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Your final summative assessment weighs 100% of your final grade. Learning outcomes assessed in this assessment 1. Distinguish between, and evaluate, different perspectives and proposed responses to educational

Final Assessment Point - Guidelines for the Case Study

Module title: Inclusive Pedagogy and Evidencing Impact on Learners

Assessment task: Case Study Word count limit: 4,500 words

Submission deadline: Please consult the VLE.

Submission procedure: Please submit via the submission link on the VLE.

Extenuating circumstances

If you are experiencing unforeseen personal circumstances that are affecting your ability to submit within the stipulated deadlines, you are required to communicate these issues to the
Unicaf Extenuating Circumstances team in the first instance, via extenuating.circumstances@unicaf.org, for further information on how to make a personal circumstances application for consideration.

Personal circumstances requests may usually only be made within 5 working days of the original deadline unless valid justification, along with appropriate evidence, exists to show that you could not have reasonably communicated the issues any earlier. It is
important to keep in mind that if the claim is not upheld and you have not submitted by the deadline, the module shall be failed as a result of no submission of the summative assessment.

Academic misconduct including plagiarism


By submitting your work you acknowledge that you have read and agree with the above statements.

General Guidance

Your assignment should be word processed (handwritten assignments are not accepted), using time new roman size 12 font, double spaced, with numbered pages and your student number printed as a footer on every page.

The word limits stated for this assignment excludes the reference list at the end of the assignment but includes all text in the main body of the assignment (including direct quotations, in-text citations, footnotes, tables, diagrams and graphs).

Please be aware that exceeding the word count limit will affect the academic judgement of the piece of work and may result in the award of a lower mark.

Appendices are not considered a supplement, and thus, will not be assessed as part of the content of the assignment. As such, they will not contribute to the grade awarded, however it may be appropriate to use an Appendices section for any material which is a useful reference for the reader. Please note that appendices are not included in the word count.

The majority of references should come from primary sources (e.g., journal articles, conference papers, reports, etc.) although you can also utilise area specific textbooks. You must ensure that you use the Harvard style of referencing.

Please indicate the word count length at the end of your assignment.

Please note that you are required to submit an extended literature review project where you will critically evaluate scholarly articles and books in order to answer specific research questions.

Marking and assessment

Your final summative assessment weighs 100% of your final grade.

Learning outcomes assessed in this assessment

  1. Distinguish between, and evaluate, different perspectives and proposed responses to educational and social problems/issues that can affect learning and progression
  2. Critically evaluate notions of transformative learning and how these may relate to principles of social justice
  3. Interpret and critically appraise own resourcefulness and application of professional curiosity and inquiry to enable inclusive pedagogy for teacher development and practice
  4. Develop, implement and evaluate strategies to support positive educational experiences and outcomes for all learners

Learning Outcomes (Los) are your ‘Touchstones’ in terms of reflecting on your existing knowledge and continuous learning. Need to demonstrate how you meet these LOs in the Module Assessment.
Assessment Guidelines
Develop a personal Case Study of an inclusive intervention, contextualised in a critique of theories and concepts related to transformative learning and social justice.

Structure of the Case Study
Your work should include and cover the following sections/aspects and content (as shown and stated in the table below). The specific percentage marks allocated to each section/aspect of your work is stated below. Please also note that the Level 7 marking criteria (located towards the end of this assessment brief) will also be used to reflect this overall grade. Please remember that achievement and demonstration of both learning outcomes (1 - 4) is being assessed in this assessment.

Summative assessment criteria for the CASE STUDY Available marks
Explanation of Criteria 100/100
Introduction and rationale Introduce what the assignment’s focus will be
Give some background here on your first thoughts.
Provide the context and the rationale of your literature review and possible debates around this research area.

Aims and objectives Explain the aims and objectives of the study.

Methodology Explain your search strategy (How did you go about this? Books? Journals? Databases etc.?) – ensure the validity and reliability of the research studies you included in your text.
Examples contextualized and evaluated in contemporary theories and research in the field.

