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XGBSHN4043 – Developing Values and principles for Health and Social Care Practice Assessment Deadline 17th May 2024

XGBSHN4043 – Developing Values and principles for Health and Social Care Practice

Assessment Deadline 17th May 2024

Assessment Pack contents:

Short introduction to the task.

Key terms

Key resources

Template to outline structure and content

Rubric to understand marking criteria

Video to explain it.

Short introduction to the task:

The Assessment Focuses on the application of principles and values of practice using a case study.

Learning Outcomes : Level Learning Outcomes and Employability Outcomes assessed: BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care: K2, K4, K5, I1   

Word count – 1500 words

Key terms:

Duty of Care, Person – centred care, Equality and diversity, inclusion practices communication in practice, Safeguarding

Referencing :

Referencing style is APA the 7th


Key Resources:

Essential Reading 

Barnard, A. (Ed) (2017) Developing professional practice in health and social care. London: Routledge. 

Glasby, J. (2019) The short guide to health and social care. Bristol: Policy Press. 

Mackreth, P. and Walker, B. (2020) A handbook for support workers in health and social care: a person-centred approach. London: Routledge.

Miller, J. (2019) Care in practice. 4th ed. Hodder Education. 

Further Reading

Adams, N. and Grieder, D. (2014) Treatment planning for person-centred care: shared decision making for whole health. 2nd ed. London: Academic Press, Elsevier. 

Glasby, J. (2017) Understanding health and social care. Bristol: Policy Press. 

Mandelstam, M. (2019) Safeguarding adults and the law: an A-Z of law and practice. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 

McCormack, B. et al. (Eds.) (2021) Fundamentals of person-centred healthcare: a guide for healthcare students. West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell. 

O’Toole, G. (2020) Communication: core interpersonal skills for healthcare professionals. 4th ed. London: Elsevier 

Papadopoulos, I. (2018) Culturally competent compassion: a guide for healthcare students and practitioners. London: Routledge. 

Peate, I. (2017) Fundamentals of care: a textbook for health and social care assistants. Chichester, England: Wiley Blackwell. 

Samuriwo, R. Pattison, S. Todd, A, Hannigan, B. (2017) Values in health and social care: an introductory workbook. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 

Thompson, S. and Thompson, N. (2018) The critically reflective practitioner. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave McMillan. 


Title: Explain the application of 1 principle and value of practice using a case study, and how this supports the delivery of high quality, safe, and compassionate care.

What to do – Section 1 – 500 words

Whole section should be 500 words

•Worth 30% of the marks

Part 1 - Introduction

•150 words of this should be your introduction:

•Briefly set out what the case study will cover and highlight the importance of professionalism in health and social care practice (150 words).


Part 2

•Around 350 words (150 + 350 = 500 words).

•Demonstrate your knowledge of what is meant by values and principles in health and social care practice.

•Provide a general overview of fundamental issues that underpin how professionals work with service


•Cover roles and responsibilities.

•You MUST cover accountability, the 6 C’s, codes of conduct, and ethical practice.


Main body

Section 2

•Worth 50% of the marks

• Around 700-850 words

•Choose one person from the case study to focus on

•Choose one Care Certificate standard to focus on (see below)


Briefly explain why your standard is relevant to your chosen person.

Choose one of the following Care Certificate Standards:

•Equality and diversity (apply to a protected characteristic, e.g. race or religion to show how you can support inclusive care practice)

•Duty of care

•Person centred care

•Effective communication

•Privacy and dignity

•Safeguarding adults

•Safeguarding children

•Handling information/Confidentiality


Justify and apply for your chosen Standard how it will support your chosen service user (family member from the case study) in practice to provide high quality, safe, and effective care.

Section 3 – Conclusion

•150 words

•Tie together the case study’s main points

•Show why principles and values of health and social care practice matters

Videos to support you

Assignment overall - https://leedstrinity.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=1566d792-8f09-4e64-8602-b15300eb7b0e&start=0

Section 1 - https://leedstrinity.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=df9ec831-f12f-40de-a450-b0ce01198859&start=0

Section 2 (Example) - https://leedstrinity.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=7acb762d-44b0-4c61-b7c4-b0ce00ff1878&start=0

Conclusion - https://leedstrinity.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=76564535-c475-4987-a443-b0dc00ec6d8d&start=0

Rubric used to mark:

Exceptional 1st  100, 95, 92 

Grade subject to moderation

Discussion of the fundamental principles and values of health and social care practice including accountability, codes of conduct, the 6 C’s and ethical practice (30%)

Exceptional and creative discussion of the fundamental principles of health and social care practice that clearly demonstrates outstanding knowledge of how they support high quality, safe and effective care. In future...  

Justify and apply the 1 chosen Care Certificate Standards for one individual from the extended family case study to demonstrate how you would support them in practice to provide high quality, safe and effective care (50%) 

Exceptional justification of the chosen Care Certificate Standards with outstanding application of how they can be used to support the service user in practice to provide high quality, safe and effective care. In future...

