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Select a business and category Select a brand in a category of choice. For example, Nike in the Athleisure category. Give a brief introduction to the company (Products, brand purpose, history). 2) Address the 6Ps

Assessment instructions Instructions
In today’s market larger organisations are often at the mercy of small brand disruptors with a much larger beast to shift in line with category trends. To help them prepare, organisations use foresight planning to forecast potential scenarios and their readiness.
Using the 6Ps of Strategic Foresight, put together a plan that addresses the following:
1) Select a business and category
Select a brand in a category of choice. For example, Nike in the Athleisure category. Give a brief introduction to the company (Products, brand purpose, history).
2) Address the 6Ps
Research and address the following 6Ps of Strategic Foresight planning for the brand and category of choice:
a. Past and Present (Learnings)
b. Probable (Anticipate the likely trends/innovations. positive/negative impacts)
a. Possible (Brainstorm possible innovations, positive and negative impacts). Make sure you address at least 3 technologies e.g. AI.
b. Preventable and Preferable (Identify strategies to address the change and the feasibility for the business). Include business model disruption, blue ocean and diffusion of innovation considerations.
3) Submit to Turnitin
Submit your report to Turnitin. This can be in the form of a word document, PPT or PDF, but should look professional and show consolidation of findings.
Creativity and professionalism is encouraged.
Readings for the assessment To assist you with writing this report, use the materials found on your
• Moodle page (lecture slides, recommended and additional readings or other documents).
• Class content.
• Useful links posted on Moodle.
• Library resources
Complete the Module activities which are designed to support the critical tasks of this Assessment.
Grading Criteria / Rubric See below
Assessment 3 – Foresight Program – Marking Rubric
Criteria High Distinction
(85-100) Distinction
(75-84) Credit (65-74) Pass (50-64) Fail (0-49)
Summary of Brand
15% Excellent summary, identifies the product, brand proposition and purpose as well as a clear view of the customer and history behind the brand’s success. Good summary,
identifies the product, brand proposition and purpose as well as a basic view of the customer and history behind the brand’s success. Ok summary, identifies the product, brand proposition and purpose as well as the history behind the brand’s success. Very high level summary, with missing components. Incorrect format, very high level, missing.
Copyright violation.
Past and Present
20% Excellent overview, covering all major points discussed in class and showing depth of research as well as critical analysis. Good overview, covering most major points discussed in class and showing depth of research as well as some critical analysis. Ok overview, covering a few major points discussed in class and shows some research to develop an informed opinion. Basic overview, covering a few very high level points discussed in class and shows limited research to develop an informed opinion. Needs a lot more refinement, very poorly executed, missing, lacks understanding of the area or very high level.
15% Excellent overview, covering all major points discussed in class and showing depth of research as Good overview, covering most major points discussed in class and showing depth of research as Ok overview, covering a few major points discussed in class and shows some research to develop an informed opinion. Basic overview, covering a few very high level points discussed in class and shows limited research to develop an informed opinion. Needs a lot more refinement, very poorly executed, missing, lacks understanding of the area or very high level.
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well as critical analysis. well as some critical analysis.
15% Excellent overview, covering all major points discussed in class and showing depth of research as well as critical analysis. Good overview, covering most major points discussed in class and showing depth of research as well as some critical analysis. Ok overview, covering a few major points discussed in class and shows some research to develop an informed opinion. Basic overview, covering a few very high level points discussed in class and shows limited research to develop an informed opinion. Needs a lot more refinement, very poorly executed, missing, lacks understanding of the area or very high level.
Preventable and
20% Excellent overview, covering all major points discussed in class and showing depth of research as well as critical analysis. Good overview, covering most major points discussed in class and showing depth of research as well as some critical analysis. Ok overview, covering a few major points discussed in class and shows some research to develop an informed opinion. Basic overview, covering a few very high level points discussed in class and shows limited research to develop an informed opinion. Needs a lot more refinement, very poorly executed, missing, lacks understanding of the area or very high level.
Referencing, research, presentation, spelling and professionalism.
Executive summary, introduction, conclusion
15% 10+ reputable sources of information, no spelling errors, declaration present.
Executive summary, introduction and conclusion written in the correct format, concise and clear. 7+ reputable sources of information, no spelling errors, declaration present.
Executive summary, introduction and conclusion written in the correct format. 5+ reputable sources of information, few spelling errors, declaration present.
Executive summary, introduction and conclusion written in mostly the correct format. 3+ reputable sources of information, some formatting or spelling issues, declaration present.
Some issues with executive summary, introduction and conclusion. Difficult to read, no references or declaration.
Missing, executive summary, introduction or conclusion