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You are Data Analyst for the UNICEF organisation, an you have been asked to design a report to raise awareness of the public on a specific world issue. Task Using the files that you already have received by email (i.e., one or both unicef_indicator_

Quarto Assignment Instructions


You are Data Analyst for the UNICEF organisation, an you have been asked to design a report to raise awareness of the public on a specific world issue.


Using the files that you already have received by email (i.e., one or both unicef_indicator_1.csv and unicef_indicator_2.csv files as well as unicef_metadata.csv file), create an html report that contains a story (i.e., narrative) and some visualisations to support this story.

This html report must be rendered from a Quarto document (.qmd) and published with GitHub Pages.


You can copy-paste the exact same text included in your Tableau Dashboard assignment. You can also modify it or write a new one if you prefer. This story has to use Markdown emphasis style (e.g., title levels, italic/bold font, list and bullet points, ...).


They will have to be created with ggplot2. You need to include at least 4 visualisations:

•    A World Map chart,

•    A bar chart,

•    A scatterplot with a linear regression line,

•    A time-series chart.


Submit the URL of your html report published with GitHub Pages on the MT5000 Loop page by April 13th, 1pm.

Assessment Criteria

•     Overall R Code (25%)

•     Data Transformations (25%)

•     Visualisation Design (25%)

•     Markdown Style (25%)

See criteria quality grid for a description of expected submissions.