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The Practical Assessment for Web App Frameworks (COMP6006/COMP3011) aims to assess your progress and understanding of the concepts and technologies used and taugh

Assignment Task

Practical Assessment

The Practical Assessment for Web App Frameworks (COMP6006/COMP3011) aims to assess your progress and understanding of the concepts and technologies used and taught within the Unit. This document provides a guide for what to expect in the assessment due at the end of Teaching Week 12 (Week 13, 26th May), so you are able to prepare.

Please note that this assessment is unlikely to change hugely but rights are reserved to make small changes.


The JustTweet project formed the practical component of the React.js workshops. The components you will be assessed on are:

  • Use of React-Bootstrap within your project, therefore some semblance of responsiveness;
  • Development of the client interface using composition and mapping;
  • (Roughly) matching the user interface except for the “Images and Videos” gallery and the circular “Profile Picture” as well;
  • Functionally ensuring the ‘Tweet Counter’ works and is driven by the data from Mongo;
  • Ensuring the NewTweet form functions and creates a new tweet on the MongoDB server;
  • Ensuring that each individual Tweet (content only) is retrieved from the MongoDB
  • Ensuring that there is a delete button after each tweet and it is After delete, it should update MongoDB and display the remaining tweets.

The Tweet data should sit at an appropriate place in your project that minimizes duplication for maximum marks.


The EasyToDo project formed the practical component of the Express.js workshops . The components you will be assessed on are:

  • General js setup;
  • MongoDB cloud setup;
  • js POST endpoint to add new data ;
  • js GET endpoint to retrieve existing data ;
  • Pug template for the index page to format the existing data;
  • js endpoint (and template integration) for deleting data ;
  • Integration of Mongoose with js.

To make sure your projects connect to the cloud database properly after the submission, you will be required to configure the network access in your MongoDB cloud account. I have made a short video and posted into the iLecture

Written Discussion 

The Written Discussion will involve you demonstrating your knowledge of the two projects to the Lecturer. The Lecturer will ask ten questions that will involve short written answers, the questions being similar to those below:

  • Where is this component defined in your code?
  • What does this section of code do?
  • When a component is build this way , could you consider another way to do this?
    • What is a benefit of doing it another way ?
  • Change the code to do this instead (e.g. change the location of an endpoint).
  • How would you consider usability or security in the development of this component?
  • How could this be achieved using Django?

These will be asked through a two-hour timed test on Blackboard. You will have the entirety of Week 12 to undertake this assessment. However, once the test has been started, it must be finished.