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Scenario There are a number of Megatrends across the world that are affecting how organizations operate including: Climate change (eg environmental degradation, resource scarcity, etc), Shifts in global economic

CSR Individual Report


There are a number of Megatrends across the world that are affecting how organizations operate including:

  1. Climate change (eg environmental degradation, resource scarcity, etc),
  2. Shifts in global economic power (eg from G7 to BRIC, etc),
  3. Technological breakthroughs (eg automation, Artificial Intelligence, advanced analytics, blockchain etc),
  4. Rapid urbanization (eg majority of global GDP generated in cities, increasing infrastructure investment needs, cities consume the most resources and emit the most greenhouse gases, etc),
  5. Shifting demographics and social changes (eg growing inequality, ageing population, etc).

Working for a management consultancy, you are reviewing and advising on the current ethics of one multinational organization (public, private or third sector). In particular you are required to evaluate its ethical performance in its response to one of the megatrends above.

You are required to write a professional business report:

  • Choose one organization (suggestions list on moodle, list of organizations you CANNOT look at also on moodle, seminar tutor must approve)
  • Complete the behaviour and code of conduct analysis templates on the organization and refer to them throughout your report on following points:
  • Describe the organization, its CSR approach, code of ethics/conduct
  • Describe what the megatrend is, how it is affecting the organization (and organization`s industry) and what the organization is doing about it
  • Apply and discuss ethical theories to make sense of their actions and what they have done in response to the megatrend (cover at least the last three years).
  • Critically evaluate the organization’s ethical performance, what has helped/ hindered, and assess the limitations of ethical theories you used
  • Propose recommendations for the organization to improve how they could be more responsible/ ethical in their response to the megatrend

Individual report 2024 – suggested organizations

Choose one of the following organizations to carry out your individual assessment:

  1. Adidas
  2. Barclays
  3. BP
  4. British Gymnastics
  5. CBI
  6. Just Eat Takeaway
  7. Mondelez
  8. Nissan
  9. OpenAI
  10. Superdry
  11. Volvo
  12. Wellcome Trust

If you wish to choose another organization, please check it is not on the documents ‘Organizations you CANNOT choose’ on moodle, AND obtain approval from your seminar tutor (to ensure it is suitable).

Choose one of these Megatrends (from PWC)

As part of your research please use material from reliable newspaper sources such as:

Digital (thetimes.co.uk)

Individual Report 2023/4 (70%)


  • Templates (30%)
  • Knowledge on organization and context (20%)
  • Ethical theories (20%)
  • Critical analysis and insight (20%)
  • Presentation (10%)

Word count:  3000 words

Submission deadline:

Before 1500hrs, 1st May 2024

Submission procedure: Electronic, via Turnitin on moodle page

Individual feedback will be given via Grademark and seminars


There are a number of Megatrends across the world that are affecting how organizations operate including:

  1. Climate change (eg environmental degradation, resource scarcity, etc),
  2. Shifts in global economic power (eg from G7 to BRIC, etc),
  3. Technological breakthroughs (eg automation, Artificial Intelligence, advanced analytics, blockchain etc),
  4. Rapid urbanization (eg majority of global GDP generated in cities, increasing infrastructure investment needs, cities consume the most resources and emit the most greenhouse gases, etc),
  5. Shifting demographics and social changes (eg growing inequality, ageing population, etc).

Working for a management consultancy, you are reviewing and advising on the current ethics of one multinational organization (public, private or third sector). In particular you are required to evaluate its ethical performance in its response to one of the megatrends above.

You are required to write a professional business report:

  • Choose one organization (suggestions list on moodle, list of organizations you CANNOT look at also on moodle, seminar tutor must approve)
  • Complete the behaviour andcode of conduct analysis templates on the organization and refer to them throughout your report on following points:
  • Describe the organization, its CSR approach, code of ethics/conduct
  • Describe what the megatrend is, how it is affecting the organization (and organization`s industry) and what the organization is doing about it
  • Apply and discuss ethical theories to make sense of their actions and what they have done in response to the megatrend (cover at least the last three years).
  • Critically evaluate the organization’s ethical performance, what has helped/ hindered, and assess the limitations of ethical theories you used
  • Propose recommendations for the organization to improve how they could be more responsible/ ethical in their response to the megatrend

Marking Criteria: HR6020 Component 1: Individual report (70%)


0% – 39%

40% – 49%

50% – 59%

60% – 69%


85% – 100%

Templates (30%)

Templates are not used, or if so are mainly incomplete, not relevant or lacking relevant information, with little or no suitable references. 

