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This task is designed for completion on your own time, although you may begin work during your TAE training. Task overview Design and develop a competency-based learning program that covers the requirements of o

Assignment Task


This task is designed for completion on your own time, although you may begin work during your TAE training.

Task overview

Design and develop a competency-based learning program that covers the requirements of one (1) unit of competency (and its assessment requirements) from a nationally recognised training package qualification.

  • Your learning program must show a learning progression that will effectively build the skills, knowledge and attributes needed to attain a competent result in the unit of competency covered—the entire unit and its assessment requirements must be met by the end of the program.
  • The target learner group for your learning program must be different from the target learner group you described in DES Task 01 (where you explored and used a training package to meet client needs).
  • At least one person with instructional design or relevant subject matter expertise must give you input and feedback on your learning program—they may provide feedback throughout development or after you have prepared the first draft of your learning program plan.
  • A suitable referee must oversee your work and verify foundation skills you use to design and develop your learning program (your referee may be the same as or different from the person who gives you feedback on your draft learning program).

Identify a context

Identify a real or realistic situation that requires you to design a competency-based learning program. Your TAE program leader can help you establish a suitable context. As part of the context, identify:

  • your target learners (real or simulated) and their key characteristics
  • a work activity that learners will learn in your learning program
  • a reason why your target learners would need to learn how to perform this work activity.


  1. What is the code and title of the unit?
  2. What is the code and title of the training package that the unit comes from?
  3. Identify at least one (1) qualification from the above training package that includes the unit as either a core or an elective.
  4. How many units in total are required to attain the qualification

Analyse and contextualise the competency standard

Using the advice on contextualising units of competency that you sourced in the previous activity, analyse the unit and its assessment requirements to:

  • clarify the program outcomes
  • identify how learners will or may perform the work activity described in the unit of competency, in their real-world environment/s
  • identify the language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) and other foundation skills learners will need to perform the work needed to perform the work activity in their real world environment/s.

To note your findings, add comments to the copies of the unit and its assessment requirements that you downloaded from training.gov.au. Use the example provided in the participant manual as a guide.

Then, consider the dimensions of competence

Competency means the ability to perform to the standard of performance expected in the workplace. The learning program you design must include content and activities that help learners learn to perform in realistic work (or other ‘real-world’) conditions.

Use the dimensions of competency to identify some real-world conditions associated with performing the work activity you will cover in your learning program. 

Task skills

What organisational policies and procedures must learners understand and comply with, to perform the work activity as required?

Task management skills

  • What deadlines must be met—how quickly or efficiently must they complete the work activity?
  • What other work activities must learners complete or manage while competing the work activity?

Contingency management skills

  • What are the hazards and other safety implications of performing the work activity in real-world conditions and how will the learners be expected to control these?
  • What challenges will commonly arise when performing the work activity, and how will learners be expected to manage these?

Job/role environment skills

  • In what environment will learners perform the work activity?
  • What equipment must they use?
  • Who must learners work with or report to?
  • What distractions might be present?

Organisational quality assurance policies and procedures

Identify some organisational quality assurance policies and procedures that may apply to your program.  To do this, consider:

  • program administration—what attendance, assessment, or other types of records might need to be maintained for each program delivery?
  • evaluation—how might the program delivery be evaluated (for example, would you need program feedback forms)?