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Success! Against all the odds, MemeHub Inc. has received an emergency cash injection from angel investors (i.e., the CEO sold his Tesla) and they're ready to go to the next stage in the development

Assignment Task 


Success! Against all the odds, MemeHub Inc. has received an emergency cash injection from angel investors (i.e., the CEO sold his Tesla) and they're ready to go to the next stage in the development of the web application, MemeHub.

This time they've asked you to form a small team (a maximum of four people) to produce the next iteration of their grand design: a prototype of their web application.

Details of the task

A. The Web Application

Your web application will need to satisfy the following requirements:

1. Your application should use the existing database provided. This database may be modified if required. The database contains three tables:

  • Photo where the details about photos are stored.
  • Creator where the information about the people who uploaded the photos is stored.
  • Album albums are collections of photos made by a creator.

2. Your application should provide a way to view, add, edit, and delete photos. You should be able to use the provided solutions to Coursework 1 for this.

3. Your application should provide a way for creators to view, add, edit, and delete albums. “Editing” includes adding and deleting photos from albums as well as changing other information about the album.

4. Your application should provide a way for creators to update their personal information, e.g. name, email address, etc.

5. Your application should allow creators to register an account, log in, log out, and delete their account if necessary, marks, etc.

6. Your application should provide an appropriate user interface.

7. HTML syntax should be correct with respect to HTML5, e.g., open/closing tags, quotation marks, etc.

8. You should use best practices for coding in HTML and PHP including indentation, comments, quotes, and variable naming. You should assume that your code may eventually form part of a high-load, enterprise-level system.

9. Scripts and URLs should have sensible, simple names. For example page45_DEMO.html” is bad, “add-photo.html” is good.

B. The Report

You should submit a report on your web application prototype. The report should include the following sections. Every student should submit their reports individually. Section 4 and 5 should be based individual’s point-of-view:

1. An introduction to your web application, describing its purpose, your team, and your initial plan for developing the application. (At most 1 page long.)

2. A high-level overview of the structure of your web application, showing how the different HTMLpages and PHP scripts work together to provide the functionality to creators. (At most 3-5 pages long.)

3. A low-level overview of 1-3 of your PHP/HTML scripts. Describe in detail (i.e., line-byline) how the PHP scripts operate. This should be understandable by someone with a basic understanding of PHP (e.g., Lecture 1 level). For example, you could choose the scripts which allow for an album to be created by the user. (At most 3-5 pages pages long.)

4. A group experience report. Describe the roles played by your colleagues and which parts of the web application were done by each person. Reflect on how well your team worked and how you might improve (i) your performance within the team, and (ii) the team’s performance in general. 

5. A summary, including a review of the success of the group project, as well as a description of what lessons have been learned in terms of web application development and what you mightdo differently in the future. (At most 2 pages long.)

What you should Hand In:

A single zip file via Google Classroom. 

1. The HTML and PHP files and folders used by your web application. It should be possible to extract these files and folders to the htdocs/ folder within the Apache web server to test the functionality of your system. The files and folders submitted should be the same as those submitted by the other members of your group.

2. A Microsoft Word document containing your rep.