Using EITHER the Theory of Planned Behaviour OR the Technology Acceptance Model, evaluate the impact of the rising influence of sustainable consumption on consumer behaviour in o
Using EITHER the Theory of Planned Behaviour OR the Technology Acceptance Model, evaluate the impact of the rising influence of sustainable consumption on consumer behaviour in one country and one sector/industry of your choice. From your evaluation, draw conclusions and recommendations on how marketing to consumers will need to adapt to consumer demand.
What is this question asking you to do?
Introduction and Explanation (500-800 words)(20%) :
- Introduce and evaluate your chosen topic area.
- Focus on one specific consumer segment who engages in a specific consumption behaviour occurring in response to your chosen sustainable consumption topic and industry.
- Chosen Consumer behaviour segment behaviour
- Focus on one only one sector/industry
Evaluation and application of the theoretical framework
- Select ONE of the two provided consumer behaviour theories
- Give an overview (context) and critical analysis of the CB theory.
- Apply the theory to your chosen segment
- Evaluate the theory’s contribution
PART 3 Conclusions
Develop conclusions based on your content in parts 1 and 2.
Fast Forward! The future
Imagine future implications of your chosen sustainable consumer behaviour topic. Based on your analysis in part 1,2 and 3, develop future recommendations to marketing practitioners on the adaptations to their thinking and practise that they will need to implement, keeping in mind the impact and influences of your consumer segment