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Reflection prompt 1: The Story of Women and Art Q1: What stood out to you the most in the Story of Women and Art film and/or what do you know now that you didn’t before?

ASSIGNMENT 3: Reflecting on Gender, Art, & Culture

  • 3 questions. 75-100 words min per response.
  • 3 references to the texts (at least 1 reference per response.)
    • Follow the guidelines for references from the MLA.
    • Include page numbers or a time stamp (if referencing a video.)


Respond to the 3 reflection prompts provided below. Utilize references from both of the following assigned readings to back up your responses:

Difference Matters: Communicating Social Identity. Chapter 3: Gender Matters.

Critically Conscious Narratives. Canvas Modules.

Reflection prompt 1: The Story of Women and Art

Q1: What stood out to you the most in the Story of Women and Art film and/or what do you know now that you didn’t before? How do you think art and culture from the past has influenced modern society's perceptions of gender? Reference 1-2 pieces of evidence from the coursework/readings (provide page numbers, time stamps, etc.) to back up your response. (75-100 words.) 

Reflection prompt 2: Media and Culture

Q2: Reflecting on this week's Contemporary Narratives, what are some of the biggest issues facing women and non-binary individuals today in electronic media (i.e. online interactions, social media, dating sites, internet/gaming, movies/tv, etc.)? What are some effective ways you think women or non-binary people can reclaim power within these spaces? Reference 1-2 pieces of evidence from the coursework (specifically list the Canvas page in parentheses and/or provide a time stamp if you watch a video) to back up your response. (75-100 words.) 

Reflection prompt 3: Gender and Contemporary Art

Q3: Watch 3 video narratives from the playlists recommended under the Art 21: Gender and Contemporary Artpage. Pick one artist whose work you would like to explore further and do a little bit of additional research on their work. In what ways do they address gender in their work and how does it connect with topics (particularly topics surrounding power) presented in the Difference Matters text? Reference 1-2 pieces of evidence from the coursework/readings to back up your response (provide page numbers, time stamps, etc.) Image/s or links to image/s are highly encouraged. (75-100 words.)