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You are asked to select an issue or problem that has been intensified by social or other media. If you have an example from your own organisation that`s great, but many of you may not, in which case you may well want to

Assessment 3 is an individual essay. For this essay students are required to identify an external issue or problem within their chosen organisation, that has been intensified by social or other media. From this identification, students are to critically discuss this issue or problem in relation to how it has been perceived within their chosen organisation, along with the impact it could have on future productivity.

As part of this critical discussion and analysis students are expected to decide on what creative contribution and novel solution the organisation would benefit from that will resolve or diminish the problem that has been intensified by social or other media. Students are then required to create a framework to demonstrate the suggested approach the organisation can take, and make recommendations for its implementation.

This is an individual essay. You can construct this essay in any format or layout of your choice, providing you fulfil the assessment criteria and brief. This essay requires students to underpin their discussions with academic theory. At post-graduate level there is an expectation that the essay will have a clear structure, evidence of understanding, relevance and application, and originality.

Creative change and innovation

1500 words


1. The question is in 3 parts, - part 1 accounts for 20% of the marks, parts 2 and 3 40% each - so focus your wordcount in roughly those proportions

2. You are asked to select an issue or problem that has been intensified by social or other media. If you have an example from your own organisation that`s great, but many of you may not, in which case you may well want to research a case study of a well-known example. Some of the things students have looked at in the past include BP and the Deepwater Horizon oil spillage; Nike and Child Labour; The VW emissions scandal; and Amazon`s employment practices. The key thing the question asks is for you to consider the impact on the business - we are not looking for a long `tale` of what the issue was. Try and summarise the background as succinctly as possible.

3. You are then asked to critically discuss creative approaches. Look at different theories and evaluate which is the most relevant to the situation you have identified - consider the strengths and limitations of different approaches, and draw a conclusion.  Consider in particular some of the approaches you looked in the later weeks of the module. Simply repeating some of the traditional change models (Kotter/Lewin etc) is unlikely to gain you a pass mark.

4. The next section asks you to design a creative framework around change that will help to resolve the problem. This doesn`t mean creating a new `model` or theory but applying the most relevant approach to the issue - what would you actually have to do.  This does not have to be what the organisation actually did (though it may be) - it is the approach you would have taken, based on your reading and analysis, to solve it.

5. With the wordcount, you have just under 1500 words (1350 +10%), so although you still need to be fairly concise you do have space to develop points.

6. Your language does not have to be `academic` but it should be professional. Write in an objective tone and try to avoid emotive language and unsubstantiated comment.

7. Use good quality academic sources - the textbook is a good basis for the foundation of your assignment but you must read wider than this. Remember that articles from the press, magazines, consultancies or `business tips` websites can be useful secondary sources but should not substitute for academic literature.

8. One trap that students sometimes fall into with this assignment is to focus on "managing public relations" issues.  Remember this is a module on creative change and innovation, not marketing and PR so ensure your reading focuses on these aspects.

9. I`m pleased to say that most of you are Harvard referencing correctly but if you`re not, please review the guide (Links to an external site.). Getting it wrong is a really silly way to lose marks!

Example - Plagiarised, Please Do Not Copy :)

Creative Change and Innovation in the Context of Social Media-Intensified Issues


In today`s digital era, social and other media platforms play a significant role in magnifying organizational issues, which can significantly impact public perception and future productivity. This essay explores such a scenario within a chosen organization, critically discusses the issue`s impact, and proposes a creative framework for resolving it.

Part 1: Identification of the Issue

Case Study: Volkswagen Emissions Scandal

The Volkswagen (VW) emissions scandal, also known as "Dieselgate," serves as a prime example of an issue intensified by media. In 2015, it was revealed that VW had installed software in diesel engines to cheat emissions tests. This revelation, widely publicized through social media and news outlets, resulted in a massive backlash against VW, affecting its reputation, customer trust, and market value.

Impact on Volkswagen

The scandal had immediate and long-term effects on VW. In the short term, the company faced legal penalties, recall costs, and plummeting sales. Long-term consequences included a damaged brand image, loss of customer loyalty, and increased scrutiny from regulatory bodies. The media coverage ensured that the scandal remained in public discourse, perpetuating the negative impact on VW`s productivity and market position.

Part 2: Critical Discussion of Creative Approaches

Theoretical Perspectives

Several theories of change management and innovation can be applied to address such issues. Among them, the theories of Disruptive Innovation (Christensen), Transformational Leadership (Bass), and Design Thinking (Brown) are particularly relevant.

  • Disruptive Innovation: This theory emphasizes creating new markets and value networks, eventually disrupting existing markets. For VW, embracing electric vehicles (EVs) could serve as a disruptive innovation strategy, aligning with the global shift towards sustainable transportatio