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Scenario.  A USA-based fashion/apparel company, named Studio (fictional), wants to expand into a new international market. They have asked you, as a marketing consultant, to research and recommend what international market they should move

Assignment Task

Assessment Brief

This assessment entails an e-portfolio made up of four specific tasks.

  • Portfolio Piece 1 – Blog Post 

Create a blog post that critically discusses trending digital innovations and their impact on marketing practice. 

  • Portfolio Piece 2 - Business Proposal 

Research and propose a segmentation, targeting, and positioning [STP], strategy for an existing business looking to enter a new market. 

  • Portfolio Piece 3 – Marketing Mix Report

Write a report that discusses the impact of technology on the marketing mix and recommend an appropriate marketing mix for an identified customer segment.

  • Portfolio Piece 4 – Present a Marketing Plan with Analytics

Create a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes recommending SMART marketing objectives and identify relative metrics to monitor marketing activities.

Learning Outcomes:

In this assessment you need to demonstrate you meet the following module Learning Outcomes:

1. Critically evaluate the impact of digital innovations on marketing practice.

2. Critically evaluate the principles of segmentation, targeting and positioning to build a digital marketing strategy.

3. Critically assess the impact of digital technology on the marketing mix.

4. Analyse and critically evaluate the role of analytics for supporting market

Portfolio Piece 1 Guidance:

Write a 1, blog post that discusses trending digital innovations and their impact on marketing practice. Support your arguments with professional and academic references.

1. Introduction:

  • Start by introducing the topic of digital innovations and their impact on marketing.

2. Overview of Digital Innovations:

  • Identify and discuss some of the latest digital innovations, such as AI, AR/VR, voice search, chatbots, etc.
  • Provide clear explanations of each innovation to ensure understanding for all readers.

3. Impact on Marketing Practice:

  • Explain how each innovation is changing the way marketing is done.
  • For example, AI can personalize marketing messages, AR/VR can enhance customer experiences, voice search is changing SEO strategies, chatbots can save on marketing resources, etc.

4. Case Studies or Examples:

  • Include real-life examples or case studies of companies effectively using these digital innovations in their marketing strategies. Be sure to Harvard Reference your real-life examples, where you found this information/example online.
  • This will help readers visualize how these technologies are applied in the real world.

5. Challenges and Opportunities:

  • Discuss any challenges that come with implementing these innovations in marketing practice, such as cost, technical expertise, or privacy concerns.
  • Highlight the opportunities they present for businesses to reach and engage with their target audiences more effectively.

6. Future Trends:

  • Offer insights into potential future trends in digital marketing, considering the continuous evolution of technology.
  • Speculate on how emerging technologies might further shape marketing strategies in the coming years.

7. Conclusion:

  • Summarize the main points discussed in the blog post.
  • Reinforce the idea that staying updated with digital innovations is crucial for businesses to remain competitive in today's market.

The blog should be included in the assessment document and submitted through Turnitin.

Portfolio Piece 2 Guidance: Research and propose a segmentation, targeting, and positioning [STP], strategy for an existing business looking to enter a new market. Support your arguments with academic literature and references.

Scenario.  A USA-based fashion/apparel company, named Studio (fictional), wants to expand into a new international market. They have asked you, as a marketing consultant, to research and recommend what international market they should move into, what market segment(s) they should target, and how they should position themselves within that market.

1. Introduction:

  • Introduce yourself to the company and briefly discuss the purpose of the proposal. Critically evaluate the use of STP for developing a successful strategy.

2. Market Analysis:

  • Recommend a new international market for entry, including its size, growth potential, competition, and cultural factors. Use research/information to justify why you would recommend this market.

3. Segmentation:

  • Identify different customer segments within the new market based on segmentation variables like demographics, psychographics, behaviour, and needs.

4. Targeting:

  • Evaluate the potential of each segment in terms of size, growth, profitability, and competition.
  • Recommend one or more segments for the business to target and justify why you are recommending this targeting approach.

5. Positioning:

  • Determine how the company will position itself in the minds of the recommended target customers, highlighting its unique value proposition. Consider creating a visual positioning map for your proposal.

