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The Impact of Climate Change on the Supply Chain •        For this topic, you will examine the impact of climate change on supply chains today and the predicted future impacts. What are the current and future risks?


The Impact of Climate Change on the Supply Chain

•        For this topic, you will examine the impact of climate change on supply chains today and the predicted future impacts. What are the current and future risks? What do organizations need to do today, and in the future, to mitigate the risks you have identified? What are the benefits, if any, of implementing change sooner rather than later?

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the Supply Chain

•        For this topic, you will examine the impact of AI on supply chains today and the predicted future impacts. How is AI benefitting supply chains today and what are the expected future benefits? What should organizations do to take advantage of the benefits? What risks are involved with the adoption of AI, and what action should be taken to mitigate those risks?  

Assignment Description:

Pick only ONE of the above topics. Authoring a paper that combines both topics will result in a 50% reduction of the grade received. The requirements are as follows:

1.     Treat the case as if you are the CEO of an organization and summarize your findings/recommendations in your paper. This is a forward-looking paper. Consider yourself as the person that is able set the strategy that will lead your organization into the future. Clearly explain the concepts or analysis tools that you used from this class, and your research, to support your conclusions. 

2.     Your paper must be professionally researched and cite multiple references to support your argument. The references could be scholarly/peer-reviewed articles, a company's website, industry associations, printed material, podcast, articles from reputable publications, etc.

Guidelines on the format of the term paper:

Each page of your paper MUST include the title of the paper and the page number. Use the header/footer function in Microsoft Word to insert the required information at the top right corner, starting with the title page as page 1. Other requirements:

• 8-10 typewritten pages

o The title page, references and any figures or graphs will not be considered as part of the page requirement.

•        Double spaced

•        12-pt. Calibri font

•        1” margins

•        Proper citations (see below)

Your paper MUST follow the layout below, including types of headings, flow of information, and what content to include:

•        Title Page

•        Abstract

•        Introduction

Begin your paper with the introduction section which will talk about the following: 

o Provide background information. o What is the thesis or main idea of your research? o What are the relevant key points about the organization of your thesis?


The Analysis section answers the following questions:

o       What is the situational analysis of the topic you have chosen? o What are the causes/effects of the situation or issue at hand? o What are the current and future risks that must be mitigated? o What is the potential for current/future benefits?

o       How can operational and supply chain concepts be applied to analyze the situation? o How will ethical issues be addressed if there are any?


The Recommendations/Discussion section answers the following questions: o How can the issue be addressed?

o   What can be done to mitigate the risks involved and to take advantage of future benefits?

o   What has been done so far to address the issue? o What can be done to generate future improvement?

o   What specific recommendations can be made for moving forward?

▪ Using operational and supply chain concepts, explain your rationale for these recommendations.

▪ Remember, you are the person responsible for developing the strategy that will lead your organization into an uncertain future. Being left behind by your competition is not an option.

o   How will these recommendations enhance organizational effectiveness?

o   Are there any ethical issues you need to consider in your recommendations?


Start the "References" section on a new page after the last page of your last section of the paper. List your reference materials in alphabetical order by author's last name. In preparing References, consider the following:

o   Have you used a proper Style in your References section and footnotes?

o   Be sure you have given credit to the source of ALL borrowed information, whether quoted directly or paraphrased in your own words. o See the following resources for additional information:

OWL Purdue(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

OWL Purdue paper example(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.  

Appendix(if needed)

o If there are any additional supporting material such as tables/figures you want to include in the paper but don't want them to be in the main body of the paper, please put them in the Appendix. 

NOTE:   A good resource to ensure the proper format for in-text citations and reference sections is KnightCite Citation ServiceLinks to an external site.. Any written assignments submitted without the proper citations and bibliography will automatically receive a 25point deduction from the grade that would have been earned if the citations and bibliography were present.

In general, pay close attention to proper writing mechanics including concise and unambiguous language use, grammar, spelling, proper sentence structure and proper citations.

How will the assignment be assessed?

The following criteria will be used to grade your paper.

Communications: The written component offers substantive and concise description and clarity in content, language use, grammar, organization, sentence structure, and supported by consistently formatted citations and references.

Critical Thinking: Provides reflection and applications of business concepts, analyzes, synthesizes and expresses the complexities of a business issue. It also considers alternative systems of thought and solutions where applicable.

Problem Solving: Analyses the underlying causes of the situation by collecting and assessing relevant information, evaluates various courses of actions, and concludes and defends appropriate solutions and recommendations.

Ethics: Considers concepts of ethical dimensions to the examination of the business problem and analyzes and evaluates ethical issues in defending solutions and recommendations.

Integration: Integrates the interrelationships of business issues, ethics, diversity, and global aspects with analysis of the possible courses of actions and recommendations.