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Week 7 Research Proposal Project: Final Research Proposal Project All components of this project have been completed in previous weeks, so your final research proposal project paper should be cohesive, polished, and incorporate feedback

Week 7 Research Proposal Project: Final

Research Proposal Project

All components of this project have been completed in previous weeks, so your final research proposal project paper should be cohesive, polished, and incorporate feedback from your instructor from the previous weeks. Your research proposal should be between 10 and 15 pages. Follow proper APA format and style and include a cover page, reference page, and any applicable tables or appendices. Your research proposal should have a nursing theoretical foundation.

Your research proposal must include the following sections:

Background and rationale for the study

Review of the relevant literature Design and methodology

You must include the following components:

Section One: Introduction

The research proposal should:

Start with a statement of the problem and objective for the study, which articulates the main objectives that the study desires to achieve.

Include a description of the theoretical framework to be utilized and a rationale for choosing a framework.

Describe the significance and relevance of the problem. Why is this particular study needed? How will findings contribute to the field of advanced practice nursing? Why is this research needed?

Section Two: Literature Review The literature review should:

Be a synthesis of the major concepts from recently published research findings.

Be organized by themes and not just a report about what each author discovered in his or her research findings.

Identify no fewer than six relevant research articles.

Synthesize the literature in relation to where the study fits within the context of the proposed study.

Section Three: Design and Methodology

In this section, what is to be done, and who, what, how, and where are all to be included in your proposal. The methods should be relevant to the question that is to be answered as a result of the research study. There should be information included about the study design, the setting and sample, data collection methods, and data collection analysis procedures. Ethical considerations should also be addressed in this area. Limitations and a plan for communicating the research findings should also be included in this section.

 All critical elements of design and methods should be detailed, including:

Definitions of the variables

Identification of the population and sample

Procedures for sampling

Processes for obtaining consent to do the study

Informed consent form to be given to research participants

Data collection procedures

A clearly stated method of data analysis

An explanation on why your data analysis method is appropriate for your research

Issues related to validity and reliability

Ethical considerations (including plans for the protection of human subjects as appropriate)

Due Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time)

Points Possible: 150

NURS_540_DE - NURS540 Research Proposal Paper Rubric







15 to >12.3 pts Accomplished

Problem, purpose of study, IV and DV variables, definition of terms, and hypotheses are clearly identified.


12.3 to >11.25 pts Emerging

Problem, purpose of study, IV and DV variables, definition of terms, and hypotheses are somewhat identified.

11.25 to >0 pts


Problem, purpose of study, IV and DV variables, definition of terms, and hypotheses are absent or mostly misidentified.

15 pts



7.5 to >6.15 pts Accomplished

Description of theoretical framework an identification of concepts to be explored are clearly identified.


6.15 to >5.63 pts Emerging

Description of theoretical framework and identification of concepts to be explored are somewhat identified.

5.63 to >0 pts


Description of theoretical framework and identification of concepts to be explored are absent or mostly misidentified.

7.5 pts

Applicability to


15 to >12.3 pts Accomplished

Research is significant to the field of nursing and contributes to nursing knowledge. The study can be replicated by others.


12.3 to >11.25 pts Emerging

Research is related to nursing and somewhat contributes to nursing knowledge. There is a possibility the study can be replicated.

11.25 to >0 pts


Research is somewhat related or unrelated to nursing and may not contribute to nursing knowledge. The study cannot easily be replicated by others.

15 pts



30 to >24.6 pts


At least 6 references are included. Concepts explored in references are clearly identified.


24.6 to >22.5 pts


At least 4 references are included. Concepts explored in references are somewhat identified.

22.5 to >0 pts


0+ references are included. Concepts explored in references are absent or mostly misidentified.

30 pts


30 to >24.6 pts Accomplished

Description of study, study design, rationale, and inclusion of sampling information are clearly identified.


24.6 to >22.5 pts Emerging

Description of study, study design, rationale, and inclusion of sampling information are somewhat identified.

22.5 to >0 pts


Description of study, study design, rationale, and inclusion of sampling information are absent or mostly misidentified.

30 pts

Data Analysis

22.5 to >18.45 pts Accomplished

Data analysis and the method of displaying findings are clearly identified


18.45 to >16.88 pts Emerging

Data analysis and the method of displaying findings are somewhat identified.

16.88 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory

Data analysis and the method of displaying findings are absent or mostly misidentified.

22.5 pts

Appendices and Tables

15 to >12.3 pts Accomplished

Appendices include an appropriate informed consent form, a survey form if needed, and appropriate tables if applicable.

12.3 to >11.25 pts Emerging

Appendices have an incomplete informed consent form, may not include a needed survey form if needed, and may be missing some appropriate tables.

11.25 to >0 pts


Appendices are missing or include a highly inappropriate informed consent form, may not include a needed survey form, and may be missing some appropriate tables.

15 pts

Mechanics and APA

15 to >12.3 pts Accomplished

Written in a clear, concise, formal, and organized manner. Responses are mostly error free. Information from sources is appropriately paraphrased and accurately cited.


12.3 to >11.25 pts Emerging

Writing is generally clear and organized but is not concise or formal in language. Multiple errors exist in spelling and grammar with minor interference with readability or comprehension. Most information from sources is paraphrased and cited correctly.

11.25 to >0 pts


Writing is generally unclear and unorganized. Errors in spelling and grammar detract from readability and comprehension. Sources are missing or improperly cited.

15 pts













Total Points: 150