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PRJ6001Applied Project Assessment-1: Research Proposal Trimester-1, 2025 PRJ6001 AppliedProject Trimester1,2025 Assessment1: Research Proposal Brief

PRJ6001Applied Project Assessment-1: Research Proposal Trimester-1, 2025

PRJ6001 AppliedProject Trimester1,2025 Assessment1: Research Proposal Brief

Assessment Overview



Due Date


Assessment Type

Individual assessment

Word Count/Length

1000words+/-10%(excluding reference list)

Unit Learning Outcomes

In this
assessment, you will be tested on whether you have successfully met the
following Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs):

·       ULO1: Select and apply an appropriate approach to
identify, refine and clarify the problem.

·       ULO2: Formulate a solution for the identified
project, business problem, or research question.

Type and Required Format

The type of assessment you will be completing is a Research Proposal. It should include the following:

·        Assesses students’ understanding of proposal content
expectations and significance of the study.

·        Demonstrates aptitude and skills in
conducting graduate level research

·        Demonstrates understanding of methodology
and application.

·        Assesses preparatory research skills
(literature review, reference list).

Assessment Details

Assessment Purpose

A research proposal outlining the project to be carried out, analysed and
evaluatedto address the business goal/problem. A Research Proposal Brief
early in the semester is to ensure feedback about the suitability of the
topic and which informsothers of a proposed piece of research and its
significance. This is the outline of the Research Proposal that could be used
as part of an application to undertake a research degree or to apply for
funding to conduct the research.

Assessment Instructions

For Assessment Task 1 you need to prepare an outline of
your proposed research topic and research plan for investigating the topicn using astructure like shown below:

1.   Project
This is a brief descriptive summary of the proposed re-
search topic. For ideas on how a project title should look, see the articles
in Project Management journals such as the International Journal of Project

2.   Research
Overview and Justification: 
This is a summary of the re-
search topic that describes the topic and why it is important for a research
study to be conducted to investigate the topic.

3.   Brief
Literature Review: 
Outline the objectives, methodologies and findings
of atleastthree most relevant literatures recently (within last 5 years)
published that provide a background for your re- search topic.

4.      Research
Objectives, Research question and Sub-questions: 
Link- ing
back to sections (2) and (3), present and justify the question that your research
project will be designed to answer.

5.      Methodology:
Details about how you would answer your research question
(e.g., by reviewing trends in national / international sta- tistics, by
conducting a survey of consumers, by undertaking inter- views with
employers)andstartto considerany advantages, disad- vantages, materials
needed or practical limitations of the method- ology.

6.      Significance
of the research of the project. 
A summary of the sec-
tionsendingwithastatementofwhyit is important toconduct the research using
the methodology proposed.

7.      Ethicalissues.Thissectionwouldcoveranyethicalissues(following
APIC policy) that are considered in the research.

8.      References
and Resources: 
provide references to key research studies,
government reports and/orindustry reports using APA 7th Referencing.



In this assessment, the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools is NOT PERMITTED.In this assessment, you must NOT use generative artificial
intelligence (AI) to generate any materials or content in relation to the
assessment task.

This means you are NOT allowed to use any AI tools such as chatbots, text generators, paraphrasers, summariser, or solvers to complete your assessment. You are expected to produce your own work and cite any sources properly.

Engaging with AI tools for this assessment will be treated as a breach of academic integrity. Refer to the Academic Integrity Policy and Procedurefor
more details.

Other ImportantIn formation


It is
strongly recommended that you use the following to find academic peer-
reviewed sources of information.

·       ECALibrarycatalogueanddatabases

·    Unit Readings (Course
For in-text citation and referencing, follow the ECAHE Student Guide to APA 7thReferencing.


On completion of your assessment:

·       FollowtheAssessmentPresentationGuidelines

·       Submit your document as a PDF or MS Word document
via the assessment submission link in Canvas.

·       Include a completed Assessment Cover Sheet, including the AI Declaration (if any), and attach it to the assessment.

