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The assessment has been developed as an integral part of the module and as one of the principal drivers to learning. The assessment has been

Assessment Information/Brief 2023-24

Module title

Lean Production and Construction Principles


54084, 55672



Assessment title

Lean Production and Construction Principles – Coursework Assessment Brief

Weighting within module

This assessment is worth 100% of the overall module mark.


Leader/Assessment set by


Submission deadline date and time

students with a Reasonable Adjustment Plan (RAP) or Carer Support Plan should check your plan to see if an extension to this submission date has been agreed.

How to submit

The Microsoft Word or PDF file MUST be submitted electronically through Turnitin®. The final version of the completed assignment must be submitted to the correct Turnitin FINAL submissions folder when it is ready for marking. Files mistakenly submitted to the DRAFT folder will not be marked. The Microsoft Word/PDF filename should have the following format, your student roll number_LPLC (e.g. @00887766_LPLC).

For submission advice and guidance (including help using Turnitin), please see your Assessment Support Module listed under your modules in Blackboard. This module contains the draft submission area for using Turnitin for text matching and originality report. Originality reports highlight where text matches against sources in Turnitin giving you a chance to make sure you have referenced your work appropriately.

As the University will mark assessments anonymously where this is possible, please use your student roll number and not your name on your submission.

Assessment task details and instructions

The Concept of the Assessment.

The assessment has been developed as an integral part of the module and as one of the principal drivers to learning. The assessment has been designed to align to the learning materials in being innovative and related to the student’s workplace and/or profession. In all assessment activities, students are encouraged to apply what they have learnt to their own (project or business) organisation (if available). The assessment will be on the basis of the extent to which a student has been able to apply subject material to gain new insight and create or envisage the start of new innovations within the organisation or profession.

It is the intention of the module team that as much flexibility should be allowed within the specification of a project to allow students to negotiate a project brief that meets the academic requirements of the module. These negotiations should take the form of a discussion between the student, Module Tutor and, where appropriate, the student’s employer.

Specification of the project

Background - The Toyota Production System and derivative approaches such as lean production have contributed towards sustainable competitive advantage for their adopters. New understanding and practices for designing, controlling and improving integrated design and production processes are at the heart of the Toyota Production System.

Scenario - In relation to your own workplace and a project, with which you are familiar, identify a specific process. If you have no access at the moment to a work context, please use scenarios given by the tutor as the starting point – you can modify and expand these scenarios in such ways that the application of lean principles can be considered in more depth. The process could be the requirements capture process, the design process, the process of structuring and managing the production system, or some other process system that is clearly identifiable within your business.  For the identified process system conduct a critical evaluation of the process with the particular emphasis of lean principles and prepare a report for senior management that addresses the following issues:

  • Rehearsal of the lean principles
  • Critical evaluation of the current process
  • Development of a target process / system based on consideration of alternative approaches
  • (Alternatively, you may wish to evaluate a current or recent policy initiative in your business or project organisation. In this case please consult with the Module Tutor.)
  • The assignment is to be submitted in report format and as such should have a formal structure and layout. 
  • The report should be structured as a management report in three main sections linked to the issues above.
  • All submissions should have a cover/title page and should be clearly structured by using relevant numbered chapters and sections. The cover/title page should include the following information: your programme (PMC), your study mode (FT/PT/DL) the module name, the date, your roll number, and the total number of words included in the main body of the report (I.e., word count).
  • A table of contents and a reference list should be included.
  • It should be submitted as a single document. The report is to be individually prepared; this is NOT a group submission.
  • Students are required to acknowledge all sources from which they obtain information, by including in-text citations and references in the APA 7th (Harvard) Style of referencing (see guidance on blackboard).


Report basic structure example:

- Report cover/title page with all requested information

- Table of contents

- Section 1- Rehearsal of the Lean Principles

- Section 2 – Critical Evaluation of the Current Process

- Section 3 – Development of a target process / system based on consideration of alternative approaches

- Reference List (APA 7th Harvard Style)


The following checklist will help you to better organise your work.

  • Understand the assessment tasks and requirements – contact the tutor to clarify unclear aspects
  • Review the relevant module material
  • Research and review relevant literature to ensure you can proficiently analyse and discuss the requested topics in your report
  • Ensure that the report is well presented and focused on the requested topics/tasks
  • Use the APA 7th referencing style for in-text citations (in the main body of your report) and in the reference list at the end of the report
  • Submit your report in the draft submission area of the Assessment Support module (in Blackboard), to produce the originality report and ensure that the report does not contain a large amount of text copied from other sources
  • Adjust the length of the report to meet the word limit requirements (3000 words) and include the word count in the cover page of the repor

Note: The final version of the completed assignment must be submitted to the correct Assessment Submission folder in the Lean Production and Construction Principles Blackboard module space.

