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SMSU Department Of Nursing NURS 434 Module 2 Guide  Rural Population (demographics) and Rural Health Disparities Description of Module: This module

SMSU Department Of Nursing

NURS 434

Module 2 Guide

 Rural Population (demographics) and Rural Health Disparities

Description of Module: This module will introduce the student to the demographics of the rural population and the health disparities that are unique to the rural population. Students will be provided with a base of information that will be used as they progress in NURS 434. They will use the skill of appraisal to gain knowledge about the rural population and rural health disparities the rural population faces. This knowledge will be used as the student progresses through NURS 434 and creates a plan to care for the rural population. 


Module Objectives:

1.     Explore Sequencing Paper assignment for NURS 434

2.     Create teams as desired for course assignment

3.     Describe a definition of ‘rural’

4.     Describe the landscape view of life in a rural setting

5.     Appraise health status disparities of the rural population

6.     Explain the life expectancy of the rural population

7.     Summarize the rural population and rural health disparities



Callaghan, R. H., Ferdinand, A. O., Akinlotan, M., Primm, K., Lee, J. S., Macareno, B., & Bolin,

J. (2020). Healthy people 2020 progress for leading causes of death in rural and rural America: A chartbook. Southwest Rural Health Research Center.  https://srhrc.tamu.edu/publications/healthypeople-2020-progress-for-leading-causes-of-death-chartbook.pdf

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019). Rural Americans are dying more frequently

from preventable causes than their urban counterparts.


Cromartie, J., & Vilorio, D. (2019). Rural population trends. United States Department of

Agriculture, Economic Research Service.


Davis, J. C., Rupasingha, A., Cromartie, J. & Sanders, A.(2021). Rural

America at a glance: 2022 edition. United States Department of Agriculture.


Economic Research Service. (2022). Atlas of rural and small-town America. United States

Department of Agriculture.


Economic Research Service. (2022). Population and migration. United States Department of



Healthy People 2020 (n.d.). Disparities. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office

of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.


Hoffman, A. & Holmes, M. (2017). Regional differences in rural and urban mortality

trends. North Carolina Rural Health Research Program. https://www.shepscenter.unc.edu/wp-content/uploads/dlm_uploads/2017/08/Regional-Differences-in-Urban-and-Rural-Mortality-Trends.pdf

Nelson, W. A. (2009). Handbook for rural health care ethics: A practical guide for

professionals. Dartmouth.


(Chapter 2)

Rural Health Research RECAP. (2022). Rural mental health. https://www.ruralhealthresearch.org/assets/4960-22209/rural-mental-health-recap.pdf

Stevens, A., Cho, C., Cakir, M., Kong, Z., & Boland, M. A. (2021). The food retail landscape

across rural America. United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research

Service. https://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/pub-details/?pubid=101355

Temple, K. M. (2021). Still stealing rural America’s breath: An update on

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Rural Health Information Hub. https://www.ruralhealthinfo.org/rural-monitor/copd-update/

United States Census Bureau. (2023). Urban and rural. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/geography/guidance/geo-areas/urban-rural.html



Rural Health Information Hub. (2019). Chronic disease in rural America.


Rural Health Information Hub. (2019). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in rural areas.


Rural Health Information Hub. (2019). Finding statistics and data related to rural health.


Rural Health Information Hub. (2019). Rural health disparities.


Rural Health Information Hub. (2022). Rural hunger and access to healthy food.


Rural Health Information Hub. (2020). Social determinants of health for rural people.


Rural Health Information Hub. (2022). What is rural?



Optional Reading:

Bossard, M., Latifi, Y., Fabbri, M., Kurmann, R., Brinkert, M., Wolfrum, M., Berte, B., Cuculi,

F., Toggweiler, S., Kobze, R., Chamberlain, A. M., & Moccetti, F. (2020). Increasing

mortality from premature coronary artery disease in women in the rural United States,

Journal of the American Heart Association, 9(9). https://doi.org/10.1161/JAHA.119.015334

Crouch, E., Shi, S., Kelly, K., McLain, A., Eberth, J. M., Probst, J. C., Brown, M. J., Merrell,

M., & Bennett, K. J. (2022). Rural-urban differences in adverse and positive childhood

experiences: Results from the National Survey of Children’s Health. Rural Health

Research Gateway. https://www.ruralhealthresearch.org/publications/1474

Dugani, S. B., Wood-Wentz, C. M., Mielke, M. M., Bailey, K. R., & Bella, A. (2022).

