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You are a data scientist hired by a retail company, “SmartMart,” which operates a chain of grocery stores. SmartMart has been in the market for several years and has  a significant customer base. However, the company is facing

Data Science Semester-1 (ICT603) Assignment Help

Assessment Overview 

Assessment tasks

Assessment  ID

Assessment Item 

When due 






Report – Statistical  

Analysis of 

Business Data (Individual)  (1000 Words)

Session 6 


1, 2 

1, 2

Data Acquisition and Data  Mining (Group) 

Part A – Report (1000  Words) 

Part B – Presentations

Part A – 

Session 9 

Part B – 

Session 10

Part A – 


Part B – 


Total – 30%

1, 3 ,4 

1, 2, 3

3 *

Data Modelling 

Project (Group) 

Part A – Report 

(1500 Words) 

Part B – Presentations

Part A – 

Session 13 



Part B – 

Session 14 

(Exam Week)

Part A – 

30% Part B  – 10% Total  – 40%

4, 5 

1, 2, 3,  

4, 5

Note: * denotes ‘Hurdle  

Assessment Item’ that students must achieve at least 40% in this item to pass the unit.

Referencing guides 

You must reference all the sources of information you have used in your assessments. Please use the IEEE referencing style when referencing in your assessments in this unit. Refer to the library’s referencing guides for more information. 

Academic misconduct 

VIT enforces that the integrity of its students’ academic studies follows an acceptable level of excellence. VIT will adhere to its VIT Policies, Procedures and Forms where it explains the importance of staff and student honesty in relation to academic work. It outlines the kinds of behaviours that are “academic misconduct”, including plagiarism. 

Late submissions 

In cases where there are no accepted mitigating circumstances as determined through VIT Policies, Procedures and Forms, late submission of assessments will lead automatically to the imposition of a penalty. Penalties will be applied as soon as the deadline is reached.

Short extensions and special consideration 

Special Consideration is a request for: 

• Extensions of the due date for an assessment, other than an examination (e.g. assignment extension). 

• Special Consideration (Special Consideration in relation to a Completed assessment, including an end-of-unit Examination). 

Students wishing to request Special Consideration in relation to an assessment the due date of which has not yet passed must engage in written emails to the teaching team to Request for Special Consideration as early as possible and prior to start time of the assessment due date, along with any accompanying documents, such as medical certificates. 

For more information, visit VIT Policies, Procedures and Forms

Inclusive and equitable assessment 

Reasonable adjustment in assessment methods will be made to accommodate students with a documented disability or impairment. Contact the unit teaching team for more information. 

Contract Cheating 

Contract cheating usually involves the purchase of an assignment or piece of research from another party. This may be facilitated by a fellow student, friend or purchased on a website. Other forms of contract cheating include paying another person to sit an exam in the student’s place. Contract cheating warning: 

• By paying someone else to complete your academic work, you don’t learn as much as you could have if you did the work yourself. 

• You are not prepared forthe demands of your future employment. 

• You could be found guilty of academic misconduct. 

• Many of for pay contract cheating companies recycle assignments despite guarantees of “original, plagiarism-free work” so similarity is easily detected by TurnitIn. 

• Penaltiesfor academic misconduct include suspension and exclusion. 

• Students in some disciplines are required to disclose any findings of guilt for academic misconduct before being accepted into certain professions (e.g., law). 

• You might disclose your personal and financial information in an unsafe way, leaving yourself open to many risks including possible identity theft. 

• You also leave yourself open to blackmail – if you pay someone else to do an assignment for you, they know you have engaged in fraudulent behaviour and can always blackmail you. 


We determine your gradesto the following Grading Scheme:



80% – 100%

70% – 79%

60% – 69%

50% – 59%

0% – 49%

Assessment Details for Assessment Item 1: Report – Statistical Analysis of Business Data

Assessment tasks

Assessment  ID

Assessment Item 

When due 






Report – Statistical  

Analysis of 

Business Data (Individual)  (1000 Words)

Session 6 


1, 2 

1, 2


This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. This assessment is designed to give students experience in analyzing a suitable  dataset and creating different visualizations in dashboard and to improve student presentation skills relevant to the Unit of Study subject matter.

Case Study: 

You are a data scientist hired by a retail company, “SmartMart,” which operates a chain of grocery stores. SmartMart has been in the market for several years and has  a significant customer base. However, the company is facing challenges in optimizing its operations and maximizing profits. As a data scientist, your task is to analyze  the provided dataset and identify areas where data science techniques can be applied to create business value for SmartMart. 