Assessment Criteria

You should look at the assessment criteria to find out what we are specifically looking at during the assessment. Marks for your assessment will be allocated based on the following assessment marking criteria.

1. An explanation of the Lean production and Lean Construction Principles and associated benefits. 30%

A clear and concise explanation of the context within which the project is being undertaken and a clear and critical evaluation of the current process.     30%

An account of a systematically developed target process and demonstration of critical thinking in the choices made.   30%

Structure, presentation and referencing of report 10%

Please contact the module tutor If you need more information on the above assessment criteria


At Postgraduate Level 7 the following marking scale shall be used:


90% – 100%


80% – 89%

Very good

70% – 79%


60% – 69%


50% – 59%


40% – 49%


30% – 39%


20% – 29%

Very poor

10% – 19%

Extremely poor

0% – 9%




90% –


Assignments in this mark range will demonstrate outstanding clarity of focus, include what is important, and exclude irrelevant issues.

Outstanding understanding of the topics requested in each task with critical awareness of relevance of issues will be evident as well as exceptional expression of ideas and evidence of originality.

Outstanding ability to structure the report and to successfully allocate the available words to the requested tasks, by considering the assessment criteria, will be demonstrated. Critically appraise the foundational concepts underlying traditional and Lean managerial methods.

Outstanding levels of communication and contextualisation of the discussed information as well as outstanding levels of independent secondary research, which reflect knowledge of current practices and relevant theory will be demonstrated. Discussion will be conveyed lucidly. Outstanding structure, compelling and persuasive argument will be evident. The report will be exceptionally presented and structured by using effective layouts, relevant chapters and sections, informative titles/headings, relevant tables and figures.

Appropriate assumptions will be clearly stated. Outstanding and effective use of good quality citations to support discussion and correct use of the requested reference style will be evident.


80% –


Assignments in this mark range will demonstrate excellent clarity of focus, include what is important, and exclude irrelevant issues.

Excellent understanding of the topics requested in each task with critical awareness of relevance of issues will be evident as well as excellent expression of ideas and evidence of originality.

Excellent ability to structure the report and to successfully allocate the available words to the requested tasks, by considering the assessment criteria, will be demonstrated.

Excellent levels of communication and contextualisation of the discussed information as well as very high levels of independent secondary research, which reflect knowledge of current practices and theory will be demonstrated. Discussion will be conveyed lucidly. Excellent structure, compelling and persuasive argument will be evident. The report will be exceptionally presented and

structured by using effective layouts, relevant






chapters and sections, informative titles/headings, relevant tables and figures.

Appropriate assumptions will be clearly stated. Excellent and effective use of good quality citations to support discussion and correct use of the requested reference  style will be evident.

Very good

70% –

Assignments   in    this    mark    range    will



demonstrate very good clarity of focus and



include most of what is important.



Very  good  understanding  of  the  topics



requested in each task will be evident. The



level of critical analysis might need



improvements. Very good expression of ideas,



potential for originality.



Very good ability to structure the report and to



allocate the available words to the requested



tasks, by considering the assessment criteria,



will be demonstrated.



Very good levels of communication  and



contextualisation of the discussed information



will be demonstrated, with possible minor



limitations. Discussion  will  be  conveyed



lucidly. Very good structure and generally



persuasive argument will be evident. The



report  will  be  very  well  presented  and



structured by using very good layouts, relevant



chapters and sections, informative



titles/headings, relevant tables and figures.



Very good independent secondary research



will be expected. A wide range of relevant



sources will be evaluated and synthesized.



Very good and effective use of good quality



citations to support discussion and correct use



of  the requested  reference style will be



evident, with possible minor limitations.



Appropriate assumptions will be clearly stated.


60% –

Assignments in this mark range will



demonstrate clear scope and focus, with some



minor omissions or unnecessary issues.



Good understanding of the topics requested in



each task, with some awareness of relevance



of issues, will be evident. The level of critical



analysis will need improvements.                                                        Generally



good expression of ideas, with some possible



minor limitations will be evident.



Good ability to structure the report and to



allocate the available words to the requested



tasks, by considering the assessment criteria,



will be demonstrated.



Good     levels     of     communication    and



contextualisation of the discussed information,



with       possible      limitations,      will       be




demonstrated. Discussion will be generally clearly conveyed. Good structure and convincing argument will be evident. The report will be well presented and structured by using good layouts, relevant chapters and sections, informative titles/headings, some relevant tables and figures.