            Assessment of disparities in diabetes mortality in adults in US rural vs nonrural counties, 1999-2018. JAMA Network Open, 5(9) https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/articlepdf/2796541/dugani_2022_oi_220923_1663087716.16594.pdf

Erwin, P. C., & Braund, W. E. (2020). A public health lens on rural health. American Journal of

Public Health, 110(9), 1275-1276. file:///C:/Users/uj4471xj/Downloads/ajph.2020.305863.pdf

Henning-Smith, C., Hernandez, A. M., Ramirez, M., Hardeman, R., & Kozhimannil, K. (2019).

Dying too soon: County-level disparities in premature death by

rurality, race, and ethnicity. University of Minnesota Rural health Research Center. https://rhrc.umn.edu/publication/dying-too-soon-county-level-disparities-in-premature-death-by-rurality-race-and-ethnicity/

National Institute for Health Care Management. (2020). Rural health in America: How shifting

populations leave people behind.


Winter, C. A. (2013). Rural nursing: Concepts, theory, and practice (4th ed.). Spring Publishing



Read Chapter 1

Read Chapter 15

Read Chapter 25

Zahnd, W. (2022). Wiping away the tears: Addressing increasing death in rural America. Rural            Health Information Hub. https://www.ruralhealthinfo.org/rural-monitor/rural-mortality/



American Psychological Association (2020). Publication manual of the American

Psychological Association (7th ed.).

Mustang Nursing Learning Team Compact Video, Outline, & Form

NURS 434 Turnitin Introduction Video and Outline

YouTube – Understanding Turnitin’s Report

NURS 434 Rural Population (demographics) and Rural Health Disparities Paper Review Video

            and Outline

NURS 434 Rural Population (demographics) and Rural Health Disparities Paper Draft Review



Assignments: This module is completed during the first and second week of NURS 434. The worksheet assignment for this module will be due at the end of the first week and the remaining assignment will be due at the end of the end of the second week of this two week block of NURS 434.


Module 2 - Assignments:


1.     Utilize Readings provided above.


2.     Rural Population (demographics) and Rural Health Disparities Worksheet (20 points)

a.  Assignment is not a collaborative team assignment. This assignment is to be   

 completed individually by each student.


b. Following review of the Readings/Resources provided for you in Module 2,

 complete the Rural Population (demographics) and Rural Health Disparities  

                               Worksheet found in Module 2. The worksheet is available to you as a Word

                               document in Module 2. Please feel free to print out the worksheet and use it

                               to take notes as you utilize the readings for this module. The answers to the           

                               worksheet will be placed in the Rural Population (demographics) and Rural

                               Health Disparities Worksheet Quiz located in Module 2. The worksheet is

                               worth 20 points with the due date found on the NURS 434 Schedule.


3.     Sequencing Paper - Care of the Rural Population Paper


Throughout this course, you will write a Care of the Rural Population Paper. This paper will be written in sequences– meaning you will write the paper as four separate assignments, and put those four assignments together at the end of this course to create your final Care of the Rural Populations Paper. During Module 2, you will write the first portion of this paper. 


You will have the option to work alone or collaborate together as teams for the entire Care of the Rural Population Paper. If you would like to collaborate together as a team, here is information regarding how to do so:

1)     Create a team of no more than four students prior to submitting the Rural Populations (demographics) and Rural Health Disparities assignment.

2)     Let the instructor know the members of the team prior to the due date for submitting the Rural Populations (demographics) and Rural Health Disparities Paper assignment (or the draft review of the Rural Populations and Rural Health Disparities Paper if students chose to use the draft review option).

3)     The team must complete a Mustang Nursing Learning Team Compact Agreement form and provide it to the instructor prior to submitting the draft Rural Populations (demographics) and Rural Health Disparities Paper assignment (if students chose to use the draft review option), or the due date for the paper which is noted on the course schedule, whichever comes first. The team will create one Mustang Nursing Learning Team Compact Agreement form together, and each team member will submit a copy of that document in the Mustang Nursing Learning Team Compact Agreement Form assignment dropbox located in Module 2. The Mustang Nursing Learning Team Compact form is available in Module 2.

