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Write an Analytical review of a film based on concepts and theories discussed in class and found in the readings for this course. This assignment should be between 3 typed, double-spaced pages. 12-pt font


 Write an Analytical review of a film based on concepts and theories discussed in class and found in the readings for this course. This assignment should be between 3 typed, double-spaced pages. 12-pt font, 1-inch margins all around.

 In your paper, make sure you include the following:

  • i. introduction: overview of the films (no longer than one page) In this section, you should provide a summary or overview of your selected film. If your selected films is a fictional story, provide a brief plot summary. If your selected film is a documentary, provide an overview of the topics discussed by the documentarian. While you may assume that the reader of your film analysis paper has seen the selected film, your overview should be able to provide an adequate presentation of the film’s focus to someone who has not seen it. The purpose of this first section of your paper is two-fold:

         - First, it allows you to demonstrate that you have carefully viewed the film and can present it’s basic premise. 

          - Second, this section serves as the introduction to your paper and upcoming arguments. Therefore, you should stress in your overview the elements of the film that will be most relevant to your discussion in the following section of your paper. 

  • ii. analysis: connections to the course This portion of your paper requires you to apply material from the course to your chosen film. Be sure to cite material appropriately.

There are four areas of focus to the analysis:

 a. Race as a social construction Does the film present race (and issues of race) as a social construction? If so, in what ways? Explain. Discuss why you think the film does or does not present race as a social construction. 

b. Intersections of race with other social locations In the film you selected, in what ways does race intersect with other social locations such as gender, ethnicity, social class, and sexual orientation? Describe and discuss.

 c. Race embedded in social institutions In the film you selected, is race embedded in social institutions featured in the film (e.g., the family, education, the economy, etc.)? Describe and discuss. 

d. Race and social change What does the film have to do with race and social change? Do you feel the film is pushing for social change or reinforcing the status quo? Describe and discuss. 

You must reference at least 1 lecture and 3 readings/videos from the course in your paper. It should be abundantly clear that you understand the materials and can apply lessons from them to your analysis of the film.