6. Conclusion:

  • Summarize the key findings and recommendations for the company's entry into the new international market.

Portfolio Piece 3 Guidance: Write a report that discusses the impact of technology on the marketing mix and recommend a marketing mix for a specific customer segment.

Report Objective: The objective of the report is to discuss how technology influences the marketing mix and to propose a suitable marketing mix for a specific customer segment identified in Task 2. Support your arguments with academic literature and references.

1. Critical Discussion of Technology's Impact: The report should delve into how technology has changed each element of the extended marketing mix: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion, People, Processes, and Physical Evidence (the 7Ps). This could involve examining how technology has affected product development, pricing strategies, distribution channels, and promotional activities.

2. State the Customer Segment: The report needs to identify one specific customer segment for which the recommended marketing mix will be designed. You should use one segment identified in Task 2.

3. Recommendation of Marketing Mix: Based on the understanding of how technology impacts the marketing mix and the characteristics of the identified customer segment, the report should propose a marketing mix tailored to meet the needs and preferences of one specific segment. This may involve suggesting product features or customization, pricing strategies, distribution channels (both physical and digital), and promotional tactics (including online advertising, social media, influencer marketing, etc.).

4. Justification and Evidence: Each recommendation should be supported by evidence and reasoning.

5. Conclusion: Summarize the key points discussed in the report and emphasize the significance of leveraging technology to adapt the marketing mix to meet the evolving needs of consumers in today's digital age.

Portfolio Piece 4 Guidance: Create a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes recommending SMART marketing objectives and identify relative metrics to monitor marketing activities. 

  • Max 10 slides (not including reference list).
  • Text on the slides is not included in the overall word count.
  • Support your arguments with professional and academic references.

Scenario: You have now identified a new international market, recommended what customer segment to target, and proposed a marketing mix to align with a specific market segment. The company is now asking you, as a marketing consultant, to develop objectives to help them increase brand awareness in this new market. By setting SMART objectives and choosing relevant metrics, the company can effectively gauge the success of its marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions to optimize future strategies.

We recommend the following structure:

1. Title Slide (Slide 1)

2. Introduction & Identification of Target Segment: (Slide 2)

  • Briefly discuss the purpose of the presentation.

3. SMART Objective #1: (Slide 3)

  • Specific: Clearly define a specific action the company should take.
  • Measurable: Explain how the success of this action can be measured. Briefly identify specific metrics to monitor these marketing activities.
  • Achievable: Is this goal realistic and attainable?
  • Relevant: How does the action relation to overall goal? (increase brand awareness)
  • Time-bound: Set a deadline or timeframe for achieving the marketing goal.

4. Metrics & KPIs for Objective #1 (Slide 4)

  • Clearly identify what KPIs/metrics should be monitored and when. Critically analyse how these metrics can be used to measure the success of the objective.

5. SMART Objective #2: (Slide 5)

  • Specific: Clearly define a specific action the company should take.
  • Measurable: Explain how the success of this action can be measured. Identify specific metrics to monitor these marketing activities.
  • Achievable: Is this goal realistic and attainable?
  • Relevant: How does the action relation to overall goal? (increase brand awareness)
  • Time-bound: Set a deadline or timeframe for achieving the marketing goal.

6. Metrics & KPIs for Objective #2 (Slide 6)

  • Clearly identify what KPIs/metrics should be monitored and when. Critically analyse how these metrics can be used to measure the success of the objective.

7. SMART Objective #3: (Slide 7)

  • Specific: Clearly define a specific action the company should take.
  • Measurable: Explain how the success of this action can be measured. Identify specific metrics to monitor these marketing activities.
  • Achievable: Is this goal realistic and attainable?
  • Relevant: How does the action relation to the overall goal? (increase brand awareness)
  • Time-bound: Set a deadline or timeframe for achieving the marketing goal.

8. Metrics & KPIs for Objective #3 (Slide 8)

  • Clearly identify what KPIs/metrics should be monitored and when. Critically analyse how these metrics can be used to measure the success of the objective.

9. Conclusion: (Slide 9)

  • Summarize the key findings and recommendations for the company's entry into the new international market.