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Research an employee relations case using the following website:  https://www.canlii.org/en/ab/ Identify the issues or problems that took place both short term and long term and how the issue or problem could of all been avoide

Research an employee relations case using the following website:  https://www.canlii.org/en/ab/

  1. Identify the issues or problems that took place both short term and long term and how the issue or problem could of all been avoided by being proactive.
  2. Give a recommendation going forward as if you were the employee relations expert consulting to the company. Draw on what you have learned through the class and the text book if applicable.

Hot Tip: Remember to complete the executive summary last, as it is a summary of section II-VI and information will be repeated.

Required Sections and Guidelines

  • Executive Summary, 2 points
    • In 2-3 sentences, summarize the case and issue(s) at high level of the employer and key person (s) (hyperlink the case from CanLII as well)
    • Briefly identify the major problems facing the employer and key person (s)
    • Summarize the judgement and or the recommendation of the case.
  • Statement of Problem, 2 points
    • State the problems facing the employer/key person (min 1 – 3)
    • TIP: Include a hyperlink to the page if available
  • Causes of Problem, 2 points
    • Identify and link the symptoms and root causes of the problems (How did we get here) (min 1 – 3)
    • Differentiate short term from long term problems
    • Conclude with the decision facing the Judge if any 
  • Decision Criteria, 2 points
    • Identify criteria, documentations and/or reference material used in the case.
      • Criteria/References/Case Law (External) (min 1 – 3 each)
      • Documentation/Policies/Reports (Internal) (min 1 – 3 each)
    • TIP: If you are unable to find this data then reference some similar past cases and any internal material that the company should have in place. 
  • Recommended Solution and/or justification, 2 points
    • Identify the judgment, and penalty as a result. If there was no information of the case being resolved explain what you think could be a likely court order or what the company should do to prevent this to going to Alberta Employment Standards or to the courts?
    • Judgment or potential judgement in your opinion
    • Financial penalties or your thoughts around what this could cost the company (May be more than financial cost) 
  • Reflection / Summary, 2 points
    • In a 5-7 sentence Summary: How could have the issue been avoided? What proactive measures could have been in placed to prevent this situation? What would you recommend to this organization as an employee relations consultant?

 Research an employee relations case using the following website https://www.canlii.org/en/ab/ . Your task will be to identify the issues or problems that took place both short term and long term. Think also about how this could of all been avoided by being proactive. Give a recommendation going forward as if you were the employee relations expert consulting to the company. Draw on what you have learned through the class and the text book if applicable. Remember to complete the executive summary last, as it is a summary of section II-VI and information will be repeated.


Required Sections

Format For Written Case Analysis Guidelines

I. Executive Summary



(2 Points)


Complete last

In 2-3 sentences, summarize the case and issue(s) at high level of the employer and key person (s) (hyperlink the case so I can find it)




Briefly identify the major problems facing the employer and key person (s)




Summarize the judgement and or the recommendation of the case.




II. Statement of the Problem


(2 Points)


State the problems facing the employer/key person


Answer (hyperlink to page if available):

  • A
  • B
  • C


III.  Causes of the Problem


(2 Points)


Identify and link the symptoms and root causes of the problems (How did we get here)


Answer :

  • A
  • B
  • C

Differentiate short term from long term problems



  • Short Term:
  • Long Term:


Conclude with the decision facing the Judge if any



IV. Decision Criteria


(2 Points)


Identify criteria, documentations and/or reference material used in the case.


Criteria/References/Case Law (External):

  • A
  • B
  • C


Documentation/Policies/Reports (internal):

  • A
  • B
  • C

If you are unable to find this data then reference some similar past cases and any internal material that the company should have in place.

V.  Recommended Solution, Justification


(2 Points)


Identify the judgment, and penalty as a result. If there was no information of the case being resolved explain what you think could be a likely court order or what the company should do to prevent this to going to Alberta Employment Standards or to the courts?


Judgment or potential judgement in your opinion:

  • A

Financial penalties or your thoughts around what this could cost the company (May be more than financial cost)



VI.  Reflection


(2 Points)


In a 5-7 sentence Summary: How could have the issue been avoided? What proactive measures could have been in placed to prevent this situation? What would you recommend to this organization as an employee relations consultant?




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