Basic. Some templates used, often incomplete, mainly relevant, some relevant information, with some suitable references.

Reasonable completion of relevant templates, most information included though some points unclear, with mainly relevant and suitable references.

Good selection and completion of strategy templates highlighting detailed relevant information, most points have references that are relevant and suitable. Some mistakes.

Excellent selection and completion of relevant strategy templates with detailed relevant information and key points clearly explained, references throughout using nearly all relevant and suitable sources. Few mistakes

Exceptional selection and completion of relevant strategy templates with clear and succinct points on each part, completely referenced using relevant and suitable sources.

Knowledge on organization and context (20%)

Knowledge of the organization and context is superficial, rudimentary and reliant on a few inappropriate sources.

Some appropriate sources, but knowledge about the organization and context lacks relevance, direction, accuracy and substance. Megatrend not linked to evidence.

Reasonable, but standard, knowledge of the organization and context using several reliable sources. Limited connection of megatrend to evidence. Many inaccuracies.

Good understanding of the organization and context clearly identifying their significant features.  Use of a range of reliable sources. Megatrend accurately linked to evidence. Some inaccuracies.

Excellent understanding of the organization and context clearly identifying their significant features and ranked importance.  Use of all relevant sources. Megatrend consistently and accurately linked to evidence. Few inaccuracies.

Outstanding insight on the organization and context demonstrating features, links and ranked importance. Use of all sources. Megatrend consistently and accurately linked to evidence. No inaccuracies.

CSR and Ethics concepts (20%)

Very weak understanding of key concepts and unable to use them appropriately.  There is little or no evidence of familiarity of academic sources.

Basic and limited understanding of key concepts, little familiarity of ethics sources, limited range of concepts, frequently relying on lectures, many errors in application.

A reasonable understanding of key concepts and some familiarity with core ethics textbooks. Multiple errors in application to the organization.

A good understanding of concepts based on a wide range of ethics sources. Some gaps in analysis and some inaccuracies in application to the organization.

Demonstrates an excellent understanding and wide familiarity of key concepts based on a comprehensive range ethics sources applied to the organization with few inaccuracies.

Exceptional understanding of relevant concepts, their usefulness and applicability from a compete range of sources, accurately applied to the organization.

Critical analysis and insight (20%)

There is no evaluation or analysis; the report is entirely descriptive with claims and conclusions not warranted

Unable to use key concepts appropriately and meaningfully in analysis of the organization(s). Report is largely descriptive. Very few claims warranted. Recommendations unclear, not linked to analysis, nor justified.

Key concepts used to make sense of data, although analysis is presented in a superficial manner and does not go beyond the standard interpretations. Some links made to suitable recommendations.

Uses key concepts to generate robust and reliable insights into the organization(s). Well-presented and clearly argued analysis. Limited application in some parts or key theory missing. Suitable recommendations that are clearly linked to your analysis.

Key concepts used and independent judgement and some original insight on the organization(s).  Excellent analysis clearly presented and argued (claims and conclusions linked to evidence). Suitable recommendations that are linked to your analysis and suitably justified.

Concepts used with independent judgement and original insights on the organization(s).  Sophisticated analysis, clearly presented and cogent argument. Suitable recommendations clearly linked to your analysis, suitably justified and accurately prioritised.

Presentation (10%)

Report lacks a structure or clarity with careless referencing.  Numerous instances of poor spelling and grammar.  Its overall presentation is untidy and unprofessional. No executive summary.

Report has limited structure with some poor referencing.  Several examples of weak spelling and grammar, and the overall presentation is confusing. Simple description what is in the report in the executive summary.

Report is clearly structured, although it lacks clarity in places.  Few spelling, grammatical and referencing errors; the overall presentation is standard. What is found out in the report given in the executive summary on some parts of the report.

The overall structure is robust and consistent outlining a clear and logical argument.  Spelling, grammar and referencing is good; overall presentation is professional. What is found out covers all aspects of the report in the executive summary.

Report structure is consistent and outlines an excellent argument. No spelling, grammatical and referencing errors; presentation is highly professional. In the executive summary there are clear headings, accurate key points from each section in report.

Report structure is robust, consistent and outlines a sophisticated argument. No spelling, grammatical and referencing; presentation is exemplary. In the executive summary there are clear headings, accurate key points from eac