The dataset provided contains information on SmartMart’s sales transactions over the past year. It includes data such as: 

• Date and time of each transaction 

• Customer ID 

• Product ID 

• Quantity sold 

• Unit price 

• Total transaction amount

• Store ID 


Apply appropriate statistical analysis techniques to extract valuable information from the dataset. This may include but is not limited to: 

a. Descriptive statistics 

b. Correlation analysis 

c. Hypothesis testing 

d. Time-series analysis 

➢ Identify key findings and insights from your analysis that can help SmartMart make data-driven decisions to optimize its operations and increase profitability. ➢ Present your analysis results in a clear and concise manner, including visualizations and explanations where necessary. 

➢ Provide recommendations on specific strategies or actions that SmartMart can take based on your analysis. 


1. Written report documenting your analysis process, findings, and recommendations containing Python code/scripts used for data analysis, along with  comments explaining the code logic and methodology and also Visualizations (e.g., plots, charts) supporting your analysis and findings. Note: 

Please provide a single report that includes screenshots of Python code along with corresponding results, as well as screenshots of visualizations that supports your  analysis. 


Use the below program to generate dataset with 1000 rows and following 7 columns. 

➢ Customer ID 

➢ Product ID 

➢ Quantity sold 

➢ Unit price 

➢ Total transaction amount 

➢ Store ID 

import pandas as pd 

import numpy as np 

import random

from datetime import datetime, timedelta 

# Generate 1000 random dates and times within a specific range 

start_date = datetime(2023, 1, 1) 

end_date = datetime(2023, 12, 31) 

date_times = [start_date + timedelta(seconds=random.randint(0, int((end_date – start_date).total_seconds()))) for _ in range(1000)] 

# Generate random customer IDs 

customer_ids = [‘C’ + str(i).zfill(4) for i in range(1, 1001)] 

# Generate random product IDs 

product_ids = [‘P’ + str(i).zfill(3) for i in range(1, 101)] 

# Generate random quantities sold 

quantities_sold = np.random.randint(1, 10, size=1000) 

# Generate random unit prices 

unit_prices = np.random.uniform(1, 100, size=1000) 

# Calculate total transaction amounts 

total_transaction_amounts = quantities_sold * unit_prices 

# Generate random store IDs 

store_ids = [‘S’ + str(i).zfill(3) for i in range(1, 11)] 

# Randomly assign store IDs to transactions 

store_ids = [random.choice(store_ids) for _ in range(1000)] 

# Create DataFrame 

data = { 

 ‘Date & Time’: date_times, 

 ‘Customer ID’: random.choices(customer_ids, k=1000), 

 ‘Product ID’: random.choices(product_ids, k=1000), 

 ‘Quantity Sold’: quantities_sold, 

 ‘Unit Price’: unit_prices, 

 ‘Total Transaction Amount’: total_transaction_amounts,} 

df = pd.DataFrame(data) 

# Convert Date & Time column to datetime format 

df[‘Date & Time’] = pd.to_datetime(df[‘Date & Time’]) 

# Sort DataFrame by Date & Time 

df = df.sort_values(by=’Date & Time’) 

# Reset index 

df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) 

# Print DataFrame 


Submission Instructions 

All submissions are to be submitted through the assignment 1 Drop-boxes that will be set up in the Moodle account for this Unit of Study. Assignments not  submitted through these drop boxes will not be considered. Submissions must be made by the due date and time (which will be in the session detailed above)  and determined by your Unit coordinator 

Note: All work is due by the due date and time. Late submissions will be penalized at 20% of the assessment final grade per day, including weekends.

Marking Criteria/Rubric 

You will be assessed on the following marking criteria/Rubric: 

 Total Marks: 30 



Professional (80%-100%) 

Very Good (70%-79%) 

Good (60%-69%) 

Satisfactory (50%- 59%)

Unsatisfactory (0%- 


Analysis Process and Methodology

The analysis process is  

meticulously documented,  including a thorough  

explanation of the chosen  statistical techniques and  their relevance to the  

dataset. The methodology is  clear, logical, and well 


The analysis  

process is well 

documented, with  

clear explanations  

of the chosen  


techniques. The  

methodology is  

generally logical  

and supported by  

relevant reasoning.

The analysis process is  

adequately documented, but  there may be some gaps in  explaining the chosen  

statistical techniques. The  methodology is somewhat  clear but may lack depth or  coherence in reasoning.

The analysis process  is somewhat  

documented, with  limited explanations  of the chosen  


techniques. The  

methodology is  

vague or lacks clarity  in reasoning.