Use of academic literature, written communication, and accurate referencing style (20%) 

A wide range of high-quality supporting literature used with a reference list provided with extensive background reading. 

Academic writing is outstanding, the case study is easy to follow and well structured.

APA referencing style used with no errors.

In future

Outstanding 1st  88, 85, 82 

Grade subject to moderation

Discussion of the fundamental principles and values of health and social care practice including accountability, codes of conduct, the 6 C’s and ethical practice (30%)

Outstanding and insightful discussion of the fundamental principles of health and social care practice that clearly demonstrates excellent knowledge of how they support high quality, safe and effective care. In future...

Justify and apply the 1 chosen Care Certificate Standards for one individual from the extended family case study to demonstrate how you would support them in practice to provide high quality, safe and effective care (50%) 

Outstanding justification of the chosen Care Certificate Standard with excellent application of how they can be used to support the service user in practice to provide high quality, safe and effective care. In future...

Use of academic literature, written communication, and accurate referencing style (20%) 

High quality supporting literature used with a reference list provided with background reading.

Academic writing is excellent. The case study is easy to follow and well structured.

APA referencing style used but with mainly few errors. Academic writing is excellent. 

In future

1st  78, 75, 72 

Grade subject to moderation

Discussion of the fundamental principles and values of health and social care practice including accountability, codes of conduct, the 6 C’s and ethical practice (30%)

Excellent and detailed discussion of the fundamental principles of health and social care practice that clearly demonstrates very good knowledge of how they support high quality, safe and effective care. In future...

Explain the application of 1 principle and value of practice using a case study, and how this supports the delivery of high quality, safe, and compassionate care.

Justify and apply the 1 chosen Care Certificate Standards for one individual from the extended family case study to demonstrate how you would support them in practice to provide high quality, safe and effective care (50%) 

Excellent justification of the chosen Care Certificate Standard with very good application of how they can be used to support the service user in practice to provide high quality, safe and effective care.

Use of academic literature, written communication, and accurate referencing style (20%)  

Supporting literature used with a reference list provided with background reading. 

Academic writing is good with some structure. The case study is easy to follow.

APA referencing style used but with mainly minor errors.

In future

2.1  68, 65, 62 

Grade subject to moderation

Discussion of the fundamental principles and values of health and social care practice including accountability, codes of conduct, the 6 C’s and ethical practice (30%)

Very good discussion of the fundamental principles of health and social care practice that clearly demonstrates good knowledge of how they support high quality, safe and effective care. In future...

Justify and apply the 1 chosen Care Certificate Standards for one individual from the extended family case study to demonstrate how you would support them in practice to provide high quality, safe and effective care (50%

Very good justification of the chosen Care Certificate Standard with good application of how they can be used to support the service user in practice to provide high quality, safe and effective care. In future...

Use of academic literature, written communication, and accurate referencing style (20%) 

Some supporting literature. A reference list is provided with some background reading. 

Academic writing is satisfactory with some structure. The case study is easy to follow.

APA referencing style used but with mainly minor errors.

In future

2.2   58, 55, 52 

Grade subject to moderation

Discussion of the fundamental principles and values of health and social care practice including accountability, codes of conduct, the 6 C’s and ethical practice (30%)

Good discussion of the fundamental principles of health and social care practice that clearly demonstrates satisfactory knowledge of how they support high quality, safe and effective care. In future...

Justify and apply the 1 chosen Care Certificate Standards for one individual from the extended family case study to demonstrate how you would support them in practice to provide high quality, safe and effective care (50%) 

Good justification of the chosen Care Certificate Standard with satisfactory application of how they can be used to support the service user in practice to provide high quality, safe and effective care. In future...

Use of academic literature, written communication, and accurate referencing style (20%) 

Little supporting literature. Lack of reference list.  Lack of background reading. 

Academic writing is poor with little structure and the case study may be hard to follow.

APA referencing style used but with major errors.  

In future

3   48, 45, 42  

Grade subject to moderation

Discussion of the fundamental principles and values of health and social care practice including accountability, codes of conduct, the 6 C’s and ethical practice (30%)

Some discussion of the fundamental principles of health and social care practice that clearly demonstrates basic knowledge of how they support high quality, safe and effective care. In future...

Justify and apply the 1 chosen Care Certificate Standards for one individual from the extended family case study to demonstrate how you would support them in practice to provide high quality, safe and effective care (50%)  

Fair justification of the chosen Care Certificate Standards with basic application of how they can be used to support the service user in practice to provide high quality, safe and effective care. In future...

Use of academic literature, written communication, and accurate referencing style (20%) 

Little if any referencing. Lack of/or incomplete reference list.  Lack of background reading. 

Academic writing is poor with little or no structure and the case study may be hard to follow.

APA referencing style not used. 

In future

Fail  38, 35, 32    

Grade subject to moderation

Discussion of the fundamental principles and values of health and social care practice including accountability, codes of conduct, the 6 C’s and ethical practice (30%)

Brief discussion of the fundamental principles of health and social care practice that demonstrates limited knowledge of how they support high quality, safe and effective care. In future...

