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You are working as a junior developer at Smashing Websites Ltd. You are part of a team of junior developers that have recently joined the organisation. Smashing Websites provide services to a range of clients in the UK and abroad. Task 1


Introduction to Web Authoring Project

Date for Submission: Please refer to the timetable on ilearn

(The submission portal on ilearn will close at 14:00 UK time on the date of submission)

As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a Introduction to Web Authoring assignment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing the module, you should be able to:

  1. Identify design, usability and accessibility issues involved in delivering websites.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the website planning and design processes
  3. Understand web technologies, development environments and implementation methods.
  4. Design, implement, test and document a website solution for a defined scenario.

Graduate Attributes:

Effective Communication: Communicate effectively both, verbally and in writing, using a range of media widely used in relevant professional context. Be IT, digitally and information literate.

All learning outcomes must be met to pass the module.


Your assignment should include: a title page containing your student number, the module name, the submission deadline and the exact word count of your submitted document; the appendices if relevant; and a reference list in AU Harvard system(s). You should address all the elements of the assignment task listed below. Please note that tutors will use the assessment criteria set out below in assessing your work.

You must not include your name in your submission because Arden University operates anonymous marking, which means that markers should not be aware of the identity of the student. However, please do not forget to include your STU number.

Maximum word count: 3000 words

Please refer to the full word count policy which can be found in the Student Policies section here: Arden University | Regulatory Framework

Please note the following:

Students are required to indicate the exact word count on the title page of the assessment.

The word count includes everything in the main body of the assessment (including in text citations and references). The word count excludes numerical data in tablesfigures, diagrams, footnotes, reference list and appendices. ALL other printed words ARE included in the word count.

Please note that exceeding the word count by over 10% will result in a 10% point deduction.


You are working as a junior developer at Smashing Websites Ltd. You are part of a team of junior developers that have recently joined the organisation. Smashing Websites provide services to a range of clients in the UK and abroad.

Task 1

The company has been approached by an organisation who would like to create a website for visitors. This will be a website that comprises of ‘mini sites’ that encourage visitors to develop new interests that will engage them in physical activity and stimulating their intellectual thinking.

You have been asked to pitch an idea for one of these mini sites by producing a website specification. The content and topic of this mini site is up to you. The specification should include the following sections:

  • Objective/Goals
  • Key audience(s) that includes at least two user personas.
  • Provisional site structure (to contain at least 5 content pages and a form)
  • Functional specification
  • Competitor analysis

Create the specification as a single HTML page with the following file name: [yourstudentnumber]_specification.html e.g. STU96645_specification.html

Please Note:

  • You are expected to follow the theme provided here for the website which is physical activity. Failure to do so will result in a 50% mark deduction for this task.
  • Failure to submit this task as a HTML file will award a 5 mark deduction (800 words) (20 marks) (LOs: 1, 2, 3)

Having proposed an idea for a mini website, you have been asked to create your proposal.


The site should:

  • Contain at least 5 pages of content (text, images etc)
  • Contain a form that collects input (e.g. feedback form, query form)
  • Use HTML and CSS to structure and format the pages


  1. You should NOT use a framework or set of existing templates to create this site. The task is to assess your ability to create these pages from scratch.
  2. The content in your site should be 100% original i.e. you need to write your own text and create your own images. You should ensure that the topic you choose allows you to do this.
  3. You are allowed to use royalty free images from sites such as Shutterstock.

Ensure that sources are well referenced using Harvard referencing format and acknowledged.

You will be assessed on your ability to create pages that effectively use HTML and CSS to present your content and demonstrate your understanding of optimisation, usability and accessibility requirements.

Create a folder called ‘website’ and save all files for task 2 in this folder. (equivalent to 1400words) (60 marks) (LOs: 2, 3, 4)

Provide evidence that you have evaluated your website in terms of usability and accessibility.