The analysis  

process is poorly  documented,  

with minimal  

explanations of  the chosen  


techniques. The  methodology is  unclear or  


Findings and  


Identifies key findings and  insights with exceptional  clarity and depth,  

providing valuable and  

actionable insights for  

SmartMart’s decision 

making process.

Presents clear and  

insightful findings,  

demonstrating a strong  understanding of the  dataset and its  

implications for  

SmartMart’s operations.

Identifies basic findings  

and insights, but may lack  depth or clarity in analysis,  resulting in somewhat  

limited actionable insights.

Presents limited  

findings and  

insights, with some  relevance to  


operations, but  

lacks depth or clear  connections to the  dataset.

Fails to identify  meaningful  

findings or  

insights, with  

little relevance to SmartMart’s  


Presentation and  Clarity

The report is exceptionally  clear, well-organized, and  effectively communicates the analysis results and  


Visualizations are highly 

The report is well 

structured and effectively  communicates the  

analysis results and  


Visualizations are clear 

The report is adequately  structured and communicates  the analysis results and  

recommendations with some  clarity. Visualizations may be  somewhat unclear or lacking 

The report lacks clear structure and may be difficult to follow.  Communication of  analysis results and  recommendations is 

The report is  

poorly structured  

and difficult to  follow.  

Communication  of analysis results 

effective and support the  analysis.

and relevant. 

in relevance. 

somewhat unclear.  Visualizations are  limited or ineffective.


recommendation s is unclear or  


Visualizations are missing or  




Python code/scripts are well documented, clear, and  demonstrate advanced  proficiency in data analysis  techniques. Comments  thoroughly explain code logic  and methodology.

Python code/scripts  

are well-structured  

and demonstrate  

proficiency in data  

analysis techniques.  

Comments provide  


explanations of  

code logic and  


Python code/scripts are  

adequately structured and  demonstrate basic proficiency  in data analysis techniques.  Comments may lack depth or  clarity in explaining code logic  and methodology.

Python code/scripts  are somewhat  

disorganized or lack  clarity in structure.  Demonstrates  

limited proficiency  in data analysis  


Comments may be  sparse or unclear.


code/scripts are  poorly structured or lack clarity.  

Demonstrates  minimal  

proficiency in  

data analysis  


Comments are  absent or  



Provides detailed and  

actionable recommendations  based on the analysis  

findings, demonstrating a  deep understanding of  

SmartMart’s business needs  and potential strategies for  improvement.

Offers clear and relevant  recommendations based  on the analysis findings,  addressing SmartMart’s  business needs and  

suggesting potential  

strategies for  


Provides basic  

recommendations based on  the analysis findings, but may  lack depth or specificity in  addressing SmartMart’s  business needs.

Offers limited  

recommendations  based on the analysis findings, with  

minimal relevance to SmartMart’s  

business needs or  strategies for  


Fails to provide  meaningful  

recommendation s based on the  analysis findings,   

with little  

relevance to  


business needs or strategies for  


Assessment Details for Assessment Item 2: Data Acquisition and Data Mining (Group)

Part A – Report and Part B- Oral Presentation 


Assessment tasks

Assessment ID 

Assessment Item 

When due 



CLO# for  


Data Acquisition and Data Mining  (Group) 

Part A – Report (1000 Words) 

Part B – Presentations

Part A – 

Session 9 

Part B – 

Session 10

Part A – 20% 

Part B – 10% 

Total – 30%

1, 3 ,4 

1, 2, 3

Assignment Overview: 

In this assignment, you will work in a group of 3 to 5 students to conduct an Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on a comprehensive dataset. The dataset  can be acquired from internal or external sources, or by merging both. You will utilize appropriate techniques, tools, and programming languages, such  as Python, to perform various data procedures including data acquisition, data wrangling, and data mining to extract meaningful insights from the  dataset. The final deliverables will include an EDA report and an oral presentation video to showcase your findings and analysis. 

Assignment Tasks: 

1. Data Acquisition: 

➢ Identify and acquire a comprehensive dataset suitable for the EDA. You can choose from the suggested data sources provided or explore and select different  datasets based on your group’s common interest. 

➢ Ensure the dataset is relevant, sufficiently large, and contains multiple variables for thorough analysis. 

Example Data Sources:

1. Kaggle Datasets (https://www.kaggle.com/datasets) 

2. UCI Machine Learning Repository (https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/index.php) 

3. Government Open Data Portals (e.g., data.gov) 

4. Academic Research Databases (e.g., PubMed, IEEE Xplore) 

5. Social Media APIs (e.g., Twitter, Facebook) 

2. Data Wrangling: 

➢ Preprocess the acquired dataset to handle missing values, outliers, and inconsistencies. 

