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You are required to write a scientific report presented as an ArcGIS StoryMap report. It should provide a description and interpretation of the sites visited and also refer to relevant published scientific literature.


This assessment aims to facilitate a deeper understanding of the Carboniferous geology of Derbyshire and the Permo-Triassic geology of
Nottinghamshire. You will do this by exploring the geological features of several field sites during the field course and relating this to published
academic literature.

Specific Tasks:

You are required to write a scientific report presented as an ArcGIS StoryMap report. It should provide a description and interpretation of the sites visited and also refer to relevant published scientific literature.

Guidance will be provided within the module on how to create an ArcGIS Story Map.

To submit your work you will need to do the following:

  • ‘Publish’ your StoryMap to create a URL (weblink). This should be submitted as a note to your final DropBox submission.
  • Once you have ‘published’ your StoryMap you can print to pdf (right-click on the web page, select ‘print’, set printer to pdf document) to create a
    pdf version of your StoryMap that can be submitted to the Dropbox.

A scientific StoryMap report should have a succinct format that includes the following sections (as is standard for any scientific report):

  • Introduction – provides a relevant overview of the subject area (can also include a map/s of the sites investigated);
  • Methods – succinctly describes the work that was undertaken, equipment and methods used;
  • Results – describes your own observations and data. Include a written description of each site and include relevant diagrams and graphs (which
    should be referred to in the text);
  • Discussion – reviews your own collected data and observations and puts them into the wider context of the geological periods investigated concerning published scientific literature;
  • Summary – outlines the key rock types/ formations and points presented in the report;
  • References – a section that provides appropriate reference to the academic literature that has been cited in your work;