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You are on placement in a rural health facility with another student. You are both staying in the quarters building and have been on the same shifts for the week. You notice

NUR222 Nursing Case Study Assignment 2
Subject Code :- NUR222
Title :- Nursing Case Study
Assessment Type :- Assignment 2 Individual
Word Count :- 2000 words
Goal :- Nurses midwives and other health professionals have legal and ethical responsibilities and account abilities in practice. The goal of this assessment is to apply your under standing of ethical and legal principles and requirements to the roles and responsibilities.
NUR222 Nursing Case Study Assignment 2

NUR222 Nursing Case Study Assignment
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) Assessed
1.Identify describe and apply aspects of the Australian legal system and statutory bodies to nursing and midwifery practice.

2.Define and apply contemporary professional ethical standards to decision making and practice.

3.Critically analyse health situations from an ethical and legal perspective

Assessment Criteria and Rubric
Rubrics help you to understand what knowledge and skills you need to demonstrate in your assessments. They also show you how your submission will be marked and what is expected at the different grade levels.

A. Definition of and application of contemporary professional ethical standards to ecision making and practice
B. Identify describe and apply aspects of the Australian legal system and statutory bodies to nursing and midwifery practice.
C. Critical analysis of health situations from an ethical and legal perspective

Task Instructions:
You are required to develop short answer responses to set case studies (2000 words).
In this task you are asked to respond to the two scenarios case studies presented Your responses will draw on theory legislation the professional codes of conduct and ethics and organisational policy.

Within your response to each case you must consider:

a. The ethical principles and how they apply to the case.
b. The legal requirements for students and registered health professionals.
c. The implications for the health facility and/or education provider if required for each of the cases

Note: This task does not require a reflection.

NUR222 Nursing Case Study Assignment 2
NUR222 Nursing Case Study Assignment
Case 1 :-
You have just started placement in a regional hospital. The patient you have been allocated to is going to theatre. This patient refused to consent to having a student observe or assist during the procedure. You escort the patient to theatre to give a clinical hand over. Your mentor sends you to go change so you can go into the theatre. You state that you are not allowed to go into theatre as the patient does not want students to be present whilst they are under anaesthetic. Your mentor dismisses your concerns saying They won’t even know you were there. You are now feeling stressed.

Case 2 :-
You are on placement in a rural health facility with another student. You are both staying in the quarters building and have been on the same shifts for the week. You notice that your fellow student appears to be drinking alcohol quite heavily each night and getting back to the quarters very late. At the start of placement, you were asked if you wanted to have a drink with them but you declined as you wanted to focus on your studies. Last night they were posting pictures of themselves in uniform at the local pub intoxicated and posting this on their Instagram stories.This morning it appears that they are attending the morning shift apparently still under the influence of alcohol. You decide to confront them as their behaviour is putting patients at risk and also has an influence on your placement.They state that they have been struggling with the death of a close friend a month ago and that without the support of family they are struggling emotionally. They don’t want you tell anyone as they need to get through this placement as they cannot afford to repeat the placement or course and would have to withdraw from their degree.