➢ Perform data cleaning tasks such as removing duplicates, standardizing formats, and transforming variables if necessary. ➢ Explore methods to handle categorical variables and convert them into a suitable format for analysis. 

Note: It is mandatory that Data Wrangling operations should be incorporate in the dataset. 

3. Data Exploration: 

➢ Conduct initial data exploration to understand the structure, distributions, and relationships within the dataset. 

➢ Utilize descriptive statistics and visualization techniques (e.g., histograms, box plots, scatter plots) to gain insights into individual variables and their  interactions. 

➢ Identify any patterns, trends, or anomalies present in the data. 

4. Data Mining and Analysis: 

➢ Apply appropriate data mining techniques such as clustering, classification, or regression to uncover deeper insights within the dataset. ➢ Utilize machine learning algorithms if applicable to predict or classify certain outcomes based on the available variables. ➢ Perform feature engineering if necessary to enhance the predictive power of the model. 

5. EDA Report: 

➢ Compile all findings, analysis, and visualizations into a comprehensive EDA report.

➢ Structure the report to include an introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion sections. 

➢ Provide clear explanations for the steps taken, insights gained, and any challenges encountered during the analysis. 

➢ Include visualizations and summary statistics to support your findings. 

6. Oral Presentation: 

➢ Prepare a concise oral presentation to present your EDA findings to the class. 

➢ Highlight key insights, trends, and interesting observations discovered during the analysis. 

➢ Use visual aids such as slides or interactive dashboards to enhance the presentation. 

Submission Guidelines: 

➢ The EDA report of 1000 words must be submitted digitally, either in PDF or Word document format. The report should include an appendix at the end  containing screenshots of the Python code along with its corresponding output 

➢ The oral presentation can be delivered using presentation software (e.g., PowerPoint, Google Slides). 

➢ Ensure proper citation and referencing for any external sources or datasets used. 

➢ Please submit two files, the Report and the Oral Presentation, through the link provided in the LMS before the specified deadline. 

Note: Collaboration within the group is encouraged, but each group member must contribute substantially to the analysis, report writing, and presentation. Plagiarism  or unauthorized use of external sources will result in penalties. 

Submission Instructions 

All submissions are to be submitted through turn-it-in. Drop-boxes linked to turn-it-in will be set up in the Unit of Study Moodle account. Assignments not  submitted through these drop-boxes will not be considered. 

Submissions must be made by the due date and time (which will be in the session detailed above) and determined by your Unit coordinator. Submissions made  after the due date and time will be penalized at the rate of 20% per day (including weekend days). 

The turn-it-in similarity score will be used in determining the level if any of plagiarism. Turn-it-in will check conference websites, Journal articles, the Web and  your own class member submissions for plagiarism. You can see your turn-it-in similarity score when you submit your assignment to the appropriate drop-box.  If this is a concern you will have a chance to change your assignment and re-submit. However, re-submission is only allowed prior to the submission due date  and time. After the due date and time have elapsed you cannot make re-submissions and you will have to live with the similarity score as there will be no  chance for changing. Thus, plan early and submit early to take advantage of this feature. You can make multiple submissions, but please remember we only  see the last submission, and the date and time you submitted will be taken from that submission.

Your document should be a single word or pdf document containing your report 

Note: All work is due by the due date and time. Late submissions will be penalized at 20% of the assessment final grade per day, including weekends. 

Marking Criteria/Rubric 

You will be assessed on the following marking criteria/Rubric: 

 Total Marks: 30 



Professional (80%-100%) Very Good (70%-79%) 

Good (60%-69%) 

Satisfactory (50%- 59%)

Unsatisfactory (0%- 49%)

Data Acquisition 

Group acquires a highly  relevant and  

comprehensive dataset  from a diverse range of  sources, ensuring it  contains multiple  

variables for thorough  analysis.

Group acquires a  

relevant dataset with  multiple variables  

suitable for analysis,  demonstrating good  selection from  

suggested or  

alternative sources.

Group acquires a  

dataset, but it may lack  depth or relevance in  some areas, or may not  contain a sufficient  number of variables for  thorough analysis.

Group acquires a  dataset, but it may  lack relevance or  contain limited  

variables for  


Group fails to  

acquire an  


dataset, lacking  relevance, depth,  or variables  

necessary for  


Data Wrangling

Comprehensive data  wrangling techniques  are applied  


addressing missing  

values, outliers,  

inconsistencies, and  categorical variables.  Operations are well documented and  


seamlessly into the  


Data wrangling  

operations are  

performed proficiently,  addressing most missing  values, outliers,  

inconsistencies, and  

categorical variables,  with adequate  


Data wrangling  

operations are  

attempted but may  

lack completeness or  documentation, with  some issues remaining  unresolved.