·       Savedraftsofyourwork.


For academic support or feedback on a draft of your assessment, please email academic.support@eca.edu.au

For assistance with finding resources, such as books and journal articles, please email library@eca.edu.au

For information and guides on tackling assessments and developing your academic
skills, please visit in the ECA Library and Learning Support website: 

For queries about this specific assessment task, please contact the Unit
Coordinator and/or your relevant teacher.


Criteria(weightedas indicated below)











Understandingoftopic includingbackground and rationale (30 %)

Alogicalstructureand flow with a
clear link betweenthespecified problem and the proposedresearch.

Excellent linking of the proposedresearchwith thestatedproblem.The proposaldemonstratesa sophisticated understandingand
backgroundofthetopic and provides a clear rationaleforwhyitwas selected.

Very good linking of the
proposed research with the stated problem. The proposaldemonstratesa
thoroughknowledgeand background of the topic and provides a rationale for why
it was selected.

Good linking of the proposed research with the stated
problem. The proposaldemonstratesa good understandingand backgroundof the
topic, and provides a rationale for why it was selected, however was somewhat
unclear in places.

Acceptable linking of the
proposed research with the stated problem. The proposal demonstrates
someunderstandingand background of the topic, and provides a rationale for
why it was selected, howeveritwasunclearin places.

Insufficientlinkingofthe proposed research and the
stated problem. The proposal does not demonstrate a clear understandingand
backgroundofthetopic, provide a rationale for why it was selected, or


approach, including study
plan. (30 %)

Theproposed methodologyis likely
to yield a satisfactory solutiontothespecified problem.

The planoftheintended
approach to the Research Project is very clear and well- developed, with a
coherent andachievable timelineandstrategy.The
methodology is almost certain to provide a satisfactory solution to

the specified problem.

Theplanoftheintended approach to
the ResearchProject iswell- developed, with a clear and achievable strategy
and timeline for literature review and collection of data and other
materials. The methodology is highly probable to provide a satisfactory
solution to


The plan of the intended
approach to theResearch Projectprovides a
strategy for literature review and collection of data and other materials
butisalittleunclear.The methodology is most likely to provide a satisfactory
solution to the specified problem.

The planoftheintended approach
to theResearchProjectprovides somewhat
of a strategy for literature reviewand collection of data and other materials
but is unclear. The methodology may provide a satisfactory solution to the
specified problem.

The planoftheintended
approach to the Research Project, includingthetimelinefor completion, is
absent or unclear.The methodologyisnotlikely to provide a satisfactory
solution to the specified problem.


is referred to in the

Theresearchreferredto inthereport isthelatest


inthereport isthelatest


Theresearchreferredto inthereportisthelatest


Theresearchreferredto in the
report is current

researchavailablebut an

Theresearchreferredto in the report is not the


reportandtheexpected research
findings are compared to past findings.

available and an
excellentcomparisonof the expected research findingstopastfindings


availableandaverygood comparison
of the expected research findings to past findings

is provided.

available and a good comparison of the expected
research findingstopastfindings


acceptable comparison
oftheexpectedresearch findings to past findings not provided.

available and an
acceptable comparison oftheexpectedresearch findings to past findings

not provided.

Structure and presentation(10%) Academically written with an appropriate

length,structure and
clarity of expression.

Correctspelling and grammar.

and structured with excellent clarity and cohesion, with no wording, spelling
or grammatical issues.

ideas are written andstructuredinavery clear manner, with no wording,
spelling or grammatical issues.

structured in a clear manner,withonlyminor wording, spelling and grammatical

reasonably clearmanner, however there are some structural, wording, spelling
and grammatical issues.

There are many
structural, wording, spellingandgrammatical issues

Referencing (10 %) Correct citing and referencelistingusing

APA7th Referencing

thetextandreference list for all references.

inthetextandreference list.

APA citing for most referenceswithsome

APA citing for a few
authorsandlistingof thosereferenceswith


Insufficientandincorrect APA listing provided