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You will examine the impacts of the significant life events that Arabella has experienced, analyse the involvement of health and social care services in supporting Arabella, and provide recommendations for improved support.


Module name: Significant Life Events and Resilience Academic year: 2023-24

Assessment period: Trimester 2

Module code


Credit value

Module leader






Assessment code and title:


AS1 Written critique

Assessed learning outcomes:

A: Recognise and describe significant life events that may impact on individuals and their social networks

C: Analyse responses made by health and social care services to support individuals experiencing significant life events

F: Apply relevant areas to common, straightforward problems and suggest appropriate, reasonable solutions and creative approaches to problem solving



Word limit:

2,500 words

Where the submission exceeds the stipulated word limit by more than 10%, the submission will only be marked up to and including the additional 10%. Anything over this will not be included in the final grade for the assessment item. Abstracts, bibliographies, reference lists, appendices and footnotes are excluded from any word limit requirements.

Submission deadline:

Friday 26th April at 2pm

Please read this assessment brief in its entirety before starting work on the assessment task.

The Assessment Task:

This assessment is based on Arabella’s Story, which can be accessed at: https://www.england.nhs.uk/personalisedcare/comprehensive-model/case- studies/socialprescribing-the-power-of-time-and-connections/

You will examine the impacts of the significant life events that Arabella has experienced, analyse the involvement of health and social care services in supporting Arabella, and provide recommendations for improved support.

Assessment guidance Read Arabella’s Story.

This is a suggested structure to follow for your assessment:

Introduction (about 500 words):

- Provide a definition for what a significant life event is

- Provide a brief introduction of the case study

Main body (about 1,000 words):

- Identify and describe the significant life event/s that Arabella has experienced

- Using evidence, justify why you consider this to be a significant life event/s

- Examine the impacts (both positive and negative) of the significant life event/s upon Arabella and her social network

- Analyse the involvement of health and social care services in supporting Arabella to identify areas of good practice and where further development is required

- Draw conclusions from your analysis about the impacts that health and social care services have had upon Arabella and her social network

Recommendations (about 1,000 words):

- Provide three appropriate evidence-based recommendations to improve the practices of health and social care services when providing support for individuals who have experienced similar significant life events as Arabella.

- Explain how your recommendations will benefit individuals experiencing these significant life events.

Your submission should be well supported by a relevant and appropriate evidence base. You should include examples to help illustrate key points.

You should include a Harvard formatted reference list of your sources cited in-text.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:

A: Recognise and describe significant life events that may impact on individuals and their social networks

C: Analyse responses made by health and social care services to support individuals experiencing significant life events

F: Apply relevant areas to common, straightforward problems and suggest appropriate, reasonable solutions and creative approaches to problem solving

Academic Integrity and Misconduct

Unless this is a group assessment, the work you produce must be your own, with work taken from any other source properly referenced and attributed. For the avoidance of doubt this means that it is an infringement of academic integrity and, therefore, academic misconduct to ask someone else to carry out all or some of the work for you, whether paid or unpaid, or to use the work of another student whether current or previously submitted.

For further guidance on what constitutes plagiarism, contract cheating or collusion, or any other infringement of academic integrity, please read the University’s Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policy. You will also find useful resources on the VLE: Referencing and Academic Integrity page.

N.B. The penalties for academic misconduct are severe and can include failing the assessment, failing the module and expulsion from the university.

Assessment Submission

To submit your work, please go to the Assessments tile on the module page – and submit to Turnitin. Please note that essays and text-based reports should be submitted as Word documents and not PDFs or Mac files.

Written work will be subject to anti-plagiarism detection software. Turnitin checks student work for possible textual matches against internet available resources and its own proprietary database.

N.B Work emailed directly to your tutor will not be marked.

Late submission of work

For first sits, if an item of assessment is submitted late and an extension has not been granted, the following will apply:

  • Submission within one week of the original deadline – work will be marked and returned with full feedback, and awarded a maximum bare pass grade (D-).
  • Submission more than one week from original deadline – fail grade (LG, L indicating late).

For resits there are no allowances for late submissions


The University of Northampton’s general policy with regard to extensions is to be supportive of students who have genuine difficulties, but not against pressures of work that could have reasonably been anticipated.

For full details please refer to the Extensions Policy. Extensions are only available for first sits – they are not available for resits.


Mitigating Circumstances

For guidance on mitigating circumstances please go to Mitigating CircumstancesVLE area where you will find detailed guidance on the policy as well as guidance and the form for making an application.

