PRJ6001Applied Project Assessment-1: Research Proposal Trimester-1, 2025 PRJ6001 AppliedProject Trimester1,2025 Assessment1: Research Proposal Brief
PRJ6001Applied Project Assessment-1: Research Proposal Trimester-1, 2025
PRJ6001 AppliedProject Trimester1,2025 Assessment1: Research Proposal Brief
Assessment Overview | |
Weighting | 15% |
Due Date | Week4,Sunday,09/03/2025,by23:55AEST/AEDT |
Assessment Type | Individual assessment |
Word Count/Length | 1000words+/-10%(excluding reference list) |
Unit Learning Outcomes | In this · ULO1: Select and apply an appropriate approach to · ULO2: Formulate a solution for the identified |
Submission | The type of assessment you will be completing is a Research Proposal. It should include the following: · Assesses students’ understanding of proposal content · Demonstrates aptitude and skills in · Demonstrates understanding of methodology · Assesses preparatory research skills |
Assessment Details | |
Assessment Purpose | A research proposal outlining the project to be carried out, analysed and |
Assessment Instructions | For Assessment Task 1 you need to prepare an outline of 1. Project 2. Research 3. Brief 4. Research 5. Methodology: 6. Significance 7. Ethicalissues.Thissectionwouldcoveranyethicalissues(following 8. References |
ArtificialIntelligence(AI) Use | In this assessment, the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools is NOT PERMITTED.In this assessment, you must NOT use generative artificial This means you are NOT allowed to use any AI tools such as chatbots, text generators, paraphrasers, summariser, or solvers to complete your assessment. You are expected to produce your own work and cite any sources properly. Engaging with AI tools for this assessment will be treated as a breach of academic integrity. Refer to the Academic Integrity Policy and Procedurefor |
Other ImportantIn formation |
AssessmentResources | It is · ECALibrarycatalogueanddatabases · Unit Readings (Course |
Submission | On completion of your assessment: · FollowtheAssessmentPresentationGuidelines · Submit your document as a PDF or MS Word document · Include a completed Assessment Cover Sheet, including the AI Declaration (if any), and attach it to the assessment. · Savedraftsofyourwork. |
AssessmentSupport | For academic support or feedback on a draft of your assessment, please email For assistance with finding resources, such as books and journal articles, please email For information and guides on tackling assessments and developing your academic For queries about this specific assessment task, please contact the Unit |
Criteria(weightedas indicated below) | HighDistinction(HD) 85-100 | Distinction(D) 75-84 | Credit(C) 65-74 | Pass(P) 50-64 | Fail(F) 0-49 |
Understandingoftopic includingbackground and rationale (30 %) Alogicalstructureand flow with a | Excellent linking of the proposedresearchwith thestatedproblem.The proposaldemonstratesa sophisticated understandingand | Very good linking of the | Good linking of the proposed research with the stated | Acceptable linking of the | Insufficientlinkingofthe proposed research and the Projectwill |
Overviewof Theproposed methodologyis likely | The planoftheintended | Theplanoftheintended approach to thespecifiedProblem. | The plan of the intended | The planoftheintended approach | The planoftheintended |
LiteratureScan(20%) Latestrelevantresearch | Theresearchreferredto inthereport isthelatest relevantresearch | Theresearchreferredto relevantresearch | Theresearchreferredto inthereportisthelatest relevantresearch | Theresearchreferredto in the researchavailablebut an | Theresearchreferredto in the report is not the latestrelevantresearch |
reportandtheexpected research | available and an is | availableandaverygood comparison is provided. | available and a good comparison of the expected is | acceptable comparison | available and an is |
Structure and presentation(10%) Academically written with an appropriate length,structure and Correctspelling and grammar. | Theideasarewritten | The | Theideasarewrittenand | Theideasarewrittenina | There are many |
Referencing (10 %) Correct citing and referencelistingusing APA7th Referencing | AccurateAPAcitingin | MostlycorrectAPAciting | APA citing for most referenceswithsome | APA citing for a few someerrors. | Insufficientandincorrect APA listing provided |