4)     These teams will not be changed following submission of the names of the team members to the course instructor and submission of the Mustang Nursing Learning Team Compact Agreement form.

5)     At the end of the semester, each member of the team will complete a Mustang Nursing Learning Team Evaluation form upon submission of the final Care of the Rural Population Paper. No grade will be granted to any team members for this assignment until all members of the team have submitted the Mustang Nursing Learning Team Evaluation (Mustang Nursing Learning Team Evaluation form available in Module 6 of NURS 434).   

6)     If students are collaborating in a team for this assignment, all members of the team will submit the same final copy of the assignment. However, each student will be awarded individual grades, as noted in the grading rubric. 


For those of you desiring to work in teams:

View: Mustang Nursing Learning Team Compact Review Video

7)     The Mustang Nursing Learning Team Compact Video will guide you through creating teams and creating a compact agreement amongst the team members. A template of the Mustang Nursing Learning Team Compact form is available in Module 2 for use - follow along on the form as you view the video. An outline of the video content is provided as a resource for you to take notes on as you view the video. As noted above, the team must then complete a Mustang Nursing Learning Team Compact Agreement form and provide it to the instructor prior to submitting the draft Rural Populations (demographics) and Rural Health Disparities Paper assignment (if students chose to use the draft review option), or the due date for the paper which is noted on the course schedule, whichever comes first. The team will create one Mustang Nursing Learning Team Compact Agreement form together, and each team member will submit a copy of that document in the Mustang Nursing Learning Team Compact Agreement Form assignment dropbox located in Module 2.


4.     Rural Population (demographics) and Rural Health Disparities Paper (first portion of sequencing paper in NURS 434 that will be a part of the final Care of the Rural Population Paper). 


                    During Module 2, you will write the first portion of the final Care of the Rural

                    Populations paper for NURS 434. This assignment will be about Rural Populations                        (demographics) and Rural Health Disparities.


  View: NURS 434 Rural Population (demographics) and Rural Health

  Disparities Paper Review Video - view prior to starting this assignment (found in  

  Module 2). An outline of the video content is provided as a resource for you to take

  notes on as you view the video.


Rural Populations (demographics) and Rural Health Disparities

Each student, or team of students, will create a paper that is at least one to two pages in length, describing the landscape of life in rural settings and rural populations while defining rural and describing the health status, and health disparities, of the rural population. If you have done the Rural Population (demographics) and Rural Health Disparities worksheet, you have had the opportunity to review the readings and resources that will be useful for this assignment. The paper must be professionally written and in APA format. Also, additional resources include the use of Tutor.com or the SMSU Writing Center for writing support as well as the availability of an optional draft review for this paper. These resources are totally optional but encouraged. The optional draft review is available to provide feedback regarding the content of your paper. Writing mechanics, style, and APA formatting feedback may be sought using Tutor.com or the SMSU Writing Center.


Another resource that is available to you is Turnitin. Turnitin is a tool to help prevent plagiarism in your writing projects. When you submit your writing assignment, you will be provided with feedback from Turnitin to help guide you with plagiarism prevention, and correctly citing references in your papers. This is tremendously helpful! You will find some videos in Module 2 about Turnitin to offer more guidance. 


Hint: This paper is focused on the health and health disparities of the rural population – not on the healthcare available to the rural population. A future paper you create for Module 3 will focus on the healthcare services, and healthcare disparities, in rural populations. My hint for you in this Module 2 is to review again the assigned reading, Disparities – with the author being Healthy People 202 from the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. This reading will help all of us define what health disparities are and guide you to understanding health disparities. I would recommend reading this resource again prior to writing your paper.


Hint: A portion of this paper focuses on the demographics of the rural population. I thought it would be helpful for me to share a definition of the term ‘demographics’ to help create clarity for this assignment and again guide you in writing this paper.  According to Merriam-Webster (2022), the definition of demographic is “the statistical characteristics of human populations (such as age or income) used especially to identify a segment of the population.” I hope this is helpful for your preparation of this writing assignment.  