Data wrangling  

efforts are minimal,  leaving significant  issues unaddressed,  with little to no  



Little to no attempt  is made to perform  data wrangling  

operations, resulting in unresolved issues  and inconsistencies  in the dataset.

Data Exploration 

Extensive data  

exploration is  

conducted, utilizing a  wide range of  

descriptive statistics and visualization techniques  effectively to gain deep  insights into the  

dataset’s structure,  distributions, and  

relationships. Patterns,  trends, and anomalies  are identified  


Data exploration is  

conducted proficiently,  utilizing descriptive  

statistics and visualization  techniques to gain insights into the dataset’s  

structure, distributions,  and relationships. Some  patterns, trends, and  anomalies are identified.

Basic data exploration is  conducted, with limited  utilization of descriptive  statistics and visualization 

techniques to understand  the dataset’s structure,  distributions, and  

relationships. Some  

patterns or trends may be overlooked.

Limited data  

exploration is  

conducted, with  

minimal use of  

descriptive statistics  and visualization  

techniques, resulting  in shallow insights  into the dataset’s   


distributions, and  relationships.  

Important patterns  or trends may be  missed.

Little to no data  

exploration is  

conducted, resulting  in a lack of  

understanding of the dataset’s structure,  distributions, and  relationships.  

Important patterns  or trends are not  identified.

Data Mining and  Analysis

Advanced data mining  techniques are applied  effectively, utilizing  appropriate algorithms  to uncover deep insights within the dataset.  

Machine learning  

algorithms are  

implemented where  applicable,  


advanced analytical  skills. Feature  

engineering, if  

necessary, is performed  proficiently to enhance  the predictive power of  the model.

Data mining  

techniques are  

applied proficiently,  



algorithms to  

uncover insights  

within the dataset.  

Machine learning  

algorithms may be  

applied with  

moderate success,  

demonstrating solid  

analytical skills.  

Some attempts at  

feature engineering  

may be made.

Basic data mining  

techniques are applied,  but with limited  

effectiveness in  

uncovering insights within the dataset. Machine  learning algorithms, if  applied, may lack  

sophistication, with  

minimal attempts at  

feature engineering.

Limited data mining  techniques are  

applied, with little  effectiveness in  

uncovering insights  within the dataset.  Machine learning  algorithms, if  

applied, are  

rudimentary, with  no attempts at  



Little to no attempt  is made to apply  

data mining  

techniques, resulting in a lack of insights  within the dataset.  Machine learning  algorithms are not  utilized, and no  

attempts at feature  engineering are  


EDA Report 

A comprehensive EDA  report is compiled,  

containing detailed  

findings, analysis, and  visualizations. The  

report is well-structured  with clear sections,  

providing thorough  

explanations for the  steps taken, insights  gained, and challenges  encountered during the  analysis. Visualizations  and summary statistics  effectively support the  findings.

An EDA report is compiled proficiently, containing  findings, analysis, and  visualizations. The report  is adequately structured  with clear sections,  

providing explanations for the steps taken, insights  gained, and challenges  encountered during the  analysis. Visualizations  and summary statistics  support the findings  


A basic EDA report is  compiled, containing  some findings, analysis,  and visualizations. The  report may lack cohesion  or depth in some areas,  with limited  


explanations provided  for the steps taken,  

insights gained, and  

challenges encountered  during the analysis.  

Visualizations and  

summary statistics may  be insufficient.

A rudimentary EDA  report is compiled,  containing limited  

findings, analysis,  and visualizations.  The report lacks  

structure and depth,  with minimal  


provided for the  

steps taken, insights  gained, and  


encountered during  the analysis.  

Visualizations and  summary statistics  are lacking or  


Little to no attempt  is made to compile  an EDA report,  

resulting in a lack of  findings, analysis,  and visualizations.  The report is  

incomplete or  

missing key sections, with no explanations provided for the  

steps taken, insights  gained, or challenges encountered during  the analysis.

Oral Presentation 

A concise oral  

presentation is  

prepared, effectively  presenting EDA findings  to the audience. Key  insights, trends, and  observations are  

highlighted clearly,  

supported by visual aids  such as slides or  

interactive dashboards.  Presentation delivery is  engaging and  

demonstrates strong  communication skills.

An oral presentation is  prepared proficiently,  presenting EDA findings  clearly to the audience.  Key insights, trends, and  observations are  

highlighted adequately,  supported by visual aids  such as slides or  

interactive dashboards.  Presentation delivery is  engaging and  

demonstrates good  

communication skills.

