What role did environmental challenges, such as drought or desertification, play in the rise or decline of significant empires like Ghana, Mali, or Songhai? Scholarly Reflection: Consider how these challenges shaped societal developments a
- Peer Reply Prompt Question:
- What role did environmental challenges, such as drought or desertification, play in the rise or decline of significant empires like Ghana, Mali, or Songhai?
- Scholarly Reflection: Consider how these challenges shaped societal developments and examine the differing paths of empires that successfully adapted to environmental pressures compared to those that failed to do so.
- What role did environmental challenges, such as drought or desertification, play in the rise or decline of significant empires like Ghana, Mali, or Songhai?
Word Count:
- Each response must be 100 words.
Incorporate Evidence:
- Support your response using evidence from the module's required materials.
- Include one Chicago-style footnote in your reply to properly cite your source.
Maintain a Scholarly Tone:
- Avoid personal opinions, agreement, disagreement, or compliments in your response.
- Instead, contribute meaningful insights by:
- Formatting: Use Chicago-style footnotes for all citations
- Only source should be from : Franklin, John Hope. From Slavery to Freedom. 10th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2021.
- Reply to this prompt b:
Prompt B
1.The role of slavery in African society and the economy was significant, serving as a “wealth indicator”. Slaves were often individuals who had been defeated in conflict, resulting in power dynamics at the time. The institution of slavery was based off of social structures and roles. Slavery was a means to pay off debt or people defeated by war. Slaves worked in agriculture doing trades or craftsmanship. In addition, west African slavery was a way of exploitation vs Europeans slavery system. Therefore, it played a major role in the social advancement making power dynamics bring a vital factor during that era.
- Roles that enslaved individuals fulfilled in African societies were expanding their social status. Before the Atlantic slave trade, Some slaves produced goods like leather or metal work while others were captured after war. In Africa, Europeans were drawn to their continent because of its gold, spices and large supply of slaves. Their roles were fixing, cleaning & assisting their masters. The roles that were taken could potentially lead to a place of power or increase in social status.
- 3. The difference in slavery in west Africa vs Europe is slavery was more flexible in Africa. Slaves still had rights to a family, income & possibility of freedom. Both systems of coercion were debt based, using slavery as a way to pay off debt. The systems were forced to work against their will. Unlike, west African slavery, European slavery was heavily influenced by race. The system was more brutal with minimal chance of freedom. Both systems were partially put into place to enforce power to one side.
Battle, Mary. “Slavery before the Trans-Atlantic Trade · African Passages, Lowcountry Adaptations · Lowcountry Digital History Initiative.” Omeka RSS. Accessed March 2, 2025. https://ldhi.library.cofc.edu/exhibits/show/africanpassageslowcountryadapt/introductionatlanticworld/slaverybeforetrade.
Rossi, Benedetta. “Slavery in Francophone West Africa.” SpringerLink, January 1, 1970. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-13260-5_33.
Smith, Emily. “Modern Slavery? Transatlantic Slavery? What’s the Difference?” National Museums Liverpool. Accessed March 2, 2025. https://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/stories/modern-slavery-transatlantic-slavery-whats-difference.