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Purpose  The purpose of the career planning assignment is to help students prepare for their professional careers beyond university.  Timelines and expectations


The purpose of the career planning assignment is to help students prepare for their professional careers beyond university. 

Timelines and expectations 

Percentage Value of Task: 15% (24 marks) 

Due: Week 8 – Sun, May 5, 2024 – 23:59 

Minimum time expectation: This task will take approximately 15 hours to complete. 

Learning outcomes assessed 

The following learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment: K6, S5 and A3.

Assessment details 


This is an individual task. Students will be required to identify an IT or IT related position, and prepare a written application consisting of an application letter, a written response to the selection criteria, and a resume or curriculum vitae which includes a SIFA skills mapping. In addition, students will be required to have an up-to-date linked-in profile to support their application. 

A quality application will include selection of an appropriate position which matches student’s skill set. Customisation of the application letter and resume to the position. A table which maps at least five (5) SIFA skills, this should be included as part of the resume or CV. A response to the key selection criteria of at least two (2) pages that includes examples of practice from university studies and/or workplace experience. A linked in profile which is not a replica of the resume or CV but presents student’s individual skills in a unique manner. The application should demonstrate initiative and creativity, be neatly presented and free of errors. 


This is not an academic assessment, so presentation will be up to each individual student. Students’ might like to consult the information in the writing guides, layout, and appearance guidelines. Please note, a title page and table of contents are required for this task, however a reference list and in-text references are not required

Submit an electronic copy of your application via Moodle (in .pdf format), name your application file using the following format:

Students should submit the following as ONE file with contents in the following order: • Title page and table of contents 

• A copy of the job advertisement 

• Application letter 

• Response to the key selection criteria 

• Copy of resume or CV which includes a URL of your linked-in profile 


This assignment will be marked by the course coordinator, lecturer and/or tutors. Feedback and marks will be provided in Moodle. Marks will also be available in FDL Marks. 


Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one’s own without properly acknowledging that person. You must not allow other students to copy your work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. More information about the plagiarism policy and procedure for the university can be found at: 

Please refer to the Course Description for information regarding late assignments, extensions, and special consideration. A reminder all academic regulations can be accessed via the university’s website, see:

Marking rubric 

Each criterion below can be awarded from full marks for outstanding to zero for not attempted. This guide can be used as a checklist before submission.







Above Expectation 



At Expectation 



Below Expectation 






Appropriate job 


Selection of an appropriate position that closely matches the student’s skill set.

Selection of a mostly appropriate position that mostly matches the student’s skill set.

Selection of a somewhat appropriate position that somewhat matches the student’s skill set.

Selection of an inappropriate position which is a poor match to the student’s skill set.

Very poor or not completed.

Application letter 

Submission of a high quality 

completely customised application letter.

Submission of a quality, mostly 

customised application letter.

Submission of an adequate partly customised application letter.

Submission of poor, minimal or no customised application letter.

Very poor or not completed.

Key selection 


Submission of high-quality key 

selection criteria of at least 2 pages that include comprehensive examples of practice.

Submission of quality key selection criteria of 1 to 2 pages that include quality detailed examples of practice.

Submission of adequate key 

selection criteria of approximately 1 page that include sufficient examples of practice.

Submission of poor, minimal or no key selection criteria of less than 1 page with poor or no examples of practice.

Very poor or not completed.

Resume or 

Curriculum Vitae

Submission of a high-quality resume or CV completely customised for the position. Includes all of the required components.

Submission of a quality resume or CV mostly customised for the position. Includes most of the required 


Submission of an adequate resume or CV partly customised for the 

position. Includes some of the 

required components.

Submission of a poor resume or CV with minimal or no customisation for the position. Includes limited or none of the required components.

Very poor or not completed.

LinkedIn profile 

High-quality LinkedIn profile with all of the required components 


A quality LinkedIn profile with most of the required components completed.

An adequate LinkedIn profile with some of the required components completed.

A poor LinkedIn profile with minimal or none of the required components completed.

Very poor or not completed.


Very well written, with correct 

spelling, proper grammar and 

punctuation used throughout. 

The document is very well presented and adheres to Fed Uni layout and appearance guidelines. The title page includes all details and the table of contents is automatically generated using styles.

Well written, usually with correct spelling, proper grammar, and 


The document is well presented and mostly adheres to Fed Uni layout and appearance guidelines. The title page includes most details and a table of contents.

Use of English, spelling and 

Grammar are at a satisfactory level. 

The document is satisfactorily 

presented and somewhat adheres to Fed Uni layout and appearance guidelines. The title page maybe missing some details and the table of contents may need improvement.

Many places have incorrect spelling, grammar mistakes and incorrect punctuation. 

The presentation needs to be 

improved and is missing key 

components. The table of contents is missing or may need improving.

Poorly written or not completed. Poorly presented or not completed.