Please note, however, that an application to defer an assessment on the grounds of mitigating circumstances should normally be made in advance of the submission deadline or examination date.

Marking Rubric

This is what you will be marked against. You need to check it regularly against your work to ensure you are on the right track.

Learning Outcome (LO)

Distinction (A)

Merit (B)

Commended (C)

Pass (D)

Fail (F)

UONL Learning Outcomes – Level 5

Work that is distinguished is of very high quality, with a broad knowledge base and demonstrates a sustained ability to analyse key aspects of the assessment tasks.

Work of commendable quality demonstrating a strong conceptual grasp of assessment tasks in relation to learning outcomes.

Work that is of sound quality, demonstrating a good understanding of learning outcomes which is sufficient and appropriate to the task or activity.

Work of a broadly satisfactory quality demonstrates evidence of achieving the requirements of the learning outcomes.

Work falls short of the threshold standards. Work addresses the assessment task to some extent but overall is limited in its approach and is outweighed by major deficiencies in the work.

A: Recognise and describe significant life events (SLE) that may impact on individuals and their social networks

The correct ideas of SLE have been used. Knowledge demonstrated in relation to impacts upon case study is thoughtful and is of high quality. Ideas are communicated accurately and effectively. Wider supporting material used is also applied with rigor appropriate to the subject Exceptionally clear and coherent account provided overall.

The correct ideas of SLE have been used and a strong understanding provided in relation to the impacts upon the case study. Consistent use of relevant subject based supporting material to illustrate points with good use of relevant examples.

The correct ideas of SLE have been used with a satisfactory understanding demonstrated in relation to the impacts of SLE upon the case study. A sound overview using examples to illustrate key points.

The correct ideas of SLE have been used but descriptions demonstrate a basic understanding. Some impacts of SLE have been recognised in relation to the case study however some aspects of the work may also include irrelevant/inaccurate information

The ideas of SLE have been used but are limited or inaccurate. Work does not use examples from relevant case study as outlined in the assessment brief/uses examples that are irrelevant. There are key details missing in relation to SLEs and their impact and is limited in its approach/illogical content provided. Overall falls short in relation to quality of examples that only partially illustrate points.


C: Analyse responses made by health and social care services (HSCS) to support individuals experiencing significant life events

An excellent explanation of the involvement and responses of HSCS in the case study, demonstrating well-considered and well-developed analysis.

The consideration of the potential and realised impacts upon individuals being supported is insightful.

Content is exceptional and consistently applied to the case study throughout with excellent examples to illustrate key points.

A clear explanation of the HSCS response in the case study has been provided, demonstrating areas of strong analysis.

Demonstration of the impacts of the HSCS involvement upon individuals is clearly articulated although may be obvious.

Examples are relevant and have been used throughout to support discussions.

A satisfactory explanation has been provided in relation to HSCS response and impacts identified in the case study. The work is relevant to the task with analysis evident. Some relevant examples have been used to illustrate points and a good understanding of the implications of HSCS provision has been identified.

A basic/descriptive explanation of the HSCS responses and impact have been provided with reference to the case study. Some evidence of analysis, however, elements of the content are irrelevant.

A limited/illogical discussion of the involvement of HSCS has been provided, which has limited application to the case study. Limited understanding of the impact of HSCS has been demonstrated. Work falls short of threshold standards with limited reference made to the case study.







F: Apply relevant areas to common, straightforward problems and suggest appropriate, reasonable solutions and creative approaches to problem solving

Excellent, well considered recommendations demonstrating a creative approach to the issues

identified. Exceptionally clear and coherent justification for recommendations, with strong evidence-based outcomes anticipated. Excellent use of

evidence to support arguments.

Recommendations are well aligned and appropriate to the issues raised possibly demonstrating some creativity to solutions. There is strong justification for the recommendations, with reasonable outcomes anticipated. Strong evidence

base presented.

Satisfactory recommendations presented that are appropriate and relevant to the issues raised, demonstrating a certain degree of creativity to solutions. There is satisfactory justification for the recommendations, which are adequately supported by evidence.

Basic recommendations presented that align with the issues or areas for development identified, demonstrating a basic degree of creativity to solutions. There is some justification for the recommendations, which may lack certain appropriateness or supportive evidence base.

Limited/illogical recommendations presented

that may not align with the issues or areas for

development identified. There is limited degree of creativity to solutions. Little justification, appropriateness, and evidence to support recom