Recorded PowerPoint Presentation Applying Findings from a Qualitative Research Study to Nursing Practice (11 slides, 5 to 8 minutes) Select an article from a list of seven, based on a topic of your interest. Topics included are women’s health
Recorded PowerPoint Presentation Applying Findings from a Qualitative Research Study to Nursing Practice (11 slides, 5 to 8 minutes)
Select an article from a list of seven, based on a topic of your interest. Topics included are women’s health, mental health, veteran care, prisoner population, pediatrics, community health, and medical–surgical.
Imagine you are conducting a “lunch and learn” session for your colleagues at your place of employment. You would like to share findings from a recent study on a topic that you think is applicable to nursing practice. Create a PowerPoint presentation that explains the implications of the research study you selected for nursing practice.
The slides should contain the following:
1. Title Slide
2. Summary of Research Study
3. Research Design
4. Sample Population and Selection Methods
5. Data Collection Methods
6–7. Data Analysis and Results (1–2 slides)
8. Strengths of Study (including methods)
9. Weaknesses of Study (including methods)
10. Conclusion: Impact of Study on Nursing Practice
11. Reference Slide
All text on the presentations should be in your own words. You should not copy and paste any information directly from the article. Cite all sources in APA format and include a reference page on the last slide. Record your PowerPoint presentation using the Brightspace recording tool. Review the guide for Recording or Uploading Audio and Video In Brightspace for instructions on recording your PowerPoint presentation.
Submit a 5- to 8-minute video of your presentation. In addition, generate a PDF document with your slide notes and submit it as a separate file.
Listed below are the required articles that students must selected from when completing the assessments.
Women's Health
Brown, C. C., Adams, C. E., & Moore, J. E. (2021). Race, Medicaid coverage, and equity in maternal morbidity. Women's Health Issues, 31(3), 245–253.
Mental Health
Haglund, K., King, A. L., Bekhet, A. K., Garnier-Villarreal, M., Olson, K., Atshan, R., Ortiz, A., De los Santos, J., & Belknap, R. A. (2023). Learning a healthy rhythm: An intervention to increase children’s resources for stress management. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 45(1), 46–54.
Veteran Care
Finnegan, A. P., Di Lemma, L., Moorhouse, I., Lambe, R. E., Soutter, E. M., Templeman, J., Ridgway, V., Hynes, C., Simpson, R., & McGhee, S. (2020). Educating nurses to deliver optimum care to military veterans and their families. Nurse Education in Practice, 42(January), 102654.
Chappell, K. K., Hein, L. C., & Andrews, J. O. (2021). Can we ask everyone? Addressing sexual abuse in primary care. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 17(5), 594–599.
Prisoner Population
Pascoe, K. J., Walsh, E., Gage, B. C., & Van Son, C. (2022). Health research in a jail: Methodological challenges. Nursing Science Quarterly, 35(4), 477–482.
Community Health
Watts, T., Lauver, D., Snedden, T., & Zahner, S. (2021). Risks for acquiring hepatitis C virus among women in the United States. Public Health Nursing, 38(2), 309–320.
Parmelee, R. A., & Clark, C. S. (2022). Nursing students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes regarding medicinal cannabis care. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 13(3), 13–23.