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You are a student on a placement in the operating room and you are working with the anaesthetic nurse and anesthetist. They were discussing about different pain relievers to manage

Assignment Task

Scenario 1

Maria is an undergraduate healthcare student. She has expressed fear about her professional experience placement due to COVID-19. She tells herself that this is irrational, and she must be able to attend her placement to ensure that she completes her degree. However, she wants to find ways to overcome her stress and anxiety about this. As a friend who is also a healthcare student, you help Maria in finding the evidence to assist her.

Scenario 2  

You are a student on a placement in the emergency department and meet Anjali. She is 21 years old who experiencing a fever and is quite unwell. You are listening to the medical treating team’s plan of care for Anjali and overhear them discussing the options of intravenous paracetamol or intravenous ibuprofen in the management of Anjali’s fever. Curious about these two options you go and search the literature to find this out.

Scenario 3

You are a student on a placement in the operating room and you are working with the anaesthetic nurse and anesthetist. They were discussing about different pain relievers to manage moderate to severe pain after surgery. You overhear them discussing oxycodone, morphine and fentanyl as options. You are unsure about what these medications are or how effective they are in managing pain. You decide to review the literature to find out which of these medications are the most effective in managing post-operative pain.

Part A Choose your topic

Choose one of the topics provided in Assessment 2

Part B PowerPoint Slide

Based on your selected topic, write your clinical question using the PICO or PICo format.

Write your key words in the table (they should be the same as the words used in your clinical question) Write your alternative words that you will use in your search strategy and place them in the table.

Conduct your search strategy on CINAHL and based on your best search strategy complete the search strategy table. You should first demonstrate a wide search strategy then, as you combine your search IDs demonstrate a narrowed search that is relevant to your question.

a. First row should be your search about your words based on population/problem.

b. Second row should be your search words based on your intervention or issue.

c. Third row could be your words used for comparison (if you have no comparison, skip this) or context. 

d. Fourth row should be your outcome (if you have an outcome).

e. Fifth and subsequent rows in the table should be the combination of the PICO or PICo elements and limiters of filters used.

f. It is expected that your final search ID is a reasonable number where you can review titles and abstract to the determine the most relevant piece of literature to answer your question. A rough guide will be 10 to 20.

g. Throughout your search table show use of Boolean operator, wildcard and truncation within your search table

h. Based on your combined search which should be your final search ID, select two relevant pieces of literature (either a primary study or a review).

i.Summarise these two relevant pieces of literature and explain how these will help to answer the clinical question.

j. Cite your two relevant pieces of literature that you have obtained from your search strategy.

k. Cite two pieces of literature that you have used to help you in conducting the search strategy. For example, you may use the research textbook.

Part C Record your ePoster slide

  1. Record your narration to the PowerPoint.
  2. Narrate your clinical question.
  3. Explain your choice of keywords and alternative terms.
  4. Explain your search strategy.
  5. Explain how you have used Boolean operators.
  6. Explain how you have used wildcards.
  7. Explain how you have used truncation.
  8. Explain how you used limiters or filters.
  9. Summarise your two relevant pieces of literature from your search strategy.
  10. Connect these two relevant pieces of literature to your question.
  11. Save your narrated PowerPoint as a MP4 (video file).

Part D Upload your video file on Canvas studio

A clear research question is provided that includes all of the critical PICO/PICo elements. There is demonstration of a clear and comprehensive structured search Comprehensive demonstration of the correct use of key and alternate words, Boolean operators, truncation, wildcards, and filters