Justify and apply the 1 chosen Care Certificate Standards for one individual from the extended family case study to demonstrate how you would support them in practice to provide high quality, safe and effective care (50%) 

Brief justification of the chosen Care Certificate Standards with limited application of how they can be used to support the service user in practice to provide high quality, safe and effective care. In future...

Use of academic literature, written communication, and accurate referencing style (20%) 

No referencing. Lack of/or incomplete reference list.  Lack of background reading. 

Academic writing is poor with no structure and at times the case study may be hard to follow.

APA referencing style not used. 

In future, in order to pass, you need to

Abject Fail    25, 20, 10, 0 

Grade subject to moderation

Discussion of the fundamental principles and values of health and social care practice including accountability, codes of conduct, the 6 C’s and ethical practice (30%)

Inadequate discussion of the fundamental principles of health and social care practice that demonstrates very limited knowledge of how they support high quality, safe and effective care. In future...

Justify and apply the 1 chosen Care Certificate Standards for one individual from the extended family case study to demonstrate how you would support them in practice to provide high quality, safe and effective care (50%)

Inadequate justification of the chosen Care Certificate Standards with very limited application of how they can be used to support the service user in practice to provide high quality, safe and effective care. In future...

Use of academic literature, written communication, and accurate referencing style (20%)  

No reference list provided. APA referencing style not used.

Severely impaired writing style which is error strewn. 

No evidence of supporting literature or background reading 

In future, in order to pass, you need to

Appendix 1

The aim of the case study is to enable you to develop a holistic understanding of the biopsychosocial model/theories and elements of professional practice as applied to an individual and family, whom you might work with in a health and social care setting.

Hasan is 48 years old; he lives with his wife Salima and their 4 children Fahemma 5 years old; Nadir 7 years old; Amira 10 years old and Hussain 13 years old. The family live in a terraced house, close to the city centre of Bradford.  The area has high levels of deprivation, including unemployment, crime, poverty and poor educational attainment. There is little access to green urban space and the local high street has many take-aways and limited shops suppling fresh fruit and vegetables. Hasan was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes 4 years ago; he also has high blood pressure, and his BMI is 32 putting him in the obese weight range.

Hasan has struggled to manage his diabetes and frequently has high blood glucose levels due to his poor diet, which is high in fat and carbohydrates. Hasan says he doesn’t really understand his medication regime, how to monitor his blood glucose or his dietary requirements. His GP has recently told him that he needs to lose weight or there is a serious risk he will have to start injecting insulin and might develop cardiovascular or renal disease in the future. Hasan is also a smoker, he smokes approximately 25 cigarettes per day, he does very little physical activity, because he gets breathless easily and the GP is arranging tests for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Hasan does not drink alcohol.

Hasan works as a taxi driver, mainly shift work 9pm till 5am in the morning, he does manage to use a vape when at work as he can’t smoke in his taxi. The family are classed as a low-income family and Hasan often finds himself in debt and must work overtime to manage the household bills. Hasan has told his GP that he feels stressed a lot of the time and not able to take control of his own health due to all the external family problems, which often results in him missing his diabetic hospital appointments. He is the main carer for his wife who was diagnosed with post-natal depression and psychosis after the birth of their son Nadir.

Salima was sectioned under the MHA when Nadir was 3 months old and spent 6 months as an inpatient at a local psychiatric unit which limited early bonding with Nadir, who has developed behavioural difficulties and has a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder. Salima’s mental health problems have persisted, she frequently feels tired, withdraws to her bedroom and does not like leaving the house due to her anxiety. Salima has regular visits from a Community Mental Health Nurse, who is working with her to try and encourage Salima to access a local Asian Women’s Support Centre, however both Hasan and Salima are very reluctant to this suggestion as they believe that the family should deal with and support each other with health problems. Hasan does the majority of shopping and cooking for the family and takes and picks the children up from school. Hussain tries to help his Dad around the house and with caring for his younger siblings, however he has started to fall behind with his schoolwork and has been increasingly getting into trouble at school for not doing his homework and playing truant.

Hasan has extended family that live close by, both his parents live with his brother and sister-in-law and their 3 children. Hasan’s mother Aziz is 74 years old and has dementia, she has limited English language and her family act as interpreter when she needs to attend the hospital. Hasan doesn’t want to talk to his brother about his own problems because he knows the family are struggling to cope with caring for Aziz. Hasan visits his local Mosque regularly and ensures his children attend Madrasa, he says he finds great spiritual comfort in his beliefs and the community support at the Mosque.

The GP refers Hasan to you, the social prescribing link worker for support with his current physical and mental health and social problems. Hasan says he has tried to lose weight, stop smoking and take up more physical activity but just can’t seem to change his lifestyle with all that is going on. He is willing to attend the appointments with you and says he understands his health is a risk and he is very worried about this because if somethings happened to him then the family would really struggle to cope, however he can’t seem to find the motivation to change his lifestyle