A basic oral presentation  is prepared, presenting  EDA findings with some  clarity to the audience.  Key insights, trends, and  observations may be  overlooked or presented  less effectively, with  

visual aids such as slides  or interactive  

dashboards used  

minimally. Presentation  delivery may lack  

engagement or  


A rudimentary oral  presentation is  

prepared, lacking  clarity in presenting  EDA findings to the  audience. Key  

insights, trends, and  observations are  

poorly highlighted,  with minimal use of  visual aids such as  slides or interactive  dashboards.  

Presentation delivery lacks engagement  and coherence.

Little to no attempt  is made to prepare  an oral presentation, resulting in a lack of  clarity in presenting  EDA findings to the  audience. Key  

insights, trends, and  observations are not highlighted  

effectively, with no  visual aids used.  


delivery lacks  

engagement and  coherence.

Assessment Details for Assessment Item 3: Data Modelling Project (Group) Part A – Report (1500 Words) and Part B – Presentations 


Assessment tasks

Assessment ID 

Assessment Item 

When due 



CLO# for  


3 * 

Data Modelling 

Project (Group) 

Part A – Report 

(1500 Words) 

Part B – Presentations

Part A – 

Session 13 

(Study Week) 

Part B – 

Session 14 

(Exam Week)

Part A – 30%  

Part B – 10%  

Total – 40%

4, 5 

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Assignment Overview: 

In this assignment, you will work in a group of 3 to 5 students. In this group assessment, you will collaborate with your team members to produce a  comprehensive final report summarizing the achievements of credit analysis dataset, the process of building data model(s) to fit the dataset and  conducting data analysis. You will also address how the results are validated and interpreted, and provide insights and recommendations derived  from your analysis. Additionally, ethical and social issues related to the project must be thoroughly addressed. You will utilize appropriate tools and  languages, such as Python and Tableau, to complete this task. Your group will be required to submit a report and deliver an oral presentation. 

Creating Dataset: 

Use the below program to generate credit analysis dataset with 5000 customer information.

import pandas as pd 

import numpy as np 

import random 

# Set seed for reproducibility 


# Generate sample data 

num_samples = 5000 

# Sample customer IDs 

customer_ids = [‘C’ + str(i).zfill(4) for i in range(1, num_samples + 1)] 

# Sample credit scores (ranging from 300 to 850) 

credit_scores = [random.randint(300, 850) for _ in range(num_samples)] 

# Sample ages (ranging from 18 to 80) 

ages = [random.randint(18, 80) for _ in range(num_samples)] 

# Sample income (ranging from 20000 to 200000) 

income = [random.randint(20000, 200000) for _ in range(num_samples)] 

# Sample loan amounts (ranging from 1000 to 100000) 

loan_amounts = [random.randint(1000, 100000) for _ in range(num_samples)] 

# Introduce missing values for loan amounts 

missing_indices = random.sample(range(num_samples), int(0.05*num_samples)) # 5% missing values for index in missing_indices: 

 loan_amounts[index] = np.nan 

# Sample loan durations (ranging from 1 to 60 months) 

loan_durations = [random.randint(1, 60) for _ in range(num_samples)] 

# Introduce outliers for loan durations 

outlier_indices = random.sample(range(num_samples), int(0.02*num_samples)) # 2% outliers for index in outlier_indices:

Page | 18 

Victorian Institute of Technology CRICOS Provider No. 02044E, RTO No: 20829 

 loan_durations[index] = random.randint(120, 240) # Outliers ranging from 10 to 20 years 

# Sample loan types 

loan_types = [‘Personal Loan’, ‘Car Loan’, ‘Home Loan’, ‘Education Loan’] 

loan_purposes = [random.choice(loan_types) for _ in range(num_samples)] 

# Sample employment status 

employment_status = [‘Employed’, ‘Unemployed’, ‘Self-Employed’] 

employment = [random.choice(employment_status) for _ in range(num_samples)] 

# Sample default status 

default_status = [random.choice([True, False]) for _ in range(num_samples)] 

# Create DataFrame 

data = pd.DataFrame({ 

 ‘CustomerID’: customer_ids, 

 ‘CreditScore’: credit_scores, 

 ‘Age’: ages, 

 ‘Income’: income, 

 ‘LoanAmount’: loan_amounts, 

 ‘LoanDurationMonths’: loan_durations, 

 ‘LoanPurpose’: loan_purposes, 

 ‘EmploymentStatus’: employment, 

 ‘DefaultStatus’: default_status 


# Display first few rows of the dataset 


# Save DataFrame to a CSV file 

data.to_csv(‘credit_analysis_dataset_with_missing_outliers.csv’, index=False) 

Columns(information) in Dataset: 

CustomerID: This column represents a unique identifier for each customer. It’s typically used to track individual customers within the dataset.

