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Use online calculators to determine what impact wellness programs might have on an organization’s health care costs, absenteeism, and presenteeism. The assignment also s

Case Assignment

This assignment requires you to:

Use online calculators to determine what impact wellness programs might have on an organization’s health care costs, absenteeism, and presenteeism. The assignment also shows the risks of doing nothing to try to curb those health insurance, absenteeism, and presenteeism costs.

To carry out the assignment, you are required to:

  1. Complete 3 tables—one each for Health Care Costs, Absenteeism, and Presenteeism.
    1. Use relevant data that you find from reputable sources for annual health care costs, number of employees, percent obese, and percent smokers. [If you cannot readily find actual data from searching sources, use fictitious data that seems realistic to you.] Select your own targets for percent obese and percent smokers.
    2. To utilize your quantitative reasoning skills, it is important you analyze, synthesize, and accurately report your findings in a 3-page paper (not counting the title page, reference page, or appendices).
  2. Feel free to use the same data for each table, but you should try to use examples of data that show significant differences when calculated.
  3. Follow this link to the calculators: https://www.wellsteps.com/roi/

Additional information can be found at Well Steps - https://www.wellsteps.com/resources/tools/.

Calculate the possible impact on health care costs, absenteeism, and presenteeism of wellness programs.

Prepare three tables in Word to show the data you choose. Your tables should be set up like this:

Health Care Costs:

Health Care Costs:

Annual Health Care Costs

Annual Cost Increase

Number of Employees

% of employees obese

% that are smokers

Target percent obese

Target percent smokers









2020 projected








2025 projected










Annual Health Care Costs

Annual Cost Increase

Number of Employees

% of employees obese

% that are smokers

Target percent obese

Target percent smokers









2022 Do Nothing








2022 Wellness Program Impact








2025 Do Nothing

2025 Wellness Program




Annual Health Care Costs

Annual Cost Increase

Number of Employees

% of employees obese

% that are smokers

% of employees 1 or more risk factor.

Target percent obese

Target percent smokers










2022 Do Nothing









2022 Impact of Wellness









2025 Do Nothing

2025 Impact of Wellness Program

Using critical thinking skills to prepare your narrative, you should summarize and analyze the data. Do not merely repeat the numbers without analyzing the findings and making recommendations for employers (and employees).

The paper you submit should include:

  1. Title page
  2. Three-page narrative, complete with a strong introduction and conclusion. Utilize at least two sources from the Trident Online Library as you develop the narrative. Include in-text citations following APA guidelines.
  3. References page: Include your reference list on the next page that follows your narrative. List each source on the References page in APA format.
  4. Appendices: Create three appendices, one each for Health Care Costs, Absenteeism, and Presenteeism. Include at least one graph to go along with each of the three tables (appendices). Clarify for your reader which graph relates to health care costs, absenteeism, and presenteeism.




Assignment Expectations

Your submission will be evaluated using the criteria as stated in the Quantitative Reasoning rubric. The following is a review of the rubric criteria:

Critical Thinking: Expressing quantitative analysis of data (factual information) to support the discussion showing what evidence is used and how it is contextualized.

Interpretation: Explaining information presented in mathematical terms (e.g., equations, graphs, diagrams, tables, words)

Presentation: Ability to convert relevant information into various mathematical terms (e.g., equations, graphs, diagrams, tables, words)

Conclusions: Drawing appropriate conclusions based on the analysis of factual information/data.

Timeliness: Assignment submitted on time or with professor’s pre-approved assignment extension.