Applied Project Assessment-1 Assignment Help

Assessment 1: Project Brief


Due date:

Week 4



Word count/Time provided:

1000 Words



Unit Learning Outcomes:


Assessment 1 Detail

A report outlining the project to be carried out, analyzed and evaluated to address the business goal/problem.

A Research Proposal Brief early in the semester is to ensure feedback about the suitability of the topic and which informs others of a proposed piece of research and its significance. This is the outline of the Research Proposal that could be used as part of an application to undertake a research degree or to apply for funding to conduct the research.

For Assessment Task 1 you need to prepare an outline of your proposed research topic and research plan for investigating the topic using a structure like shown below:

  1. Project Title: This is a brief descriptive summary of the proposed research topic. For ideas on how a project title should look, see the articles in Project Management journals such as the International Journal of Project Management.
  2. Research Overview and Justification: This is a summary of the research topic that describes

the topic and why it is important for a research study to be conducted to investigate the topic.

  1. Brief Literature Review: Outline the objectives, methodologies and findings of at least three most relevant literatures recently (within the last 5 years) published that provide a background for your research topic.
  2. Research Objectives, Research question and Sub-questions: Linking back to sections (2) and (3), present and justify the question that your research project will be designed to answer.
  3. Methodology: Details about how you would answer your research question (e.g., by reviewing trends in national / international statistics, by conducting a survey of consumers, by undertaking interviews with employers) and start to consider any advantages, disadvantages, materials needed or practical limitations of the methodology.
  4. Significance of the research of the project. A summary of the sections ending with a statement of why it is important to conduct the research using the methodology proposed.
  5. Ethical issues. This section would cover any ethical issues (following APIC policy) that are considered in the research.
  6. References and Resources: provide references to key research studies, government reports and/or industry reports using Harvard Referencing.

Assessment 1 Marking Criteria and Rubric

The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 15% of the total unit mark.

Marking Criteria

Not Satisfactory

(0-49% of the criterion mark)


(50-64% of the criterion mark)


(65-74% of the criterion mark)

Very Good

(75-84% of the criterion mark)


(85-100% of the criterion mark)

Understanding of topic including background and rationale (30 marks)


A logical structure and flow with a clear link between the specified problem and the proposed research.

Insufficient linking of the proposed research and the stated problem. The proposal does not demonstrate a clear understanding and background of the topic, provide a rationale for why it was selected, or justify how the Research Project will progress.

Acceptable linking of the

proposed research with the stated problem. The proposal demonstrates some understanding and

background of the topic, and provides a rationale for why it was selected, however it was unclear in places.

Good linking of the proposed research with the stated problem. The proposal

demonstrates a good understanding and

background of the topic, and provides a rationale for why it was selected, however was somewhat unclear in places.

Very good linking of the proposed research with the stated problem. The proposal demonstrates a thorough knowledge and background of the topic and provides a rationale for why it was selected.

Excellent linking of the proposed research with the stated problem. The proposal demonstrates a sophisticated understanding and

background of the topic and provides a clear rationale for why it was selected.

Overview of the intended approach, including study plan. (30 marks)

The proposed methodology is likely to yield a

satisfactory solution to the specified problem.

The plan of the intended approach to the Research Project, including the timeline for completion, is absent or unclear. The methodology is not likely to provide a

satisfactory solution to the specified problem.

The plan of the intended approach to the Research

Project provides somewhat of a strategy for literature review and collection of data and

other materials, but is unclear. The methodology may provide a satisfactory solution to the specified problem.

The plan of the intended approach to the Research

Project provides a strategy for literature review and

collection of data and other materials, but is a little unclear. The methodology is most likely to provide a

satisfactory solution to the specified problem.

The plan of the intended approach to the Research Project is well−developed, with a clear and achievable strategy and timeline for

literature review and

collection of data and other materials. The methodology is highly probable to provide a satisfactory solution to the specified Problem.

The plan of the intended approach to the Research Project is very clear and well− developed, with a coherent and achievable timeline and strategy. The methodology is almost certain to provide a satisfactory solution to the specified problem.

Literature Scan (20 marks)

Latest relevant research is

referred to in the report and the expected research findings are compared to past findings.

The research referred to in the report is not the latest relevant research available and an acceptable

comparison of the expected research findings to past findings is not provided.

The research referred to in the report is current

research available but an acceptable comparison of the expected research

findings to past findings not provided.

The research referred to in the report is the latest

relevant research available and a good comparison of the expected research

findings to past findings are provided.

The research referred to in the report is the latest

relevant research available and a very good comparison of the expected research

findings to past findings are provided.

The research referred to in the report is the latest

relevant research available and an excellent comparison of the expected research

findings to past findings are provided.

Structure and

presentation (10 marks)

Academically written with an appropriate length, structure and clarity of expression.

Correct spelling and grammar.

There are many structural, wording, spelling and

grammatical issues

The ideas are written in a reasonably clear manner, however there are some

structural, wording, spelling and grammatical issues.

The ideas are written and structured in a clear

manner, with only minor wording, spelling and

grammatical issues.

The ideas are written and structured in a very clear manner, with no wording, spelling or grammatical issues.

The ideas are written and structured with excellent

clarity and cohesion, with no wording, spelling or

grammatical issues.

Referencing (10 marks )

Correct citing and reference listing using Harvard

Insufficient and incorrect Harvard listing provided.

Harvard citing a few authors and listing those references with some errors.

Harvard citing for most references with some errors.

Mostly correct Harvard citing in the text and

reference list.

Accurate Harvard citing in the text and reference list for all references.