Good independent secondary research will be expected, with possible deficiencies in choice and synthesis of secondary sources. Good use of citations to support discussion and generally correct use of the requested reference style will be evident. Assumptions will be generally

clearly stated.


50% –


Assignments in this mark range will demonstrate evident and satisfactory scope, with some omissions and unnecessary issues. Satisfactory understanding of the      topics requested in each task, with some awareness of relevance of issues, will be evident. The level of analysis will need improvements. Generally adequate expression of ideas will be evident. Satisfactory levels of communication, with possible  limitations in terms   of contextualisation and clarity of discussion, will be demonstrated.

Adequate ability to structure the report and to allocate the available words to the requested tasks, by considering the assessment criteria, will be demonstrated. The report will be adequately presented and structured. Although, some deficiencies in terms of layouts, relevant chapters and sections, informative titles/headings, relevant tables and figures might be evident.

Limited independent secondary research, with deficiencies in choice and synthesis of secondary sources. The use of citations to support discussion and/or reference style will need improvements. Some assumptions will be stated.


40% –


Assignments in this mark range will not be appropriately scoped, with significant omissions and/or unnecessary issues.

Unsatisfactory knowledge and understanding of the requested topics, with little awareness of relevance of issues will be evident. The level of analysis will need major improvements. Lack of adequate expression of ideas will be generally evident. Unsatisfactory levels of communication, with limitations in terms of contextualisation and clarity of discussion, will



be demonstrated. Discussion will not show acceptable awareness of relevance of issues. Vague discussion displaying lack of focus. Although some relevant elements discernible The report will show evidences that structure as well as clarity and precision of communication need to be strengthened. Insufficient ability to allocate the available words to the requested tasks might be demonstrated. The presentation and structure of the report will need major improvements. Deficiencies in terms of layouts, relevant chapters and sections, informative titles/headings or relevant tables and figures might be demonstrated.

The report will demonstrate lack of satisfactory independent secondary research, with major deficiencies in choice and synthesis of secondary sources. The use of citations to support discussion and/or reference style will need major improvements. Relevant assumptions might be missing or not clearly stated.


30% –


Assignments in this mark range will be inadequately scoped and focused, with major omissions and unnecessary issues.

Relevant discussion will tend to be very brief with no adequate analysis. Inadequate knowledge and understanding of the discussed topics, lack of awareness of relevance of issues will be evident.

Unsatisfactory levels of communication will be demonstrated, discussion will lack clarity and adequate contextualisation. Discussion will be generally vague, displaying lack of focus. Although some relevant elements might be discernible. The report will show evidences that structure as well as clarity and precision of communication need to be strengthened.

Lack of ability to allocate the available words to the requested tasks will be generally demonstrated. The presentation and structure of the repost will need major improvements. Deficiencies in terms of layouts, relevant chapters and sections, informative titles/headings, relevant tables and figures will be evident.

The report will demonstrate inadequate levels of secondary research, with major deficiencies in number, choice and synthesis of secondary sources. Inadequate use of citations and/or reference style will be evident as well as major omissions or unnecessary issues.




Assignments in this mark range will demonstrate poor knowledge and understanding of the requested topics, with no awareness of relevance of issues.

Relevant discussion will be very brief with some significant misunderstandings which prevent coherent discussion. Extremely limited and largely unsuccessful attempt at analysis. Poor levels of communication will be demonstrated, discussion will lack clarity and contextualisation. Discussion will be generally vague, displaying lack of focus.

The report will be poorly structured and will demonstrate lack of ability to cover all requested tasks. Major deficiencies in terms of layouts, relevant chapters and sections, informative titles/headings, relevant tables and figures will be evident.

The report will demonstrate poor/no research or inclusion of irrelevant/inappropriate sources. Poor use of citations and/or reference style. Major omissions or unnecessary issues

will be evident.

Very poor



Assignments in this mark range will show significant misunderstandings which prevent coherent discussion and analysis of relevant topics. Discussion will be irrelevant or extremely brief and vague with various contradictions/errors/omissions. Very poor knowledge and understanding of the discussed topics, with relevant elements omitted, will be evident.

The report will be very poorly structured and will demonstrate lack of ability to cover all requested tasks. Extremely limited communication skills will be demonstrated. Discussion will be difficult to understand and will demonstrate no meaningful use of any secondary source material. The report will be

very poorly organized and presented.