Appendix B - Rural Populations (demographics) and Rural Health Disparities Grading Rubric





Describes the landscape of life in rural settings and rural populations.  Description includes:

1) a definition of the term ‘rural’




2) rural settings (what are they like)                          



3) demographics of rural populations






4) health status of rural dwellers








5) comparison of the health status of individuals in the rural population vs. the urban                   population                         




Definition of the term ‘rural’         (4 points)



Description of rural settings      (4 points)


Description of the demographics of rural populations (4 points)



Description of the health status of rural dwellers, including at least 3 health disparities

(4 points)


Comparison of the health status of individuals in the rural population vs. the urban population          (4 points)






Partial definition of the term ‘rural’      (2 points)



Vague description of rural settings     (2 points)


Vague description of the demographics of rural populations (2 points)



Description of the health status of rural dwellers including 1 or 2 health disparities              (2 points)



Vague comparison of the health status of individuals in the rural population vs. the urban population             (2 points)






No definition of the term ‘rural’            (0 points)


No description of rural settings          (0 points)

No description of the demographics of rural populations    (0 points)

No description of the health status of rural dwellers         (0 points)




No comparison of the health status of individuals in the rural population vs. the urban population      (0 points)     





APA Format and editorial style - use of APA formatting, avoiding plagiarism by adhering to the rules for paraphrasing, summarizing, and the use of quotations, as well as the conventions for incorporating information from Internet-based resources. 

Any materials drawn from resources are properly cited and documented in APA format.


Reference list is provided in APA format.



Demonstrates how to appropriately organize work per APA formatting with the use of headings - start this assignment with an APA Level 1 heading titled: Rural Populations and Rural Health Disparities.

No title page required.







Materials drawn from resources are properly cited and documented in APA format         (2 points)


Reference list is provided in APA format (2 points)


Demonstrates how to appropriately organize work per APA formatting with the use of headings - starting this assignment with an APA Level 1 heading titled: Rural Populations and Rural Health Disparities           (2 points)







Some of the materials drawn from resources are properly cited and documented in APA format         (1 point)

Reference list is provided but not completely in APA format (1 point)

Demonstrates how to appropriately organize work per APA formatting with the use of headings – but did not use the pre-defined APA Level 1 heading titled: Rural Populations and Rural Health Disparities             (1 point)






No materials drawn from resources are properly cited and documented in APA format (0 points)

No reference list is provided (0 points)


No organization using APA headings                 (0 points)

Organization is clear and coherent; order and structure are present; clear sequencing and paragraphing.

Organization is clear and coherent; order and structure are present; clear sequencing and paragraphing      (5 points)

Organization is partially clear without order and structure            (2.5 points)

Lack of organization throughout paper (0 points)

Contains rare punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization errors.

Contains rare punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization errors (4 points)

Contains several punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization errors (2 points)

Contains many punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization errors             (0 points)

Writing is clear and focused.  Reader can easily understand the main idea. The main idea is incorporated into the text in a manner appropriate for the practice of nursing.

Writing is clear and focused.  Reader can easily understand the main idea. The main idea is incorporated into the text in a manner appropriate for the practice of nursing               (5 points)

Writing is lacking clarity and focus.  Reader cannot easily understand the main idea. The main idea is not incorporated into the text in a manner appropriate for the practice of nursing       (2.5 points)

No clarity or focus             (0 points)

Integrated two professional resources into the paper, using high quality electronic sources of healthcare information.

Accesses and uses two professional journal articles to demonstrate information literacy               (2 points)

Accesses and uses one professional journal article to demonstrate information literacy   (1 point)

Uses no professional journal articles         (0 points)

Paper is a minimum length of 1-2 pages (not including reference list).

Paper is a minimum of 1 page in length, not including the title page and reference list. No abstract is necessary             (3 points)

Paper is 0.75 pages in length, not including the title page and reference list. No abstract is necessary            (1.5 points)

Paper is less than 0.5 page in length, not including the title page and reference list (0 points)





*If collaborating in a team, all team members must submit this assignment in their

assignment dropbox. 


4.     Checklist: A checklist has been created for you own personal use in each module in NURS 434. If you choose to use the checklist tool, it may provide you with a system to double check if you have everything done for each module.