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The Australian -enHealth- 2017 guidelines in the course reading list indicates nine steps of the HIA process with an important step being Community and Stakeholder Engagement.

You need to read the question below, and research and prepare a written response. Your responses must be written in an academic format, include a minimum of three references, and link your points with the literature.
Question: -The Australian -enHealth- 2017 guidelines in the course reading list indicates nine steps of the HIA process with an important step being Community and Stakeholder Engagement. Using your local knowledge describe a policy, program or project and identify the Proponents, Decision-Makers, other stakeholders, and groups from the general public. Choose one of the other eight steps and describe how Stakeholder and Community Engagement can inform that step.-
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Due date: Monday 5th August at 3pm WST. The total for this assessment is 10%. You will be assessed against the marking guide I have provided here:
ENHL6000 2024 DiscussionPostO! marking guide.ndf
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You are also required to review and make constructive comment on at least 1 other student's post. You will not be able to see other students posts until you have posted your own. If you request an extension, you will not see other postings until your submission has been posted/moderated. Note that to view other threads in the forum, you cannot delete or edit your own posts after submission and cannot post anonymously.
Please also include a completed student declaration at the beginning of the post by uploading your copy of the file I have provided here:
StudentDeclaration DiscussionPostO! .docx A^
Please note that generative Al (e.g. ChatGPT) is NOT ALLOV7ED in this assignment and any students caught submitting material generated through Al may be subject to scrutiny from the student academic misconduct panel. . , ,