Findings of the Literature Review/Learning Outcomes What does the literature tell you in relation to your personal inclusive intervention?
Do the findings of transformative learning and social justice reflect your intervention?

Conclusions and Implications Try to summarize your work and discuss your implications and recommendations. This section should not include any new material. 20
Presentation criteria Cover Page, Table of Contents, Page numbering, Margins, Line spacing, Appendices (if it is necessary),
Font consistency, Separation of paragraphs.

Harvard referencing Citations and reference list according to the Harvard referencing guide.
Marking Criteria

Mark Performance range characteristic
Grading criteria
90-100 Exceptional
Pass • Exemplary attainment of all learning outcomes
• Demonstrates an outstanding synthesis of varied theoretical positions in the analysis of key issues in the subject area
• Wide-ranging emphasis on knowledge and ideas that are at the forefront of the discipline
• Offers an exhaustive exploration of the literature and evidence-base
• The material covered is accurate and relevant
• The argument is highly sophisticated
• The standard of writing is refined
• No errors in the use of the specified referencing system
• Well-presented and organised in an appropriate academic style.
80-89 Outstanding
Pass • Excellent attainment of all learning outcomes, with some met to an exemplary standard
• Demonstrates a comprehensive synthesis of varied theoretical positions in the analysis of key issues in the subject area. Wide-ranging emphasis on knowledge and ideas that are at the forefront of the discipline
• Extends far beyond expected levels of engagement with the literature and evidence- base
• The material covered is accurate and relevant
• The argument is generally very astute
• The standard of writing is refined
• No errors in the use of the specified referencing system
• Well-presented and organised in an appropriate academic style.
70-79 Excellent pass • Excellent attainment of all learning outcomes
• Demonstrates a thorough synthesis of varied theoretical positions in the analysis of key issues in the subject area
• Strong emphasis on knowledge and ideas that are at the forefront of the discipline
• Thorough use the literature and evidence-base
• The material covered is accurate and relevant
• The argument is persuasive and there are very perceptive elements
• The standard of writing is refined
• No errors in the use of the specified referencing system
• Well-presented and organised in an appropriate academic style.
60-69 Good Pass • Good attainment of all learning outcomes
• Demonstrates detailed synthesis of varied theoretical positions in the analysis of key issues in the subject area
• Good emphasis on knowledge and ideas that are at the forefront of the discipline
• Good consideration of the literature and evidence-base that develops from recommended readings
• The material covered is accurate and relevant
• The argument is persuasive
• The standard of writing is refined
• No errors in the use of the specified referencing system
• Well-presented and organised in an appropriate academic style.
50-59 Pass • Adequate attainment of all learning outcomes
• Demonstrates a limited, but sufficient, synthesis of varied theoretical positions in the analysis of key issues in the subject area
• Some emphasis on knowledge and ideas that are at the forefront of the discipline
• Sufficient consideration of the literature and evidence-base, but little consideration beyond recommended readings
• The material covered is mostly accurate and relevant
• The argument is straightforward and relatively clear
• The standard of writing is well clear and readable, with some sophisticated phrasing
• No errors in the use of the specified referencing system
• Well-presented and organised in an appropriate academic style.
40-49 Needs some improvement • Meets most, but not all learning outcomes
• Demonstrates limited synthesis of varied theoretical positions in the analysis of key issues in the subject area
• Less than expected emphasis on knowledge and ideas that are at the forefront of the discipline
• Basic consideration of the literature and evidence-base, but restricted to recommended readings
• Some inaccuracies or irrelevant materials that suggest confusion and misunderstanding
• The argument is relatively clear, although some elements are difficult to understand
• The standard of writing is well clear and readable, but overly simplistic
• Minor errors in the use of the specified referencing system, but meets key principles • Well-presented and organised in an appropriate academic style.
30-39 Needs major improvement • Approximately half the learning outcomes are met
• Demonstrates very little synthesis of varied theoretical positions in the analysis of key issues in the subject area
• Little emphasis on knowledge and ideas that are at the forefront of the discipline
• Minor consideration of the literature and evidence-base, with inadequate use of recommended reading and no exploration outside that