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Task 1: Identify new circumstances affecting work requirements and their impact on the personal health and wellbeing strategy  Task 2: Review and update your personal health and wellbeing strategy to reflect new circumstances

Assignment Task

Task overview

This assessment is divided into two parts: Part A and Part B. There are a total of five (5) tasks to be completed. 

Part A 

Part A has three (3) tasks:  

Task 1: Develop a strategy for managing personal health and wellbeing  

Task 2: Write text for an email to your manager (the assessor) briefly describing your personal health and well-being strategy 

Task 3: Implement and monitor personal health and well-being strategy  

Part B 

Part B has two (2) tasks:  

Task 1: Identify new circumstances affecting work requirements and their impact on the personal health and wellbeing strategy 

Task 2: Review and update your personal health and wellbeing strategy to reflect new circumstances  

Part A: Develop and implement personal health and well-being strategy

Task 1: Develop a strategy for managing personal health and wellbeing

This task will include identifying the factors affecting your personal health and well-being and creating a strategy with clear objectives, key performance indicators and ways to measure your activities. It will involve sharing your plans with the relevant people and scheduling to implement your strategy.  

Task 2:  Draft an email text describing your personal health and wellbeing strategy 

Write the text for a draft email to your manager describing your strategy (maximum one page). Your email must be based on your responses in Task 1.

Task 3: Implement and monitor personal health and wellbeing strategy

For this task, you are required to implement and monitor your personal health and wellbeing strategy for two (2) weeks. You will need to refer to your planned two-week schedule and complete identified sections in your Part A Task 1 -Personal Health and Wellbeing Strategy (Version 1) when you monitor the strategy you have set yourself.

Part B: Review Personal Health And Wellbeing Strategy

Part B has two (2) tasks:

  • Task 1: Identify new circumstances impacting work requirements and impact on your personal health and wellbeing strategy
  • Task 2: Review and update strategy to reflect new circumstances

Task 1: Identify new circumstances affecting work requirements and their impact on the strategy

Task 1 requires you to note any new circumstances (personal or work) that have affected your personal health and wellbeing strategy. For example, you may need to adjust your KPIs because you have started to work part-time or have been promoted and must travel interstate every week. Have there been changes in your personal circumstances that have impacted positively or negatively your work performance? Have there been changes in your work environment that have affected positively or negatively your personal circumstances?

Task 2: Review and update personal health and wellbeing strategy to reflect new circumstances

In this task you are to update your strategy to reflect the new circumstances you identified in Task 1.