  • Include evidence that you have considered how your site will look across different browsers and screen layouts (e.g Tablets, Smart phones, PC monitor etc).
  • You will also need to check that your site validates correctly in terms of HTML and CSS and the extent to which your site content is readable.
  • You should document any changes that you have made as a result of testing e.g., before and after reports of your HTML validation (Please include screenshots).
  • Produce a single web page which presents this evidence, in the form of text and relevant screenshots.
  • Create this evidence as a single HTML page with the following file name: [yourstudentnumber]_testing.html

e.g., STU96645_testing.html

Please Note:

  • Failure to submit this task as a HTML file will attract a 10 mark deduction
  • Please ensure you follow the submission guide as detailed in the Submission Guidance section. (equivalent to 800 words) (20 marks) (LOs: 1)

End of questions


You have the opportunity to submit your draft specification to receive formative feedback.

The feedback is designed to help you develop areas of your work and it helps you develop your skills as an independent learner.

If you are a distance learning student, you should submit your work, by email, to your tutor, no later than 2 weeks before the actual submission deadline. If you are a blended learning student, your tutor will give you a deadline for formative feedback and further details.

Formative feedback will not be given to work submitted after the above date or the date specified by your tutor - if a blended learning student.

 Referencing Guidance

You MUST underpin your analysis and evaluation of the key issues with appropriate and wide-ranging academic research and ensure this is referenced using the AU Harvard system(s).

Follow this link to find the referencing guides for your subject: Arden Library

Assignments submitted late will not be accepted and will be marked as a 0% fail.

Your assessment (which is all three tasks) should be submitted as a single Zip file with your student number as the file name.

Do not submit your assignment as a RAR file or any other archiving application (asides the one mentioned above) as this will not be accessible for marking. Failure to submit as a zipped folder will attract a 10 mark deduction.

You must ensure that the submitted assignment is all your own work and that all sources used are correctly attributed. Penalties apply to assignments which show evidence of academic unfair practice. (See the Student Handbook which is available on the A-Z key information on iLearn.)

COM4007 Introduction to Web Authoring Project

Task 1 marking criteria: Website Specification (20%)


80% and above






29% and below

Objective/Goals What is the primary purpose of the website? (4 marks)

An exceptional articulation of the goals and purpose of the website.

There must be clarity, relevance, specificity, inspiring, concise and demonstrate a clear understanding of the target audience and prioritize the needs and preferences of the target audience

An excellent articulation of the goals and purpose of the website.

There must be clarity, relevance, specificity, inspiring, concise and demonstrate a clear understanding of the target audience and prioritize the needs and preferences of the target audience

A very good articulation of the goals and purpose of thew website, with some scope for further development.


There must be clarity, relevance, specificity, concise and demonstrate a clear understanding of the target audience.

A good articulation of the goals and purpose of the website, though there may be scope for more depth of development and some aspects lack clarity.

There must be clarity, relevance, specificity, concise and demonstrate a clear understanding of the target audience.

An adequate articulation of the goals and purpose of the website but generally lacking in depth and there are issues with clarity and relevance.

There must be clarity, relevance, specificity, concise and demonstrate a clear understanding of the target audience.

An incomplete articulation of the goals and purpose of the website with scope for much more development and clarity.

There must be clarity, relevance, demonstrate a clear understanding of the target audience.

A largely absent or insufficient articulation of the goals and purpose of the website.

Basic or bullet points of objectives and goals. Or content provided here is not relevant to the provided context.

Key audience(s)

(4 marks)

An exceptional insight into the key audiences for the website. At least 60 words.


Very detailed understanding of the target audience`s demographics, preferences, behaviors, and needs. This can include factors such as age, gender, location, interests etc.

More than 2 personas based on relevant characteristics.

References or evidence included to justify key audience identification.

A sophisticated insight into the key audiences for the website. At least 50 words.


Detailed understanding of the target audience`s demographics, preferences, behaviors, and needs. This can include factors such as age, gender, location, interests etc.


At least 2 personas based on relevant characteristics

A very good articulation into the key audiences for the website, with minor deficiencies in terms of content and clarity.

Shows a very good understanding of the target audience`s demographics, preferences, behaviors, and needs. This can include factors such as age, gender, location, interests etc.