CreditScore: This column represents the credit score of each customer. Credit scores are numerical representations of an individual’s creditworthiness,  often used by lenders to assess the risk of lending money to a borrower. Higher credit scores indicate lower credit risk. 

Age: This column represents the age of each customer. Age can be an important factor in credit analysis as it may correlate with financial stability and  responsibility. 

Income: This column represents the income of each customer. Income is a key factor in determining creditworthiness, as it affects an individual’s ability to  repay loans. 

LoanAmount: This column represents the amount of the loan that each customer has applied for or obtained. It indicates the sum of money borrowed from  a lender. 

LoanDurationMonths: This column represents the duration of the loan in months. It indicates the length of time over which the loan is expected to be  repaid. 

LoanPurpose: This column represents the purpose for which the loan is taken. It could include categories such as personal loans, car loans, home loans, or  education loans. 

EmploymentStatus: This column represents the employment status of each customer. It indicates whether the customer is employed, unemployed, or self employed. Employment status is important in assessing a borrower’s ability to repay a loan. 

DefaultStatus: This column represents whether the customer has defaulted on a loan. It’s a binary column where “True” indicates that the customer has  defaulted, and “False” indicates that the customer has not defaulted. Default status is a critical factor in credit analysis as it reflects the risk associated with  lending to a particular customer. 


1. Data Understanding: 

a. Describe the key features of the credit analysis dataset generated using the provided Python code. 

b. What are the dimensions of the dataset? How many records does it contain? 

c. Discuss the significance of each column in the dataset and how it contributes to the credit analysis process. 

d. Are there any missing values or outliers in the dataset? If so, how do you plan to handle them before proceeding with data modeling and analysis? 

2. Data Modeling and Analysis: 

a. Explain the process of building data model(s) to fit the credit analysis dataset. Which techniques or algorithms did you employ for modeling? b. What metrics or criteria did you use to evaluate the performance of your data model(s)? 

c. Provide insights into the patterns or trends observed during data analysis. How do these insights contribute to understanding customer behavior and credit risk? d. Discuss any challenges or limitations encountered during the modeling and analysis phase and how you addressed them.

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3. Validation and Interpretation: 

a. Describe the methods used to validate the results obtained from data modeling and analysis. 

b. How do you interpret the outcomes of your analysis in the context of credit risk assessment? 

c. Discuss the reliability and robustness of the insights derived from the analysis. 

4. Insights and Recommendations: 

a. Based on your analysis, what insights can be drawn regarding customer creditworthiness and risk management? 

b. Provide recommendations for improving the credit assessment process or mitigating credit risk based on your findings. 

c. How do these insights and recommendations align with the objectives of the credit analysis project? 

5. Ethical and Social Considerations: 

a. Identify and discuss any ethical or social issues related to the collection, usage, and analysis of the credit analysis dataset. 

b. How did your team address these ethical and social considerations throughout the project? 

c. What measures were implemented to ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability in the analysis and decision-making process? 

6. Oral Presentation: 

➢ Prepare a concise oral presentation to present your findings to the class. 

➢ Highlight key insights, trends, and interesting observations discovered during the analysis. 

➢ Use visual aids such as slides or interactive dashboards to enhance the presentation. 

Submission Guidelines: 

➢ The Analysis report of 1500 words must be submitted digitally, either in PDF or Word document format. The report should include an appendix at the end  containing screenshots of the Python code along with its corresponding output 

➢ The oral presentation can be delivered using presentation software (e.g., PowerPoint, Google Slides). 

➢ Ensure proper citation and referencing for any external sources or datasets used. 

➢ Please submit two files, the Report and the Oral Presentation, through the link provided in the LMS before the specified deadline. 

Note: Collaboration within the group is encouraged, but each group member must contribute substantially to the analysis, report writing, and presentation. Plagiarism  or unauthorized use of external sources will result in penalties.

Marking Criteria/Rubric 

You will be assessed on the following marking criteria/Rubric: 

 Total Marks: 40 



Professional (80%-100%) Very Good (70%-79%) 

Good (60%-69%) 

Satisfactory (50%- 59%)

Unsatisfactory (0%- 49%)

Data Understanding 


description of dataset  features, dimensions,  significance of each  column, and clear plan  to handle missing values and outliers.

