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You will write a short, concise report based on 'Practical 2 - Restriction Enzyme Mapping' and submit this as a Microsoft Word document. The BIO-4018A Molecular Biology and Genetics Laboratory Manual contains much information

Assessment description

You will write a short, concise report based on 'Practical 2 - Restriction Enzyme Mapping' and submit this as a Microsoft Word document.

The BIO-4018A Molecular Biology and Genetics Laboratory Manual contains much information that is useful for this report.

Your report should have the following sections:

Title. You need to come up with this yourself. It should be concise but provide sufficient information to inform the reader of the topic of the study. Hint: it should contain the name of the plasmid used. Hint 2: you shouldn't need more than 10 words. 

Introduction. [Word guide: maximum 150 words]. You need to introduce the topic. An appropriate introduction would contain a discussion of what restriction enzymes are, and what they do in nature as components of restriction modification (RM) systems. Include a one-sentence statement noting their importance as tools in molecular biology. Include at least one reference.

Materials and Methods. [Word guide: maximum 12 words]. A report normally contains a description of the methods employed in the experiments. Quite often this would reference published methods. For this report, we are not requiring you to write a full methods section. This section should contain this single sentence: 'The methods in the 4018A laboratory manual were followed.' 

Results. [Word guide: maximum 300 words]. Start your results section with some descriptive text (just a sentence) saying what you did. Provide some linking text throughout the section so that the section can be read and understood on its own. 

Record your results, including a figure of your agarose gel (you must make clear which lane on the gel contains your sample), a table of fragment sizes for your digest and the other six possible digests (see Lab Manual pages 11-12). Record your analysis and provide a figure of the restriction map it produces (for guidance on the process of restriction mapping see Lab Manual pages 13-15). 
Model data. You can use the model data if you have concerns about the quality of your data. Compare your gel to the model data, determine if the band pattern on your gel is the same and if not, use the model data for the mapping. Do though include your gel image in your report. To be clear, if the band pattern on your gel is not the same as the model data gel image: 

  • Include your gel image and comment on it (you must make clear which lane on the gel contains your sample);
  • Include the model data gel image;
  • Use the model data gel image for the restriction mapping. 

Discussion.[Word guide: maximum 150 words] Provide a one-sentence summary of the results and then write a short discussion. How restriction enzymes can be used in molecular biology would make an appropriate topic for the discussion. Include at least one reference.

References.[Not included in the word limit] A list of references cited in the text in Harvard forma