At least 2 personas based on relevant characteristics

A mostly coherent articulation into the key audiences for the website, but there is scope for more depth of understanding.

Shows a good understanding of the target audience`s demographics, preferences, behaviors, and needs. This can include at least 2 factors such as age, gender, location, interests etc.

At least 1 persona based on relevant characteristics. Identify design, usability and accessibility issues involved in delivering websites

A basic articulation of the key audiences for the website with scope for further work in presenting key information.

Understanding of the target audience.

Demographics missing.

At least 1 user persona. Content is relevant to context.

A limited articulation of the key audiences for the website which shows limited depth and understanding. List of users only without any justifications or rational for identification. A sentence or 2 on key audience. Content has very little relevance to context.


1 or 2 user personas present but a lot of details missing.

An insufficient identification of key audiences for the website. Completely missing. Key audiences not relevant to context.


No user persona or basic user persona.


Provisional site structure (to contain at least 5 content pages and a form)

(4 marks)

The site structure is exceptionally clear and logical.


Organized in a logical hierarchy, with main categories and subcategories clearly defined. Navigation labels and menu items should be descriptive and concise, accurately reflecting the content of the pages they lead to.

An excellent outline of the site structure which is highly logical. .


Organized in a logical hierarchy, with main categories and subcategories clearly defined. Navigation labels and menu items should be descriptive and concise, accurately reflecting the content of the pages they lead to.

A very good site structure is presented, with some minor issues in terms of clarity and coherence.


Organized in a logical hierarchy, with main categories and subcategories clearly defined. Navigation labels and menu items accurately captioned.

A good articulation of site structure but there is scope for further development in terms of coherence and clarity


Organized in a logical hierarchy, with main categories and subcategories clearly defined. Navigation labels and menu items accurately captioned

A basic presentation of site structure with scope for much more development in terms of clarity and coherence.

An incomplete or underdeveloped site structure with omissions or errors.

A largely absent site structure or there are significant issues in demonstrating understanding of required aspects.

Functional specification (4 marks)

An exceptional articulation of functional requirements that is wide ranging in its scope.


Covers a wide range of functionalities and features that the website must have to fulfill its purpose effectively for at least 80% of the pages.

Functional requirements are aligned with the needs of the key audience.

An excellent articulation of functional requirements that address many relevant aspects.


Covers a wide range of functionalities and features that the website must have to fulfill its purpose effectively for at least 70% of the pages. Functional requirements are aligned with the needs of the key


A very good articulation of functional requirements that covers the majority of relevant aspects though there may be minor omissions or errors in understanding.


Covers a very good range of functionalities and features that the website must have to fulfill its purpose effectively for at least 60% of the pages.

Functional requirements are aligned with the needs of the key audience.

A good articulation of functional requirements that covers a number of relevant aspects though there may be scope for further development.


Covers a range of functionalities and features that the website must have to fulfill its purpose effectively for at least 30% of the pages. Functional requirements are aligned with the needs of the key audience.

A basic articulation of functional requirements, with aspects that are either incomplete or missing or there is a lack of understanding in key aspects.


Covers some functionalities and features of the website and shows some alignment with the needs of the key audience.

An incomplete presentation of functional requirement that contains many omissions of relevant content or demonstrates limited understanding of key concepts.

A largely incomplete set of requirements or very limited understanding of required aspects.


Competitor analysis

(4 marks)

An exceptional and insightful analysis of competitor websites.


The analysis includes a comprehensive review of at least 5 major competitor websites.


Discuss in great detail competitor websites in terms of their

design, accessibility, usability, and features. Website links included

An excellent analysis

of competitor websites that demonstrates originality of thought.


The analysis includes a comprehensive review of at least 5 major competitor websites.


Discuss in detail competitor websites in terms of their

design, accessibility, usability, and features. Website links included

A very good analysis of competitor websites that contains a number of high relevant observations though there is scope for some further development.


The analysis includes a very good review of at least 5 major competitor websites.


Discuss in detail competitor websites in terms of their

design, accessibility, usability, and features.