Extremely poor

0%   –


Assignments in this mark range will show no awareness of scope of topic or any relevant issues. The report will show significant misunderstandings which prevent coherent discussion and analysis of the requested topics. Extremely poor knowledge and understanding of the requested topics, with major relevant elements omitted will be evident.

No ability to discuss all the requested tasks will be demonstrated. Lack of communication skills. Discussion will be extremely brief or difficult to understand and will demonstrate no meaningful  use  of  any  secondary  source 

material. No attempt to present work in acceptable format.








On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:


Knowledge and Understanding

  1. Critically appraise the foundational concepts underlying traditional and Lean managerial methods.
  2. Critically appraise Lean production and construction principles.



Practical, Professional or Subject Specific Skills


  1. Identify opportunities in construction and project organisations for lean improvement.
  2. Convey lean production and construction principles to construction and project organisations.
  3. Produce reports identifying and discussing the benefits of lean approaches in construction.
  4. A high level of problem solving and analytical skills.
  5. A high standard of appreciation and understanding of lean production and lean construction.

Module Aims

To develop a knowledge and understanding of lean production and lean construction principles and their importance to the successful

management of projects.

Employability Skills developed /


Communication YES

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving YES Data Literacy YES

Digital Literacy YES


Industry Awareness YES


Innovation and Creativity YES


Proactive Leadership YES


Reflection and Life-Long Learning YES


Self-management and Organisation YES

Word count/ duration (if applicable)

Your assessment should be a Microsoft Word / PDF report of a maximum 3000 words. Cover sheet, table of contents, reference list, tables, bibliography (optional) and appendices (optional) are not considered in the word count.


Students are expected to decide for themselves the appropriate word length of each section by considering the assessment criteria specified in this assignment brief.

The word limit is set to guide students in terms of effort required. It is suggested to not exceed the word count by more than 10%.

Feedback arrangements

You can expect to receive feedback via Blackboard / Turnitin after 15 working days of the submission deadline.

The module tutor will be available via email to review one assignment draft per student and to clarify any doubt related to the coursework and the module in general. Students should send their draft to the module tutor via email at least 2 weeks before the submission deadline.

Note: Drafts submitted in the draft submission area of the Assessment Support module (in Blackboard) are not reviewed by the tutor.

Academic Integrity and Referencing

Students are expected to learn and demonstrate skills associated with good academic conduct (academic integrity). Good academic conduct includes the use of clear and correct referencing of source materials. Here is a link to where you can find out more about the skills which students need:

Academic integrity & referencing Referencing

Academic Misconduct is an action which may give you an unfair advantage in your academic work. This includes plagiarism, asking

someone else to write your assessment for you or taking notes into an exam. The University takes all forms of academic misconduct seriously.

Assessment Information and Support

Support for this Assessment

You can obtain support for this assessment by contacting the module tutor in lectures/tutorials, drop-in sessions or via email.

Andrew Fleming can be contacted via email regarding any aspect of this assignment. A reply can be expected within 3 working days, if you do not receive a reply please email again stating that the email is a second request for support.

You can find more information about understanding your assessment brief and assessment tips for success here.

Assessment Rules and Processes

You can find information about assessment rules and processes in Blackboard in the Assessment Support module.



Develop your Academic and Digital Skills

Find resources to help you develop your skills here.

Concerns about Studies or Progress

If you have any concerns about your studies, contact your Academic Progress Review Tutor/Personal Tutor or your Student Progression Administrator (SPA).

askUS Services

The University offers a range of support services for students through

askUS including Disability and Learner Support, Wellbeing and Counselling Services.

Personal Mitigating Circumstances (PMCs)

If personal mitigating circumstances (e.g. illness or other personal circumstances) may have affected your ability to complete this assessment, you can find more information about the Personal Mitigating Circumstances Procedure here. Independent advice is available from the Students’ Union Advice Centre about this process. Click here for an appointment to speak to an adviser or email advicecentre- ussu@salford.ac.uk.

In Year Retrieval Scheme

Your assessment is not eligible for in year retrieval.


If you fail your assessment, and are eligible for reassessment, you will need to resubmit on or before 4pm Friday TBA July 2024. For students with accepted personal mitigating circumstances for absence/non submission, this will be your replacement assessment attempt. Critically appraise the foundational concepts underlying traditional and Lean managerial methods.

The reassessment assignment brief will be the same as the original assignment brief (i.e., same task and requirements).

We know that having to undergo a reassessment can be challenging however support is available. Have a look at all the sources of support outlined earlier in this brief and refer to the Personal Effectiveness resource