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Samwise, Merry, and Pippin all decided to run a race in the Shire. Participants could run the race on Saturday or Sunday. Merry and Pippin ran on Saturday; however, Samwise got held up in Mordor and couldn’t make it back to the

Lab 1

Complete the tasks outlined below for each scenario and please use a different font color or highlight your responses. Anything learned in weeks 1-6 is fair game for this assignment.

If you work in a group (max 2 people): only upload one assignment per group and make sure both names are on the assignment.

Scenario 1: Grades.xlsx (17 pts)

Dr. Shakur has noticed that his students seem to be more engaged during the first part of the quarter compared to the second part. He is interested in seeing if grades are significantly different between Exam 1 and Exam 2.
1) Using the appropriate statistics, analyze the data and report all relevant information in an APA-style sentence. (5 pts)
2) Include a complete APA-style graph of your results (means and SDs) (8 pts)
3) Provide a copy of your JAMOVI output (4 pts)

Scenario 2: Walking.xlsx (21 pts)

You want to know if exercising each morning provides better energy throughout the day. Participants were randomly assigned to walk from 7-7:30am every day for 30 days or to not exercise in the morning. At the end of 30 day, participants rated their general energy on a scale of 1 (extremely low energy) to 100 (extremely high energy).
1) What is the independent variable? (2pts)
2) What is the dependent variable? (2pts)
3) Is the design between-subjects or within-subjects? Why? (4pts)
4) What is the null hypothesis for this study? (2pts)
5) What is the alternative hypothesis for this study? (2pts)
6) Using the appropriate statistics, analyze the data and report all relevant information in an APA-style sentence. (5 pts)
7) Provide a copy of your JAMOVI output (4 pts)

Scenario 3: Language.xlsx (9 points)

The average French fluency score for an English-speaker living in France is 15. You want to know if 3rd year French-language students have fluency scores different than English-speakers living in France.
1) Using the appropriate statistics, analyze the data and report all relevant information in an APA-style sentence. (5 pts)
2) Provide a copy of your JAMOVI output (4 pts)

Scenario 4: RoseExam1.xlsx (13 points)

Dr. Rose wonders if the distribution of exam 1 grades is different between her 8am students and her 10am students. Please answer the following questions:

1. Open the RoseExam1.xlsx file in JAMOVI. Create a table in JAMOVI that contains the descriptive stats for the 10am and 8am groups. You should include the mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and variance. Provide a copy of your JAMOVI output. (4 pts)
2. Plot the frequency histogram of exam scores in JAMOVI for each section and paste here. (3 pts)
3. Compare and contrast your two frequency histograms in terms of central tendency and skewness (6 pts)

Scenario 5: RaceTimes.xlsx (15 points)

Samwise, Merry, and Pippin all decided to run a race in the Shire. Participants could run the race on Saturday or Sunday. Merry and Pippin ran on Saturday; however, Samwise got held up in Mordor and couldn’t make it back to the Shire until the race on Sunday. Unfortunately, Saturday was windy, so the race times overall were a bit slower than the race times on Sunday (meaning it wouldn’t be fair to directly compare race times on Sunday to the race time on Saturday). The race times for Merry, Pippin, & Sam are listed below:

Merry: 800s
Pippin: 950s
Samwise: 770s

1. Using the data available in the RaceTimes.xlsx file, report the mean and SD for the race on Saturday and the race on Sunday (3 pts)
2. What are the z-scores for Merry, Pippin, and Sam? (8 pts)
3. Who won the race? Why? (4 pts)