Website links included

A good analysis of competitor websites though there is scope for more development as aspects lack depth or detail.


The analysis includes a decent review of at least 4 major competitor websites.


Discuss in detail competitor websites in terms of their

design, accessibility, usability, and features. Website links included

A basic competitor analysis which has scope for much more work in terms of depth of development.


Basic analysis of at least 3 competitor websites. Missing some aspects such as design, accessibility, usability, and features. Some website links included.

An incomplete analysis which is limited in extent and depth.


Little or missing aspects in the analysis such as design, accessibility, usability, and features. Some website links not included. Content not relevant. Ambiguous content not specific to areas of analysis.

An absent or insufficient analysis of competitor sites.


No competitor analysis attracts zero marks.


Bullet point sentences with no comparative analysis for design, accessibility, usability, and features. Website links not included.

Task 2 marking criteria: Website (60%)


80% and above






29% and below

Content (20 marks)

Exceptional content in terms of text and images which is polished, creative and highly engaging throughout the entire site.

An excellent level of content encompassing text and images across the site pages which demonstrate a high level of understanding of consistency, theme and purpose.

A very good level of content in terms of text and images which demonstrates purpose, theme and consistency throughout the site though there are some minor issues.

A good level of content in terms of text and images which attempts to address issues of theme, consistency and purpose though there are issues with implementation and depth across website pages.

An adequate level of content but there is scope for further levels of originality of thought in relation to the task and opportunities to further develop the content in terms of

purpose, theme and consistency.

An insufficient level of content which demonstrates little understanding of the audience or their needs.

Largely incomplete content that demonstrates little understanding of purpose, theme or consistency.

Technical Implementation (20 marks)

A professional level of production and technical proficiency that results in an outstanding use of HTML and CSS to present site pages that are highly consistent in terms of implementation of elements such as images, forms, tables, headers and lists as

well as optimisation of site elements.

An excellent level of production demonstrating a very high level of proficiency in the use of HJTML and CSS, including a high level of mastery of elements such as images, headers, lists, tables and forms as well as optimisation of site elements.

A very good use of HTML and CSS code which shows that the author has a good level of control of these elements and how they can be used to construct optimised site pages.

Markup is meaningful, headers are used in order and elements such as images, forms, lists and tables are marked up according to purpose

A competent use of HTML and CSS which shows control of the code but there are errors in terms of use of HTML markup and CSS across elements such as images, forms, headers, tables and lists and optimisation of site elements.

An adequate use of HTML and CSS with some evidence of understanding but there are a number of significant errors in implementation of images, forms, tables, lists and headers and optimisation of site elements.

Insufficient use of appropriate HTML and CSS to construct optimised site pages, with many inconsistencies.

A largely incomplete implementation of HTML and CSS with little evidence of understanding of appropriate use of tags and styles to create optimised site pages.

Organisation (information architecture, navigation, links) (10 marks)

A professional use of navigation and links in the context of information

architecture ensuring that there are no

An excellent use of navigation and links in the context of information

architecture resulting in a highly intuitive site

A very good use of navigation and links in the context of information architecture

that serve the site well and provide consistency

A competent use of navigation and links in the context of information

architecture but there are issues in

Evidence of understanding of navigation, links and information

architecture but there are issues in terms of

Significant errors in terms of use of navigation, links which render much of the

site unusable and unintuitive in terms of

An absence of usable navigation elements rendering the site unusable from an information




issues in terms of accessibility and usability when accessing site content.

where all the content is clearly accessible

and usability though there are some minor errors in implementation.

implementation and scope for further development in terms

of consistency and function.

consistency and/or broken links.

information architecture

architecture perspective.


(10 marks)

A professional level of design which demonstrates use of layout, colour and typography which come together to an extremely high level.

An excellent level of design which demonstrates a high level of understanding of layout, colour and typography.

A very good level of design which demonstrates understanding of colour, typography and layout in most cases through there are some minor

issues with implementation.

A good level of design in terms of layout, colour and typography which is usable and accessible thought there are errors or issues in terms of implementation.

