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The reflective essay will assess your knowledge and understanding of the key concepts and principles of psychosocial models of communication Learning Outcomes for the module Examine the importance

Assessment Overview


The reflective essay will assess your knowledge and understanding of the key concepts and principles of psychosocial models of communication

Learning Outcomes for the module

  • Examine the importance of early years and childhood experiences and the possible impact on behaviour and decision making.
  • Explain the meaning of resilience and emotional intelligence
  • Discuss the meaning and importance of emotional containment
  • Analyse psychosocial theories and models of communication
  • Critically apply models of emotional intelligence to own decision making
  • Demonstrate the capacity to accept and manage uncertainty in self and others
  • Critically analyse therapeutic communications with Service Users
  • Apply knowledge of community resources during care planning
  • Demonstrate an inclusive approach to care and access to services through an understanding of own bias
  • Promote independence and the development of coping strategies

Assessment Details

You will write a 2500 word reflective essay using a psychosocial model to explore communication.

There are three areas to be included in the essay:

  1. Application of a psychosocial model or theory to understand communication between yourself and a Service User
  2. Reflection on your learning based on your observation of your own and others behaviour and communication in the groupwork
  3. Identification of two examples of behaviour or communication that you could take into your work with Service Users

During the module you will work in groups where you will generate material for the assessment and receive feedback on this.

You will be part of a group where you will bring in examples of your interactions with Service Users. You will discuss these in relation to the psychosocial theory and models presented in the module

You will also observe a group and their communication and learn about your reactions to the communication.

Word Count

Your word count includes all words and characters that make up the body of your work. This includes any headings, tables, diagrams, quotations, citations and footnotes. It does not include the title of your work. It does not include the reference lists at the end of your work. It also does not include information contained in any appendices. As a general rule, information which is essential to your work should be included in the body of your work and not added to appendices. Please see specific programme and individual assessment guidance around formatting of your work including referencing style, footnotes and appendices

Marking Criteria (Rubric)

These are descriptions, based on the module’s learning outcomes, of the skills, knowledge or attributes you need to demonstrate in order to complete the assessment successfully. Your feedback will be based on them. You may also wish to refer to the general grade-related criteria. These are descriptions of the level of skills, knowledge or attributes you need to demonstrate to achieve a certain grade or mark in an assessment. Please see page 91 and 92 of your Programme Handbook.  Feedback will be provided using Turnitin.




Grade awarded 

Very good 









39% and below 

Structure & presentation (5%) 








Demonstrate logical and coherent development in your work. It must be clearly presented. 


You will have: 

  • Presented work that is grammatically correct and has good sentence construction. 


  • Structured your essay in a logical manner including an introduction and summary or conclusion. 


  • Demonstrated a coherent line of discussion. 



Professionally presented work that is logically developed. 


Includes an introduction and a summary/conclusion. 


Spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence construction is correct. 


Professionally presented work that is logically developed. 


Includes an introduction and a summary/



A few minor spelling, grammar, punctuation or sentence construction errors may be evident. 


Well-presented work. Essay is well structured but lacks logical development in places. 


May not include an introduction and summary/



Some minor errors with, spelling, and/or grammar, punctuation, and sentence construction may be evident.


Work is clearly presented, but logical/coherent development of ideas is not always evident. 


May not include an introduction and summary/


 Some errors with spelling, and/or grammar, punctuation, and sentence construction may be evident.






Logical and coherent development is not evident within the essay. 


Numerous errors with spelling and/or grammar, punctuation, and sentence construction may be evident. 


Referencing and citation practice (5%)








Use the recommended City University Harvard referencing system


You will have:

  • Used the recommended City University Harvard citation practice throughout the essay

               Cite Them Right - Home (citethemrightonline.com)


  • Included an accurate and complete reference list



 All references accurate and complete using City guidelines (within text and in reference list).


City guidelines used. Minor inaccuracies in citation practice within text or reference list.


City guidelines used Several inaccuracies in citation practice within text or reference list.


City guidelines may not be used. Numerous inaccuracies in citation practice within text and reference list/or reference list missing.


No citations within text and/or reference list missing.


Knowledge of underpinning theory and evidence base in relation to an interaction with a Service User (30%)








 Critically apply a psychosocial model to an interaction between you and a Service User


You will have:

  • Critically applied a psychosocial model or theory to understand behaviour and communication between you and a Service User


  • Outlined the theory and considered the quality of the supporting evidence base


  • Included examples of relevant behaviour and communication and critically analyse these


Detailed commentary on the model or theory that includes critical comments


Very good level of critical discussion of the theory and evidence base model/theory



Detailed critical analysis of the communication that includes relevant examples and related to the theory


Good discussion of the model or theory that includes some critical comments


Good level of discussion of the theory and evidence base, with some critical elements



 Good analysis with relevant examples of communication and links to theory


Model or theory is clear but limited critical commentary



Fair discussion of the theory and evidence base with some critical elements, although mainly descriptive.


Relevant examples of communication are linked with the theory    and there are some critical comments


Model or theory unclear/limited commentary



Discussion of the theory and evidence base is unclear



Limited information about the communication/

Some links are made with the theory


Model or theory not identified or




Limited or no discussion of the theory and evidence base




No information about the communication/ Examples are not related to the theory  


Reflection on your learning (30%)








Critically reflect on your learning through observation of your own and others behaviour and communication in the groupwork


You will have:

  • Included examples of the behaviour and communication of yourself and peers in the group and reflected on these


  • Critically reflected on your emotional and cognitive reactions to the verbal and behavioural input in the group and the impact on your behaviour



  • Reflected on your learning about your own bias and preferences





A high number of specific and relevant examples of behaviour/communication and critical reflection on these



A high number of specific and relevant examples of

of emotional and cognitive reactions and critical reflection on the impact of these on your behaviour




A high number of specific and relevant examples of

of learning about your own bias and preferences and critical reflection on these


Specific and relevant examples of behaviour/ communication and critical reflection



Specific and relevant examples of emotional and cognitive reactions   and critical reflection on the impact of these on your behaviour



Specific and relevant examples of learning about your own bias and preferences and reflection on these


Fair examples of behaviour/ communication are included and there is reflection on these



Fair examples of your emotional and cognitive reactions

and reflection on how these impact on your behaviour





There are relevant examples of your  

your own bias and preferences 

and reflection on these


 There are some relevant examples of behaviour and communication (self and peers) and some reflection on these


There are some relevant examples of your emotional and cognitive reactions

and some reflection on how these impact on your behaviour



There are some relevant examples of learning about your own bias and preferences 

and some reflection on these



Examples of behaviour and communication of self and peers are absent or very general and there is minimal or no reflection on these

Examples of your own emotional and cognitive reactions are absent or very general and there is minimal or no reflection on how these impact on your behaviour


Examples of learning about your own bias and preferences are absent or very general and there is minimal or no reflecion on these