Good description of  

dataset features,  

dimensions, significance  of each column, with  some plan to handle  

missing values and  


Adequate description of  dataset features,  

dimensions, significance  of each column, with  limited plan to handle  missing values and  


Basic description of  dataset features and  dimensions, lacking  in-depth discussion  on significance of  each column and  plan for handling  missing values and  outliers.


description of  

dataset features and dimensions, with no  clear plan for  

handling missing  values and outliers.

Data Modeling  and Analysis

Detailed explanation of  the process of building  data model(s),  

techniques/algorithms  employed,  

metrics/criteria for  

model evaluation,  

insights into  

patterns/trends, and  discussion of  


Explanation of the  

process of building data  model(s),  

techniques/algorithms  employed,  

metrics/criteria for  

model evaluation,  

insights into  

patterns/trends, and  some discussion of  


Explanation of the  

process of building  

data model(s),  

techniques/algorithms  employed,  

metrics/criteria for  

model evaluation, and  basic insights into  



Basic explanation of  the process of  

building data  


techniques/algorith ms employed, and  limited discussion  on metrics/criteria  for model  

evaluation and  

insights into  



explanation of the  process of building  data model(s),  

techniques/algorith ms employed, and  no discussion of  

metrics/criteria for  model evaluation  and insights into  patterns/trends.

Validation and  


Clear description of  validation methods  used, interpretation of  analysis outcomes in the context of credit risk  assessment, and 

Description of validation  methods used,  

interpretation of analysis  outcomes in the context  of credit risk assessment,  and discussion of 

Description of validation  methods used and  

interpretation of analysis  outcomes in the context  of credit risk assessment.

Basic description of  validation methods  used and limited  

interpretation of  

analysis outcomes in  the context of credit 


description of  

validation methods  used and no  

interpretation of  analysis outcomes in 

discussion of  

reliability/robustness of  insights.

reliability/robustness of  insights.

risk assessment. 

the context of credit  risk assessment.

Insights and  


Comprehensive insights  drawn regarding  


creditworthiness and  risk management,  


recommendations for  improving credit  

assessment process or  mitigating credit risk,  and alignment of  

insights/recommendatio ns with project  


Insights drawn  

regarding customer  


and risk  



for improving credit  

assessment process  

or mitigating credit  

risk, and alignment  



dations with  

project objectives.

Basic insights drawn  

regarding customer  

creditworthiness and risk  management,  

recommendations for  improving credit  

assessment process or  mitigating credit risk, and  some alignment with  project objectives.

Limited insights  

drawn regarding  


creditworthiness  and risk  


recommendations  for improving credit  assessment process  or mitigating credit  risk, and limited  

alignment with  

project objectives.

Inadequate insights  drawn regarding  customer  

creditworthiness  and risk  


recommendations  for improving credit  assessment process  or mitigating credit  risk, and no  

alignment with  

project objectives.

Ethical and Social  Considerations

Identification and  

discussion of ethical or  social issues related to  data collection, usage,  and analysis, how team  

addressed these  

considerations, and  measures implemented  for fairness,  

transparency, and  


Identification and  

discussion of ethical or  social issues related to  data collection, usage,  and analysis, some  

discussion on how team  addressed these  

considerations, and some  measures implemented  for fairness, transparency, and accountability.

Identification and  

discussion of ethical or  social issues related to  data collection, usage,  and analysis, and limited  

discussion on how team  addressed these  

considerations and  

measures implemented  for fairness,  

transparency, and  


Basic identification  and discussion of  ethical or social  

issues related to data collection, usage,  and analysis, and  limited discussion on how team addressed  these considerations  and measures  

implemented for  fairness,  

transparency, and  accountability.


identification and  discussion of ethical  or social issues  

related to data  

collection, usage,  and analysis, and no   

discussion on how  team addressed  

these considerations and measures  

implemented for  fairness,  

transparency, and  accountability.

Oral Presentation 

Concise oral  

presentation with clear  highlighting of key  

insights, trends, and  observations discovered  during analysis, effective use of visual aids to  enhance presentation.

Oral presentation with  highlighting of key  

insights, trends, and  

observations discovered  during analysis, and use of visual aids to enhance  presentation.

Oral presentation with  some highlighting of key  insights, trends, and  

observations discovered  during analysis, and  

limited use of visual aids.

Basic oral  

presentation with  limited highlighting  of key insights,  

trends, and  


discovered during  analysis, and minimal use of visual aids.

Inadequate oral  

presentation with no highlighting of key  insights, trends, and  observations  

discovered during  analysis, and no use  of visual aids.