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You will write a 5-page paper on the photographer of your choice and their work or select a theme and include the work of several photographers, and prepare a visual presentation to share with the class.

You will write a 5-page paper on the photographer of your choice and their work or select a theme and include the work of several photographers, and prepare a visual presentation to share with the class. Your visual presentation will include images of the artist’s work (an exhibition) and any key points you would like to share from your research.

Your presentation and paper should include a historical contextualization of the artist and the artist’s work. Some things to consider: how does the photographer and the photographer’s work fit in to the historical period covered in the chapter the photographer is included in? What is the social and cultural context of the work? What are the stylistic characteristics of the photographer’s work? What is he/she communicating? Does the artist have several bodies of work - different groupings of thematic pieces, etc.? Consider how the artist’s work draws on your own intellectual interests if these fits. What drew you to this theme or photographer - why did you select this topic?

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Paper Requirements

Your paper should be at least 5 pages long (minimum), double-spaced, with 1” margins. These pages do not include photos, title page, bibliography, etc. Type size should not exceed 12 points. Your paper should be 1500 words minimum (about 5 pages) and will include an introduction and a conclusion. Images, title page, and your bibliography do not count toward your word total count. Proofread your paper, grammar and spelling count, spell check doesn’t catch everything!

Presentation Requirements:

View several photography exhibitions to see how curators communicate the theme of their exhibit to an audience. For example, what work and artists are chosen, how is it laid out? Rake note of the wall labels. How is information presented to viewers? You will use this information in your own exhibits.

Your presentation should include:

[*]  10 images (artist or theme based).

•      Art work labels: Each image should have a label that is included, this included the artist, title, date, media of the work and something about the photo. The label information will come from your paper, with a bit of editing.

•      An exhibition title and exhibition information. This is the introduction to your exhibit, the text on the wall people read as they enter the show. It tells them what they are about to see.

•      a floor plan - can be hand drawn with all info / nothing fancy. This tells us what order the work will be presentee in.