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You are required to critically evaluate an enterprise’s customer experience environment. Thecriteria for assessment will focus on the student’s ability to critically analyse a situationand then evaluate and develop appropriate solutions.For the purpose

Customer Experience Management Project – SPE

Eir, formerly known as eircom is a landline and broadband provider

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 Eircom Limited, commonly known as Eir, is a prominent mobile and broadband company based in The Republic of Ireland. Their vision is to be at the center of your digital world, connecting everyone and everything across TV, home phone, mobile, and fiber broadband. They were the first company in Ireland to offer all these services together1. Eir’s commitment revolves around providing digital experiences, whether it’s superfast broadband, mobile connectivity, or television services. They aim to empower individuals, businesses, and communities by bridging the digital divide and enhancing connectivity across the country.


RequirementsYou are required to critically evaluate an enterprise’s customer experience environment. Thecriteria for assessment will focus on the student’s ability to critically analyse a situationand then evaluate and develop appropriate solutions.For the purpose of this project, the student will take on the role of a customer experiencemanagement consulting company.This assignment is worth 70% of the module.


Plagiarism software will be used to detect plagiarism and any infringement will be dealt within accordance with institute policy. Please see https://libguides.ittralee.ie/c.php?g=167674for more information


Sample Document structureThe final document needs to be well-structured and professionally presented. Harvardreferencing, numbered headings, and excellent formatting are essential. Ensure you havethe document structure as outlined below. Students may add additional sections if required.

1: Business IntroductionIntroduce the business you are investigating and the relevance of CEM to its future strategies.

2: Overall Project Aim and ObjectivesOne main overall aim. Objectives should be numbered. Include 4 to 5 objectives.

3: CEM Strategy

3.1 Company VisionDefine the company’s customer-focused core values and create a customer-centric vision.

3.2 Customer PersonasThe first step in building a customer strategy is understanding customers' needs andbehaviours and creating customer segmentation based on these factors. Look at creating aprofile for the most valuable customer segment.Create a minimum of 2 Sample Customer Personas for your chosen business. Utilisecompany data if available and market research to help benchmark a typical customer orpotential customer.

3.3 The Customer Journey Map / CEM AuditStudents are required to audit existing customer interactions with the business. This can be adigital audit and or physical touchpoints audit. A visual customer journey map for thecompany’s most valuable customer should be developed that covers the following sections:Audit Existing Touchpoints: Provide an overview of the existing touchpoints, includingscreenshots – for example, a website, social network channels, emails, advertising, physicalbuildings etc.Audit of Technology: Provide an overview of the existing customer experience technologies,if any, being used in the business, for example, CRM system, survey software or Microsoftoffice.Customer Life Cycle Stages: Review the different stages the customer will go through frominitial search to post purchase for your chosen business. You can focus on a particularproduct/service or create a general lifecycle of interactions.

For each stage of the Customer Journey, design a customer journey map that looks at thefollowing:1. Identify the goal and needs of your customer at each stage2. Identify existing touchpoints at each stage3. Identify existing Feedback/data capture techniques at each stage – membershipsign-up, web forms, product ratings etc,4. Identify existing CX issues/ problems at each stage5. Identify CX improvements and opportunities that can be made at each stage3.4 Employee/OrganisationalDefine an organizational structure for CX collaboration across teams & departments.Establish a guide for employees to apply customer-focused practices to how they work.• CX Team / Internal Governance & Processes• Train & Support Employees / Feedback etc.

4: CEM Software ImplementationBased on your findings during the strategy development and analysis of the business, you arerequired to implement a Customer Experience technology and demo your software in aVIVA at the end of the semester. This means that you set up a technology with samplecustomer experience data and Investigate what features will be relevant to meet theexperiential needs of the organisation.1. Define clear objectives of what you want to use the software system for.2. Review and compare existing software options and features3. Select a CX software to trial and provide a rationale for that choice.4. Create an account with the chosen CX system5. Customise the CX software as required for your business model6. Add in sample customer data to test relevant CX features7. Include screenshots of the step-by-step process of setting up the CX system anddocument in detail each stage of the process undertaken.A student can focus on one main aspect of the CX such as reporting and dashboards or demoa couple of features that may benefit the company under review. Students should demonstrateengagement with the topic and investigate in more detail the technologies covered in class.


Sample Features to Implement1. Customer Relationship Management System• Implement a Demo CRM System for your chosen business• Utilise core CRM features,• Reporting, automation of tasks, personalization• Must use sample customer data


2. Measurement & Feedback Technology• Design and implement a Customer or Employee Feedback System• Should be based on a problem that the company is trying to solve• Generate key questions to ask in helping to solve the problem.• Implement different software to track and monitor customer/employeefeedback

3. Customer Analytics and Experience Reporting• Customer Analytics Reporting and Measurement software• Development of dashboards and customer reporting• Display Key Performance Indicators and CX metrics• Must use sample customer data and other relevant data sources








5: Findings & Recommendationso What are the key findings and recommendations based on your analysis of thecompany’s customer experience management?o For example, what are the overall recommendations that you would make toimprove the customer journey in the future? Is there more technology requiredor feedback capture for example?o What are the key findings from the CRM integrationo Evaluate future CEM considerations and actions for the business.o This is a very important section and should be clearly defined into actionable steps forthe business.References (not included in wordcount)• A list of all works referred to in your work. Quality is more important than quantity,demonstrating engagement with relevant literature - both subject-specific andmethodological - as appropriate.• Such references should be used throughout your research proposal to demonstrate thatyou have read and understood the work of others.• Other relevant material that you are aware of, but not actually used in writing yourproposal, can also be added as a bibliography• Include book/research paper/journal/conference proceeding references etc.• Referencing: Use a consistent style Harvard (as per college guidelines)https://library.aru.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm• Plagiarism is taken very seriously by MTU. Please ensure you have read andunderstood the referencing and plagiarism information here:https://libguides.ittralee.ie/c.php?g=167674




Marking SchemeCompany Vision, objectives, Customer Personas, Journey Map:Clear company vision, defined customer-focused strategy, and objectives set out for project work. 1 to2 personas for customer journey mapping.Personas should identify needs, motivations etc not just standard demographic information. Looking atstages and touchpoints across the entire customer lifecycle. This work should be visually presented andwell thought out. 35%

Employee Experience Plan:Define an organizational structure for CX collaboration across teams & departments.Overview of how employees might apply customer-focused practices to how they work. 10%

Technology Implementation:Identify CEM tools/technologies to address shortages in the existing Customer Journey.Implementation and testing of relevant CEM technology with demo data.Should demonstrate self-learning and engagement with the topic.35%

Findings / Recommendations / Future plan:What are the key findings?What are the CEM recommendations for this business?Provide actionable steps for the future.Should look at future implementations/phases. 20%