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Task description The authentic role you will be occupying is as a social work researcher. You will write a critical literature review on a real-world social issue or practice concern. Using relevant

Task description

The authentic role you will be occupying is as a social work researcher. You will write a critical literature review on a real-world social issue or practice concern. Using relevant literature located via appropriate research databases your critical literature review will provide a synthesis of relevant research in terms of their scope, methods and findings, and will identify a research problem or issue (outcome) that would benefit from further research (purpose). The ability to write a literature review develops your ability to identify relevant literature, assess its quality, and synthesise key ideas, arguments, findings in a clear and convincing manner.

This is an authentic assessment because similar writing skills are necessary for future employment, such as funding submissions, evaluation reports, and research projects. These skills will assist you to perform as a social worker, even when you are working on the frontline because you will still need to synthesise contemporary research as you engage in ongoing professional development.

Specific Requirements

At the end of the introduction to your critical literature review you will outline the method used to conduct your review. This brief section (titled "Literature review method") will outlines the key search terms used, databases used, search period, as well as any inclusion/ exclusion criteria which may have been applied to the literature search.

Word Count

2,200 words +/-10% (word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list)

Weight- 40%

Learning outcomes measured

ULO1: Locate, access and critique appropriate academic literature related to your field of interest, while developing your online research skills

ULO2: Apply ethical standards for the conduct of human research in the design of a research project

What you need to do

The following steps are involved in conducting and writing up you critical literature review

•            Choose a critical social work topic, issue or concern you want to investigate;

•            Use academic databases via the Library (e.g., Social Work Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts, Scopus) to identify contemporary research on your chosen topic;"

•            Read academic research conducted on chosen topic and identify key themes, debates, and gaps in knowledge;

•            Write up a critical literature review that: introduces the background detail about the chosen topic; synthesises research findings about chosen topic; and concludes by identifying a gap in knowledge that warrants further examination;

•            Referencing will conform to APA referencing requirements (See CiteWrite).

The Criterion Reference Assessment (CRA) Rubric that markers use to grade the assessment task is included and you should use this as a guide when working on the assessment task.

Submission requirements

A Word document will be submitted via Canvas. The critical literature review will consist of the following:"

1.     Introduction and background

2.     Literature review method

3.     Finding of the literature review

4.     Identified research gap

5.     Conclusion

6.     Reference list

*** I tend to think of the structure of a literature as an upside down triangle where you start off broad and across the review narrow in on the exact focus of your review. ***