A basic understanding of design in terms of structure, typography and use of colour

An insufficient design which impacts significantly on function and usability in terms of text, images, colour and layout and there are

major issues with originality.

An unusable design which renders the site inaccessible or the design shows a very high lack of originality due to using template elements.

Task 3 Marking criteria: Evaluation (20%)


80% and above






29% and below

Evaluation (20 marks)

An exemplary level of evidence of testing and evaluation that full encompasses the range of tests available and is conducted to a professional level.

Evidence that all pages were tested with before and after screenshots of the pages (if test showed need for improvement).


Tests and validation includes: 1. HTML Validator (The W3C  Markup Validation  Service),

2. CSS validator (The  W3C CSS Validation  Service)

3. Wave Tool (WAVE  Web Accessibility  Evaluation Tool  (webaim.org))

Web contrast checker (WebAIM: Contrast Checker).


Website was tested on different web browsers and devices across several screen sizes.

An excellent level of evidence of testing and evaluation that encompasses a comprehensive range of tests. Evidence that 80% of the pages were tested with before and after screenshots of the pages (if test showed need for improvement).


Tests and validation includes: 1. HTML Validator (The W3C  Markup Validation  Service),

2. CSS validator (The  W3C CSS Validation  Service)

3. Wave Tool (WAVE  Web Accessibility  Evaluation Tool  (webaim.org))

Web contrast checker (WebAIM: Contrast Checker).


Website was tested on different web browsers and devices across several screen sizes.

Missing one test.

A very good level of evidence of testing and evaluation that encompasses a wide range of tests though there is scope for some minor improvements. Evidence that 60% of the pages were tested. Evidence of any improvement made. Tests and validation includes: 1. HTML Validator (The W3C  Markup Validation  Service),

2. CSS validator (The  W3C CSS Validation  Service)

3. Wave Tool (WAVE  Web Accessibility  Evaluation Tool  (webaim.org))

Web contrast checker (WebAIM: Contrast Checker).


Website was tested on different web browsers and devices across several screen sizes.


Missing two tests.

A good level of evidence of testing and evaluation that encompasses a range of tests though there is scope for further testing and documentation.

Evidence that 50% of the pages were tested. At least one evidence of any improvement made.


Tests and validation includes at least 3 of any of the following: 1. HTML Validator (The  W3C Markup Validation Service),

2. CSS validator (The  W3C CSS Validation  Service)

3. Wave Tool (WAVE  Web Accessibility  Evaluation Tool  (webaim.org))

Web contrast checker (WebAIM: Contrast Checker).


Website was tested on 2 web browsers.


Missing device testing

A basic level of evidence of testing and evaluation that encompasses some of the available tests but there is scope for much further testing and documentation.

Evidence that some of the pages were tested. Improvement are limited or missing.


Tests and validation are limited.


Website was tested on 1 web browser with limited or no device testing

Limited evidence of testing and evaluation that is largely incomplete or there are major issues with relevance and application of available testing methods.

Information provided is not relevant.


Missing many tests across browsers and devices.

An absence of evidence that relevant testing methods have been employed.


Zero marks for missing tests.

Identify design, usability and accessibility issues involved in delivering websites

COM4007 Introduction to Web Authoring is a pivotal assignment aimed at familiarizing students with the fundamentals of creating web content. In this task, students delve into the core principles of web design, development, and authoring, laying the groundwork for their journey into the expansive realm of digital communication. The assignment typically encompasses a range of topics, including HTML, CSS, and potentially introductory scripting languages like JavaScript, offering students a comprehensive understanding of the underlying structures that constitute the web.

Through this assignment, students not only acquire technical skills but also cultivate a creative mindset essential for effective web authoring. They learn to conceptualize and design user-friendly interfaces, ensuring accessibility and functionality across different devices and platforms. Additionally, this assignment often encourages students to explore emerging trends and technologies in web development, fostering adaptability and innovation in their approach. Ultimately, COM4007 serves as a springboard for students to navigate the dynamic landscape of web authoring, equipping them with the tools and knowledge to craft engaging and impactful digital experiences.