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You’ve made some progress in justifying the appropriate facility layout for your organization. Nevertheless, you also know that you have only skimmed the surface of layout planni

Assignment 5: Compose a Reflection on Oriented Facility Planning.
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You’ve made some progress in justifying the appropriate facility layout for your organization. Nevertheless, you also know that you have only skimmed the surface of layout planning. It has occurred to you that the layout should also complement a strategic and sustainable model if the company is to achieve a competitive advantage.
Read the article: Overview of dynamic facility layout planning as a sustainability strategy. Specifically, focus on sections 1., 3., 5., and 7.; after reading these sections, answer the following questions. Note: Please ensure you incorporate APA standards (i.e., title, body (questions and answers with supporting citations), and Reference list).
Pérez-Gosende, P., Mula, J., & Díaz-Madroñero, M. (2020). Overview of Dynamic Facility Layout Planning as a Sustainability Strategy. Sustainability, 12(19), 8277. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12198277
• Section 1. What are the three dimensions of performance mentioned in the article? Of the three, which dimension best describes your problem? Explain your answer.
• Section 3. Systemic layout planning methodology (SLP) is the most appropriate approach to resolving facility layout design problems (Perez-Gosende et al., 2020). What is SLP and how does this design impact efficiency?
• Section 5. When discussing layout planning decisions, why do analysts prioritize the proximity among departments, machines, or workstations? How is it all connected to competitive advantage?
• Section 7. The authors provide two points of view with a list of recommendations. What are they, and how would you use any of the recommendations in your organization? If none are applicable, why not?

The answer below is for section 7 and should be hidden from the students.
Two points of view and recommendations are underlined (Perez-Gosende et al., 2020):
First point of view:
“On the one hand, they can understand the unfeasibility of maintaining static layout configurations if they operate in rapidly changing markets. It is possible that by adopting flexible layouts, increased labor productivity and production processes efficiency could compensate for the annual rearrangement costs, which would translate into lower total production costs and the possible adoption of competitive advantages that would lead to higher levels of profitability. Even if the estimated re-layout costs are high due to the operation of heavy machinery, to cite an example, planning a robust plant layout could generate the same effect in the medium term. Therefore, diagnosing the productivity and efficiency improvement opportunities associated with the organization of the elements that make up the production or service systems in the physical space can be a crucial strategy to achieve the economic sustainability of companies’ operations in the medium and long term.
Second Point of view:
On the other hand, the results of this study could encourage practitioners to facilitate their layout decision-making from a holistic perspective, not only considering the economic factor but also elements of environmental and social nature, for this way to contribute to sustainable supply chain management. That could also enhance the company’s reputation among current and potential customers, investors, suppliers, government entities, and other interested parties already committed to sustainable development.”
This assignment must be 5–7 pages (excluding the title and reference page).
Include 5 scholarly resources.
This assignment is worth 120 points and is due on Sunday at 11:59 PM PT.